
Surname culture: 5,000 years of blood through the heavens and the earth

Surname culture: 5,000 years of blood through the heavens and the earth

The surname Zugen is in Henan.

Among the 4820 surnames with provenance, there are 1834 surnames originating in Henan, accounting for 38%; among the top 120 surnames arranged by population, there are 52 surnames all originating in Henan, 45 surnames with some origin in Henan, and surnames originating in Henan, accounting for more than 80% of the Han population.

Surname culture: 5,000 years of blood through the heavens and the earth

In the 1980s and 1990s, Guo Yingsheng, the former vice mayor of Zhengzhou, was transferred to the director of the Local History Committee of Henan Province, and I lived with him in the courtyard of No. 13 Baihua Road in the western suburbs of Zhengzhou.

One day after dinner, I went to take out the garbage and saw him standing in the doorway, nibbling on a piece of dry bun in his hand.

I asked, "Director Guo doesn't eat dinner?" ”

Director Guo did not answer positively: "The morning meal is eaten for oneself; the noon meal is eaten for friends; and the evening meal is eaten for the enemy." ”

I said, "So I'm going to eat dinner for the enemy every day?" ”

Director Guo was tall and loud, and his voice sounded like a macro bell: "Young man, what do you think!" Take your time to understand. ”

He changed the subject: "After reading the "Zhongzhou Bonsai Traceability" that you posted in the Zhengzhou Evening News, the writing is good, are young people interested in tracing the origin of the surname?" ”

I said, "I only know the surname 'Hundred Family Names' 'Zhao QianSun Li, Zhou Wu Zheng Wang'. ”

Surname culture: 5,000 years of blood through the heavens and the earth

Director Guo said: "You have a good brain, when you are engaged in the working group, you report that you do not carry out the instructions, and you use the word 'not electricity', which is a bit interesting. How about the origin of the surname? I seconded Yang Zhifang to the province and Comrade Xie Junxiang specialized in studying surnames, how about you also seconded? ”

Huge temptation.

I said, "Okay, I'm interested. ”

Director Guo was very humorous: "You should first follow the team." ”

Following the team activities, I met Xie Junxiang and Yang Zhifang. Yang is an old colleague, and she welcomes me very well; Xie, more raw. He said: "Director Guo has said hello, you first familiarize yourself with the materials, take it home to see, this is the result of my research on "Henan Surname". ”

Xie is a Mandarin and a native, "You live in this area? ”

Yang Zhifang: "All in Baihua Road, Xiao Zhao and Director Guo have a courtyard." ”

Xie Oh sighed, "I'm far away, I'll go first." ”

I immediately said, "Let's go to the 'old place' restaurant and give the enemy a meal." ”

I explained Director Guo's criticism of "three meals in the morning, middle and evening" by the way, and Xie laughed, "Go, give the enemy food and drink!" ”

The "Old Place" restaurant is still in the old place - the intersection of Baihua Road and Youai Road to the east of South Road, which is the place of enlightenment for my surname.

Surname culture: 5,000 years of blood through the heavens and the earth

When did the last name come in? When did the "hundred family names" come into being? Xie Junxiang said that if you have a person, you have a surname. Starting from the "Three Emperors and Five Emperors" to find surnames, I read "Settlement Evolution and Early Civilization" by Mr. Yan Wenming, a professor at Peking University, especially the famous archaeologist Mr. Su Bingqi's "New Exploration of the Origin of Chinese Civilization", and read his "Three Eras" on historical periodization: "Tribal Era" (Yellow Emperor Era), "Kingdom Era", that is, "Xia Shang Three Dynasties", "Imperial Era", that is, "Qin, Han, Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing" Eight Great Unified Dynasties.

China already had surnames in the "tribal era", that is, the "Yellow Emperor era", when the surname was a symbol of people, which facilitated communication between the inside and outside of the tribe, and exchanged greetings: "Your surname? "Exempt from the noble surname Ji".

One of the "Five Emperors", the son of Ji Zhao , was given the fief of Zhao Cheng ( present-day Zhao Cheng County , Shanxi ) , and the people took the place name Zhao , and the Later Zhao clan multiplied to Shaanxi, Jiangsu and other places , and the Qin king Yingzheng was a Zhao clan , and calling him Zhao Zheng would not leave people with "conjecture".

Surname culture: 5,000 years of blood through the heavens and the earth

The surname originated in the "Yellow Emperor Era", the Qin, Han, Sui and Tang dynasties of the "Kingdom Era" and the "Imperial Era", and in the early years of the Song Dynasty, which was also the "Imperial Era", there were "experts and scholars" who combed the surnames into "hundred family names", hundreds for large numbers, reading smooth mouth, if you read four hundred and sixty family names, not catchy, awkward.

At the beginning of the Song Dynasty, the work "Hundred Family Names" about Chinese surnames has come out. At first, 411 surnames were collected, and then added to 504, of which 444 were single surnames and 60 were compound surnames. "Zhao, Qian, Sun, and Li" ranked in the top four of the hundred family names, because the first was that the song emperor's surname was Zhao, ranking first; the second was Qian Li, the lord of the Wuyue state, and Qian Was ranked second; his third concubine, Sun Li, was third; and his fourth Southern Tang Dynasty lord Li Yu and Li Lie were fourth. The real one is that "the list must be listed in order, and the relatives of the emperor and the state must be arranged in an orderly manner."

More than a thousand years ago, the Song Dynasty", the "Hundred Family Names" came out, it is unique, it uses four-word style to arrange the surnames, and the sentences rhyme, although its content is not literary, but it has played a huge role in the understanding of Chinese characters. "Hundred Family Names", together with the "Three Character Classic" and the "Thousand Character Text", is called "Three Hundred Thousand", which is the enlightenment reading of children in ancient China.

