
On May 5, lixia, these 6 traditional foods remember to eat, the old tradition should not be lost, simple nutrition means good

author:Lily Food Talk
On May 5, lixia, these 6 traditional foods remember to eat, the old tradition should not be lost, simple nutrition means good

On May 5, lixia, these 6 traditional foods remember to eat, the old tradition should not be lost, simple nutrition means good. May 5 is the Lixia Festival, the first solar term of summer, the arrival of Lixia, the increase in sunshine, gradually heating up, thunderstorms increase, this climate is very suitable for the growth of vegetation, so Lixia is also an important festival that indicates that everything enters the peak season. Send spring to welcome summer, Lixia festival in different regions also have different customs and eating habits, some areas lixia festival to eat Lixia eggs to drink Lixia tea, etc., our hometown Lixia to eat Lixia rice (mustard rice), Lixia eat it hot days do not boil summer. Different traditional foods have their own unique meaning, the summer is coming, these 6 traditional foods do not forget to eat, simple nutrition means good, safe into the summer.

On May 5, lixia, these 6 traditional foods remember to eat, the old tradition should not be lost, simple nutrition means good

1. Lixia egg

Lixia festival eating Lixia eggs is the traditional food of Lixia festival in many regions, Lixia eating Lixia eggs has two sayings, one is: the ancients believed that eggs are round, symbolizing the consummation of life, eating eggs in summer can pray for summer peace, Lixia eating eggs can prevent the common summer symptoms such as loss of appetite, tiredness, weakness, and emaciation. Another saying: Li Xia eats the most supplement, eating an egg is equivalent to eating a chicken. After the summer, the farm is busy and needs to supplement the body with nutrients, so it is necessary to eat more eggs and supplement protein.

On May 5, lixia, these 6 traditional foods remember to eat, the old tradition should not be lost, simple nutrition means good

2. Lixia rice (mustard rice)

There are two kinds of lixia rice, one is coarse grain rice cooked with red beans, soybeans, black beans, green beans, mung beans and other ingredients. The other is mustard rice, because mustard greens are rich in vitamins, Lixia eats special nutrition, you can also add bacon, mangosteen shoots, add some mustard greens, potatoes and white rice together to cook into mustard rice to eat is also very nutritious, Li Xia work costs physical strength, to a bowl of rice can eliminate hunger, work more powerful.

On May 5, lixia, these 6 traditional foods remember to eat, the old tradition should not be lost, simple nutrition means good

3. Standing summer noodles

There are three main types of noodles in Lixia: summer cake, pasta cake and spring roll. "Entering the summer noodles to the new heavens" means that eating noodles in summer can strengthen the body and bring good luck to people. In fact, there is no specific noodle, cook a bowl of nutritious noodles at home to eat, conform to the solar terms map on the line, our family Lixia will do egg sauce mixed noodles to eat, Lixia eat eggs to supplement nutrition and protein, egg sauce mixed noodles, is nutritious and full, very affordable.

On May 5, lixia, these 6 traditional foods remember to eat, the old tradition should not be lost, simple nutrition means good

4. Umi cake

Umi is a juice of fresh black leaves, soaked in glutinous rice for more than four hours, the soaked glutinous rice does not look very dark, and then steamed in water in a cage. Steamed black rice is not only black and shiny, but also permeated with a burst of fragrance, with its own unique aroma of Umi, people are very appetizing, can be paired with some dried fruits, sugar, etc. together to make Umi rice balls, Umi cake to eat, very delicious and relieved. There is also a folk proverb: "On the eighth of April, eat a piece of iron (black rice), and all diseases will be extinguished." , also a figure of an auspicious statement.

On May 5, lixia, these 6 traditional foods remember to eat, the old tradition should not be lost, simple nutrition means good

5. Lixia porridge

Lixia eats Lixia porridge to symbolize a year of peace and security, no disease and no disasters, and is also a symbol of auspiciousness. After the hot weather after the summer, this time is very suitable for eating some porridge water food, Lixia porridge, with a variety of coarse grains, mixed grains together to cook porridge, soft glutinous sweet, very beneficial to good health. Porridge cooked with red beans, black rice, lotus seeds, lilies, etc., suitable for all ages.

On May 5, lixia, these 6 traditional foods remember to eat, the old tradition should not be lost, simple nutrition means good

6. Lixia tea

Some areas in the summer on this day to drink a cup of Lixia tea, Lixia tea is actually after the summer before the small full pick of tea, a summer, many people will be drowsy, mentally unfocused, this time to a cup of tea is very refreshing, will make people refreshed, and the appropriate drink of a little tea, can also promote the digestion of the intestine, the entrance is light bitter, and then back to sweet, especially comfortable.

Lily Food has something to say:

The above 6 kinds of traditional foods in the summer festival, May 5, the summer festival this day remember to eat for the family Oh, choose a few of their own and family like on the line, figure a lucky, conform to the festival family health, safe into the summer.

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