
China's humble 2 "cheap" chrysanthemum teas, ordinary people look down, but connoisseurs are treasures

author:May is still

China's humble 2 "cheap" chrysanthemum teas, ordinary people look down, but connoisseurs are treasures

In Traditional Chinese culture, chrysanthemums are not only a portrayal of integrity, but also given a profound meaning, just like Zheng Sonan's "I'd rather die with incense on the branches, and He Zeng blew it into the cold wind" expresses the infinite affection of the homeland. With the development and progress of the times, people began to study the medicinal value of chrysanthemums in depth.

China's humble 2 "cheap" chrysanthemum teas, ordinary people look down, but connoisseurs are treasures

Later, Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica" recorded: "Chrysanthemums are cold, slightly bitter, can be under fire, dry", and later more and more people began to cultivate chrysanthemums, used to make tea to drink, and have been used to this day. Then in the spring and summer communication, yang qi rise, we can also brew a cup of chrysanthemum tea, to help drive away the dry heat and fire.

There are many varieties of chrysanthemums on the market, many people will not choose, often choose some more inferior prices are still high chrysanthemums, in fact, the selection of chrysanthemums is not so difficult, follow the connoisseurs to choose chrysanthemums, look for 4 principles, you can choose high-quality chrysanthemums.

China's humble 2 "cheap" chrysanthemum teas, ordinary people look down, but connoisseurs are treasures

One. Look at the shape

When choosing chrysanthemums, it is not that the larger the flower shape, the better, nor the brighter the color, the better, the quality and healthy chrysanthemums should have a slight yellow color after drying, and the color of the flower center is heavier than the petals, the flower tray will appear green, this chrysanthemum is naturally dried; and the chrysanthemum with relatively small flower shape will be more resistant to bubbles, and the petals are not easy to fall off after repeated brewing of blonde hair.

China's humble 2 "cheap" chrysanthemum teas, ordinary people look down, but connoisseurs are treasures

Two. Smell the scent

Artificially picked and naturally dried chrysanthemums are superior, so when choosing chrysanthemums, you can smell it, if there is a faint fragrance of chrysanthemums, it means that this type of chrysanthemum is not bad, and if there is a clear pungent sour taste, it means that it is likely to be smoked by sulfur, this chrysanthemum is very unhealthy, it is not recommended for everyone to buy.

China's humble 2 "cheap" chrysanthemum teas, ordinary people look down, but connoisseurs are treasures

Three. Look at the soup color

The color of the tea soup brewed by the chrysanthemums of different qualities is different, the chrysanthemums of better quality are washed with hot water, at first there is no soup color, after a little standing for a while, there will be a faint yellow, with the passage of time, the soup color will begin to be light green, and the soup base is very clear, there is no excess impurities. If the color of the soup is very yellow, or the color is immediately out, it is a chrysanthemum of poor quality.

China's humble 2 "cheap" chrysanthemum teas, ordinary people look down, but connoisseurs are treasures

Fourth, look at the grade

There are many types of chrysanthemums in mainland China, which can be divided into three categories: first-class, second-class and special-grade chrysanthemums according to the national chrysanthemum quality level. Among them, the flower shape of the special chrysanthemum is more complete, the petals are more compact and thick, and the chrysanthemum tea brewed with the special chrysanthemum is more pleasant, so when purchasing chrysanthemums, it is best to choose the special chrysanthemum.

China's humble 2 "cheap" chrysanthemum teas, ordinary people look down, but connoisseurs are treasures

It can be seen that chrysanthemums are actually not the more expensive the better, nor is the bigger the better, everyone can combine the above 4 experiences to choose when choosing chrysanthemums. In fact, in addition to some very famous chrysanthemum tea, there are 2 chrysanthemum teas that are cheap and healthy, and the taste is also very good, and friends who love to drink chrysanthemum tea can choose according to their own situation.

China's humble 2 "cheap" chrysanthemum teas, ordinary people look down, but connoisseurs are treasures

1. Jiaozuo's Huaiju

Chrysanthemum has wild chrysanthemums, family chrysanthemums, not only has an ornamental effect, but also can be used to enter medicine, tea, the color is generally white, yellow, purple, green, etc., from the ornamental point of view alone, Huaiju may not be the best looking, but its medicinal and brewing fragrance is the most famous, is one of the "four major huai medicine", has a history of nearly 2500 years, has been known as a tribute specially supplied to the emperor after the Tang and Song dynasties.

China's humble 2 "cheap" chrysanthemum teas, ordinary people look down, but connoisseurs are treasures

Huaiju contains very rich nutrients, has a significant effect of reducing fire and bright purpose, and Yuntai Ice Chrysanthemum produced in Jiaozuo (Ancient Huaiwangfu) in Henan Is a high-quality chrysanthemum tea made of Huaihuahua as raw material. It has always adhered to the original ecological green production method in the whole process of planting, shading, smoking and drying flowers, without pesticides, without chemical fertilizers, pure natural air drying, retaining the natural fragrance and nutrition of huai chrysanthemums, and can be called the "king" in chrysanthemum tea.

China's humble 2 "cheap" chrysanthemum teas, ordinary people look down, but connoisseurs are treasures

After the Yuntai ice chrysanthemum is brewed, the dried petals slowly unfold, the color of the tea soup gradually changes from clear to yellowish, the overall look is clear and bright, there is no excess impurity in the soup, the taste is sweet and mellow, the chrysanthemum flavor is rich, drink a mouthful, let people feel relaxed, as if in the chrysanthemum field that spreads over the mountains.

China's humble 2 "cheap" chrysanthemum teas, ordinary people look down, but connoisseurs are treasures

2. Hangbaiju

Hangbaiju is produced in Tongxiang, Zhejiang, during the Ming Dynasty, Hangzhou Province listed the high-quality chrysanthemums as tributes, so Hangzhou Baiju also has the reputation of "Hangbai Gongju", and in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, the agronomist Zhang Luxiang said in the "Book of Supplementary Agriculture": "Chamomile is warm, long-term service is the most beneficial", which shows that its history of tea drinking is also very long.

China's humble 2 "cheap" chrysanthemum teas, ordinary people look down, but connoisseurs are treasures

After the white chrysanthemum is brewed, the soup color is slightly yellow, the soup base is relatively clear, emitting a faint chrysanthemum fragrance, smelling very fresh and pleasant, small sips of slow drink, let people calm.

China's humble 2 "cheap" chrysanthemum teas, ordinary people look down, but connoisseurs are treasures

Today to share with you 2 kinds of tea, here is the end, spring and summer communication is a good time to drink chrysanthemum tea, friends who love to drink chrysanthemum tea, you can choose according to your own situation, come to a cup every day, cool and cool summer.

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