
The fifth personality: Spider Abyss skin is white, planning to send a dynamic response: the problem is not big

Hello, hello everyone, I'm a cat looker.

After the recent version of the update, the mall has a new batch of new and old skins, including the Abyss series, the Dancing Girl Flower of Evil, the Savage Parts Partner, the Air Force Proper Trial and the Dream Witch Reverse Trial have returned, players are scrambling to redeem, and recently players have suddenly found that the Abyss Spider Blue Skin Can Be White temporarily listed in the mall, what is this trouble?

Spider Abyss Limited Blue Skin Can White Prostitute

Open the mall in the skin options slide down to find the spider's abyss limited blueskin "hair stylist", the fashion skin is priced at 318 echoes, and there is no other redemption method, it seems that you can only get kryptonite to get this skin.

The fifth personality: Spider Abyss skin is white, planning to send a dynamic response: the problem is not big

However, some players suddenly found that there was an "experienceable" option for the "hair stylist" skin in the character interface to open the spider to view the fashion, which indicated that the skin supported the redemption of the fashion experience card.

The fifth personality: Spider Abyss skin is white, planning to send a dynamic response: the problem is not big

This can't help but make people feel confused, and many players with a try-and-try attitude actually magically found a blue pickup card to easily get the skin, a moment of lament that this skin is not planned to quietly prepare for the players of the national welfare?

The fifth personality: Spider Abyss skin is white, planning to send a dynamic response: the problem is not big

Planning is one hundred and one sparse

As we all know, this year because of special circumstances, many offline matches cannot be held as usual, and the fifth personality official also took this into account, so the spider's abyss-limited skin was changed to the mall online, and only supported echo for those players who wanted to have skins to choose.

The fifth personality: Spider Abyss skin is white, planning to send a dynamic response: the problem is not big

It is also this decision that has led to the situation that the skin can be white, and in the final analysis, it is caused by the planning of a hundred secrets, as we all know, like the previous "ivory tower" and "traceability" series of planners have long thought of the consideration of not being able to exchange experience cards for white prostitutes, so the "experience" option was blocked at the beginning, even if the players wanted to speculate and slip, it was impossible.

Unfortunately, this time is not well planned, the organ calculated but failed to think of the abyss limit can be white prostitution, and this also led to the official loss, such as in the previous abyss limited blue skin want to get the must buy admission tickets, and also need the real-name system on the spot to bind the CDK way to get, and now by the players to enjoy the white prostitute.

Players begging for compensation?

Every white prostitute player is naturally excited in his heart, which leads to those who spend real money and silver to buy spider abyss limited blue skin players are very stupid, serious psychological difference naturally makes them unable to accept such a result, so many players are also to the planner feedback and ask for explanations, planning to take over the problem at the first time and decide to refund those players who use echo to buy skins.

In the face of a large number of players white prostitution after the skin of the attitude of planning is to use a dynamic to illustrate, the dynamic content of the planning post:

It is inevitable to encounter some small episodes in the execution of the task, the problem is not big, and it is easy.

The fifth personality: Spider Abyss skin is white, planning to send a dynamic response: the problem is not big

It seems that the planning is open, this wave is indeed wrong in themselves, resulting in players to exploit the loophole to take advantage of, and this small episode is also a wake-up call to the planning, the blue skin was unveiled by the white prostitute, the next time can not be confused, if the special purple skin or even the gold skin is white prostitute, it is really a mouth and can not say clearly.

Thank you for reading.

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