Today, a thousand years later, the surname for juvenile enlightenment has become a thing of the past, it is "retro" to the surname is a symbol of people, the daily use of "your surname?" "Exempt from the noble surname Zhao." Few people ask about the background of "your surname", such as "scolding" the surname, so that the cold surname is only surprised and incredible, but no one pursues the generation, evolution and development of this surname.

Surname culture: 5,000 years of blood through the heavens and the earth

Chinese surnames have developed roots for 5,000 years, and the bloodline runs through the present.

There are two opportunities to give me "unique" conditions: First, I was hired as a special researcher of the Zhengzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology to look at the materials, see the newly discovered, and see the newly excavated ancient sites: the Eastern Zhao Xia Shang Wednesday City, the "Heluo Ancient Country" 5300 years ago by the double locust tree, especially in 2014, he created the long-form reportage "Reading and Writing the Land of Life - Remembering the Famous Scientist Li Boqian of the 20th Century", which was published by the China Social Sciences Press in 2016, and was translated into English in 2021 and distributed to the world in 2021.

Surname culture: 5,000 years of blood through the heavens and the earth

During the writing process, he interviewed Mr. Li Boqian dozens of times and followed him to the archaeological site several times, he said: "As soon as I arrived at the construction site, I was excited, and the mold pottery piece was my greatest enjoyment. Mr. Li excavated from the literature that Guo Moruo examined the "Ban Gui" inscription in 1935, which contained "many generations of children and grandchildren and their eternal treasures". Although the Spring and Autumn Bronze Ware "One Word nine Ding" is a heavy weapon of the country, it is also a physical evidence of blood inheritance.

Second, it is known that Mao Gongding, another country's heavy weapon, now in the collection of the Palace Museum in Taiwan, contains an inscription of 499 characters (this is the largest number of bronze inscriptions found in The Present), which has the sentence "Children and grandchildren Yongbao use". My friend went to the National Palace Museum in Taipei, and I asked him if the inscription of Mao Gongding could have the phrase "Children and Grandchildren Yongbao", and he said: Yes. But only allowed to see, not allowed to take pictures.

"Descendants and grandchildren have many generations of their eternal treasure", "children and grandchildren will use eternal treasure", in a word: blood inheritance; the flesh and blood affection of the ancestors, condensed into five thousand years of culture and civilization.

I asked Mr. Li Boqian, who believed that the blood relations and the resulting ancestor worship that had continued from the era of clan and tribal society were important reasons for their continuous and sustainable development.

Chinese reveres the ancestors and carries on the blood lineage, which is also the core value of traditional Chinese culture.

Surname culture: 5,000 years of blood through the heavens and the earth

"March 3, Bye Regulus". The descendants of Huaxia Yanhuang at home and abroad "have the same roots and the same ancestors, peace, harmony and harmony".

The Ancestral Worship Ceremony in the Hometown of the Yellow Emperor carries forward the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, remembers the merits of the ancestors, highlights the theme of the Chinese nation seeking roots and worshiping the ancestors, symbolizing that the descendants of Yanhuang are connected by blood and pass on the torch.

The surname that originated in the era of the Yellow Emperor is radiant in the hometown of the Yellow Emperor! What most impresses the children of China is that there is a huge surname wall in Baizu Dadian Square, which is engraved with more than 3,000 surnames, and the surname wall is crowded with Chinese people at home and abroad looking for their own surnames. They worshiped Xuanyuan with the "Zhao Qiansun Li" and the four surnames of "Zhang Wang Li Zhao" and the descendants of Yan Huang at home and abroad.

This wall of surnames, these more than 3,000 surnames are symbols of the Yellow Emperor's era, and now they are looking for their own surnames and looking for roots and ancestors.

Fifth, inherit the classics and keep the roots

Pass on the surname culture in order to "keep the roots".

In recent years, there have been those who have incorporated surname culture into primary and secondary school textbooks, those who have entered primary and secondary school campuses, and those who have established various surname associations based on their surnames. All that was done was to "keep the roots."

Surname culture: 5,000 years of blood through the heavens and the earth

The Chinese surname is a family, and the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation is realized. As soon as the "Collection of Calligraphy Works of the Five Bodies of Hundred Family Names" was published by Elephant Publishing House, it aroused unanimous praise and praise from the calligraphy community. Sun Xiaoyun's Kaishu Scroll, Li Gangtian's Seal Scroll, Hu Kangmei's Cursive Scroll, Mao's Mao Guodian's Lishu Scroll, And Long Kaisheng's Xingshu Scroll. Everyone is famous, all of them are leaders in the industry, and they are also representatives of various book styles.

Surname culture: 5,000 years of blood through the heavens and the earth

The calligraphy works of famous artists integrate the culture of surnames, which not only enhances the cultural self-confidence of the whole nation, but also reflects the chinese sons and daughters' sense of identity with the roots of the ancestral lineage.

Surname culture: 5,000 years of blood through the heavens and the earth

The "Collection of Calligraphy works of the Five Bodies of Hundred Family Names" integrates the culture of surnames and the art of calligraphy in one furnace, and has a double harvest: it not only deepens the cultural identity of surnames, but also reflects the aesthetics of calligraphy art. It is pleasant to read at will; the characters are classic, the books are elegant, and "the children and grandchildren have many generations of their eternal treasures".

Collection of Five-Body Calligraphy works of the Hundred Family Names

Sun Xiaoyunkai scrolls

Li Gangtian seal scrolls

Hu Kangmei cursive scrolls

Mao Guodian is a book

Dragon Kai KatsuYuki Scrolls

Elephant Press

First edition in November 2021

Author: Zhao Fuhai

(Folklore expert, vice president of Zhengzhou Ancient Capital Society, distinguished researcher of Zhengzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology)

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