
The highlight moment of Wei WuXian in "Chen Qing Ling" was Lan Zhan's worried time

Opening remarks: After being thrown into the mass burial post, Wei WuXian returned, not only for the rest of his life, but also ushered in a period of unbridled high light;

But Lan Zhan's eyes seemed to be able to see his future, full of swords and mountains and fires, how could he not be worried?

Therefore, during this time, the envy of the gaze is less tacit understanding, but more dodging and helplessness...

The highlight moment of Wei WuXian in "Chen Qing Ling" was Lan Zhan's worried time

Before the Great War

01, The Sign of the Shooting Sun

The roof of the impure world, the barrier between forgetting envy has changed from a lofty mountain to a seeming nothingness.

Although both people understand that they have not returned to the original time, they are willing to maintain peace and harmony at this time.

The relationship between people, from glue like paint to collapse may only require a misunderstanding, and xiao Xiaoxue will fall apart;

But if you want to return from a thousand hearts to the sweetness of the past, but you have to wade through the mountains and waters, it is even more difficult.

The highlight moment of Wei WuXian in "Chen Qing Ling" was Lan Zhan's worried time


Wei WuXian did not go to the battlefield with Jiang Cheng's imperial sword, and Lan Zhan accompanied him on horseback to accompany Chi Fengzun.

Lan Zhan asked him why he was like this, and Wei Bao replied perfunctorily;

Knowing this, Lan Zhan did not ask questions, the sadness of "not being happy and dispersing" was still in his heart, and he did not want to return to that moment of turning around.

The golems are invincible, and seem to have no life except endless consumption.

It was also from this time that Lan Zhan unconsciously began to protect Wei Baby, as if opening a secret door called "it should be", and never closed.

The highlight moment of Wei WuXian in "Chen Qing Ling" was Lan Zhan's worried time


02, never sleep to recuperate

With the march of shooting the sun, Wei WuXian had unlimited scenery and turned things around with his own strength.

Being worshipped as a hero can be described as a moment of infinite scenery.

It's not so easy to be a hero, but excessive waste may be the best outcome.

The highlight moment of Wei WuXian in "Chen Qing Ling" was Lan Zhan's worried time

Come and stroke the blue of the piano

On the days when Wei Baby was unconscious, Lan Zhan came to play the piano every day.

Occasionally, lan Zhan's eyes were filled with Wei Baby sitting on the edge of the bed dressed in red;

At that moment, the four eyes were facing each other, and Wei Baby, who called himself "thick-skinned and called the first", also gave birth to some shyness and shyness.

One pretended to be calm, one pretended to be calm, and the scene was full of pink bubbles.

The highlight moment of Wei WuXian in "Chen Qing Ling" was Lan Zhan's worried time

Nurse The Wounded Baby Wei

Unfortunately, the crying outside the window interrupted the two people's discussion about the "evil way".

Standing on the edge of the cliff that never sleeps, Wei Baby will be able to say everything, such as the XuanTie Sword, such as the Trick Technique;

Looking at Lan Zhan's suspicious expression, Wei Baby's unspeakable heart was cold, and he turned to leave, and Lan Zhan's hand reached out and grabbed him.

A grievance said: You said, let me help you;

A complaint: But if you don't believe me, how can you help?

For a while, people can't tell which one to be distressed about.

The highlight moment of Wei WuXian in "Chen Qing Ling" was Lan Zhan's worried time

Cliffside retention

03, Baifeng Mountain Hunting

See you again, it is the Baifengshan Hunt held by the Jin family.

Wei WuXian wanted to crush jin Zixuan's limelight, and he wanted to borrow the topic to play:

The vitality when falling into the dust comes from you, and when the scenery is infinite, it wants to enter your eyes, borrowing your most important smear, and success or failure is a "plucking" of the heart.

The highlight moment of Wei WuXian in "Chen Qing Ling" was Lan Zhan's worried time

Borrow the forehead to shoot arrows

Sitting alone on Baifeng Mountain, watching Lan Zhan's passing, he was just about to call him with great interest, but he remembered Ze Wujun's advice, so he gave up.

Lan Zhan finally found Wei Baby, and without hesitation, he turned around and walked over, at that moment, Wei Baby's smile was half happy and half sighed.

Wei Baby said: I once regarded you as a lifelong confidant;

Lan Zhan followed up with a sentence: It is still the same.

In the eyes of the eyes, one is firm and persistent, one is evasive and helpless;

It seems that with just one more moment, the knot will be unraveled, but unfortunately, fate does not give them this extra moment.

The highlight moment of Wei WuXian in "Chen Qing Ling" was Lan Zhan's worried time

Lifelong confidant

04, the look of view when leaving the Golden Lintai

Before the Hundred Flowers Feast, Jin Guangshan connived at Jin Zixun almost using "rogue" means to force Lan Shuangbi to drink;

I just wanted to see if the Gusu Lan clan had the heart of "submission".

Lan Zhan was being forced to drink, and Wei WuXian strode in, grabbed the wine glass in front of Lan Zhan, and drank it all.

The highlight moment of Wei WuXian in "Chen Qing Ling" was Lan Zhan's worried time

Wei WuXian left

After a battle of words and swords, Wei WuXian left with a victorious posture;

Before leaving, he looked at Lan Zhan for a moment, and his eyes were full of "Please believe me".

Lan Zhan's eyes were full of worry: You know, a momentary victory may not always be the king!

I have to say that I really love this gaze, a thousand words are in Xiao Zhan Wang Yibo's eyes, let you read and understand, but also let you remember.

The highlight moment of Wei WuXian in "Chen Qing Ling" was Lan Zhan's worried time

Lan Zhan's worries

Next Preview:

Looking at Wei Baby standing in the center of the target, can you read Lan Zhan's helplessness and helplessness?

In the next issue, we will continue to talk about the last time of the first half of my life, and forget the "wind and rain" in the eyes!

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