
Unveil the mystery of the DC Phantom Stranger

A few months ago, a friend left a message asking Xiao Wei to introduce Dr. Fate, Death Knell, and Phantom Stranger. Dr. Destiny and Death Knell Have written several articles, and today I will introduce the mysterious phantom stranger.

Unveil the mystery of the DC Phantom Stranger

The first appearance of the Phantom Stranger was #1中 the 1952 comic book "The Phantom Stranger", in the history of the 2011 "Before the Flashpoint", the Phantom Stranger is very mysterious, all his information is unknown, and there are several different origin stories in the comics Which are the mystery that DC deliberately set for him.

In the history of "After the Flashpoint", DC gives the Phantom Stranger a fixed true identity, that is, Judas who betrayed Jesus for 30 silver coins.

Phantom Stranger has joined the Justice League, the Essence Society, the Trench coat magic brigade and the magic sentry four hero teams, because the essence will be a small disaster has written an article, here is not introduced.

The Phantom Stranger is very powerful, and even the Phantom Stranger is not strong enough to kill the Phantom Stranger.

"Before the Flashpoint" mysterious phantom stranger

In the history of "Before Flashpoint", The Phantom Stranger is the most mysterious person in the world, and no one knows any real information about him.

He has featured four different origin stories in the comics, and no one knows whether they are true or false.

In the first version of the Origins, the Phantom Stranger is an ordinary man of biblical times who prays to God when the Spirit of God's Wrath causes a great flood, and an angel descends upon him to deliver him. But after questioning God, he committed suicide. The angel forbade his soul to enter heaven and also resurrected his body, commanding him to walk in the world forever so that he would always be part of humanity, but also forever separated from humanity. Then he began to guide mankind in the world, to keep mankind away from evil.

Unveil the mystery of the DC Phantom Stranger

In the second version of the origin, he is a Jew named Isaac, with a wife and a son. When Herod sent an army to kill all the boys (for jesus when they killed the children), both his wife and son were killed at the hands of the army. He opposed Jesus for the next 30 years, and while Jesus was tied to a cross, Isaac bribed a soldier to whip Jesus. Later Jesus sentenced him to leave his homeland and homeland forever until the end of the world. After he regained his composure and dispelled his anger, he began to help society and rejected God's offer to eliminate Jesus' judgment on him.

Unveil the mystery of the DC Phantom Stranger

In the third edition of Origins, he was the last survivor of the previous universe. At the end of the last cosmic time, he was a scientist, the universe was destroyed and reborn, and he became the phantom stranger of this universe. (DC Version Planet Eater)

Unveil the mystery of the DC Phantom Stranger

In the fourth version of the Origin, he is an angel who is neither on the side of heaven nor on the side of hell when there is a rebellion in hell. As a result, no one accepted him, and his wings were torn off by the demons of hell, so he was destined to walk alone on Earth forever, hence the Phantom Stranger was also known as the "Fallen One".

Unveil the mystery of the DC Phantom Stranger

These four versions of the origin story are from the same comic, the 1987 comic "Secret Origins" V2#10, so DC deliberately set a very mysterious for the Phantom Stranger.

Judas, who betrayed Jesus

In 2011, DC launched the big event "Flashpoint" to restart the universe, after the reboot, DC changed the mysterious setting of the Phantom Stranger, giving him a clear origin story, he sold Jesus' Judas for 30 silver coins. Judas then commits suicide, and when he wakes up, he finds himself in front of the Wizarding Council, not the heaven or hell he imagined.

The Wizarding Council sentenced him and Pandora and the Inquirer to the Trisomy of Sin: the most terrible sinner in the world. He also imprinted 30 silver coins on his body forever.

Unveil the mystery of the DC Phantom Stranger

When he woke up again to find him in his place of original sin, the voice of God appeared and put him on the robe of Jesus.

Unveil the mystery of the DC Phantom Stranger

From this moment on, he will always be a ghost stranger walking in the world.

Unveil the mystery of the DC Phantom Stranger

The heroic career of the Phantom Stranger

In the original comics, the phantom stranger's main activity was to expose those scams disguised as magic and mysterious powers. And gradually began to intersect with Dr. Thirteen, Tara, Ghost and others, and cooperate together.

