
"With You the Wind"

Where there are chess children, there are chess fathers and chess mothers.

Chess mothers care about their children when they play chess, help children collect intelligence with extreme precision, and play everything for children when playing chess, which is often beyond the reach of chess fathers.

The biggest advantage of chess dads may come from the love of chess itself. There are chess fathers who do not quit the day to accompany their children to fight in various major competitions, there are chess fathers who drag old eyes and dizzy to fight side by side with their children in the same field, there are chess fathers who invest a lot of energy in spite of their work to grow their children's chess strength, and there are chess fathers who open clubs to open chess academy teams and wing children along the way.

"With You the Wind"

Now it is popular to use virtual singers to fill in the words to make chess songs, which seems to have become the second hobby of the national elephant people, and all kinds of original songs are emerging in an endless stream. It's just that I feel that the virtual singer is a little less emotional, so I recorded a version of my own singing. It must be a bad singing, but there is a little bit of truth in it. I hope that this song "With You Rises the Wind" can give Nono a little encouragement, and I also hope to empathize with many powerful chess fathers, see the smile!

"With You the Wind"

Stop-and-go along the way

Follow the traces of juvenile play

Step ahead of the comeback

There was some hesitation

Can't help but laugh at this near chess timidity

Still unavoidable

Sixty-four days

Still so warm

The wind blew up once upon a time

I first learned about this chessboard

Everything lingers

Looking at the years seems to be in front of you

I am also willing to go to the soup fire and walk it again

Now walk through this chess room

Everything lingers

Turn over the different sides of the face over the years

Caught off guard against seeing those smiling faces

I had a hard time extricating myself from the size of the chess game

Also addicted to playing music dreams

Must not be true or false

Don't struggle

Don't be afraid of jokes

I had turned my youth into her

There have also been fingertips popping up in the middle of summer

The heart moves

Go with Nono

Walk against the light

Let the wind blow and rain

"With You the Wind"

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