Unveil the mystery of the DC Phantom Stranger

Phantom Stranger has helped the Justice League defeat powerful villains many times, and finally #103中魅影陌客正式加入了正义联盟 in the 1972 comic strip Justice League of America.

Unveil the mystery of the DC Phantom Stranger

#1中 the 1990 comic book Book of Magic, John Constantine gathers wizarding heroes such as Doctor Who, Mr. E, Ghost Stranger, and Rose Psychic to form a trench coat quest in search of Tim. Hunter, who wanted to train him to become the world's greatest magician.

Unveil the mystery of the DC Phantom Stranger

In the 1999 comic strip Judgment Day, the angel king Asmodel gains the power of the ghost, and justice leagues and justice clubs work together against asmamoder. The magical heroes form a team of magic sentinels.

The Magic Sentinel successfully separates Asmodel and the Ghost and merges the Ghost with Hal Jordan. In the end, the Magic Sentinel is given the Spear of Destiny, and once Hal Jordan loses control, the Magic Sentry is responsible for using the Spear of Destiny to stop the ghost.

Unveil the mystery of the DC Phantom Stranger

The strength of the Phantom Stranger

The Phantom Stranger is nearly immortal, and in the 1971 comic strip Phantom Stranger V2#14, the Phantom Stranger's heart was removed, but he still failed to injure him.

In the 2005 comic book "Day of Revenge", the ghost turns the phantom stranger into a rodent, because it is not strong enough to kill the phantom stranger, and it is in desperation that he becomes a rodent.

Unveil the mystery of the DC Phantom Stranger

The Phantom Stranger is one of the most powerful magicians, and he can use powerful magic without complicated spells or magical rituals.

Unveil the mystery of the DC Phantom Stranger

The Phantom Stranger is also able to modify reality, once controlling a statue to bind the demon Etrigan.

He can also dispel magic and sorcery, especially mind-controlled hallucinations or magic.

Phantom Strangers can also travel through dimensions at will, including heaven, hell, halls of souls, apocalypse stars, and other fields.

Of course, the Phantom Stranger also has many weaknesses, such as many things he can not directly intervene in, he must warn others, let those with special missions to perform, and even many things he can not directly say information, can only provide clues and warnings. He is forbidden to let humanity offload responsibility and maintain the balance of human choice.

Unveil the mystery of the DC Phantom Stranger

Although physical attacks usually fail to hurt him, magic does, and his body can be damaged or even destroyed by magic.

Easter egg 1

In the events of The Kingdom of Heaven in 1998, it is implied that Jonathan, the son of Superman and Wonder Woman of Earth-22, is implying that the earth-22 is in the same place. Kent may grow up to be a Phantom Stranger. It also links Jonathan Kent to the concept of hypertemporal flow, where he is born with the ability to enter other timelines and exist in each timeline. Gorg uses Jonathan's abilities to hunt Superman through various universes.

When Jonathan doesn't show his face, it is implied that he is a Phantom Stranger, but at the end of the incident, Wonder Woman sees his face and says that he is not a Phantom Stranger.

Unveil the mystery of the DC Phantom Stranger

Easter Egg 2

As mentioned above, Phantom Stranger joined justice league's 1972 comic strip Justice League #103, which is part of an unofficial linkage between Marvel and DC, which has three comics, namely Marvel's "Fantastic Adventures" V2 #16, "Thor" #207和DC的 "Justice League of America" #103.

Marvel's Glinness appeared #103中她还COSPLAY成超级女孩 Justice League. In this issue, there are also COS as the American Commando team that pays tribute to Captain America, COS as the god of Thor who pays tribute to Thor, and COS as the web caster who pays tribute to Spider-Man.

Unveil the mystery of the DC Phantom Stranger

#207中出现了超人和蝙蝠侠 Thor, Glinnis also returned to Marvel Comics, but she was also a COS figure for Supergirl.

Unveil the mystery of the DC Phantom Stranger

This linkage is the first linkage between DC and Marvel heroes but it is unofficial, and the first official linkage between DC and Marvel is the 1976 comic book "Superman vs Fantastic Spider-Man".

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