
Kylian Mbappe stats: 2 goals on goal with 3 shots on goal, a game-high 8.8 points

Kylian Mbappe stats: 2 goals on goal with 3 shots on goal, a game-high 8.8 points

Live bar April 30 news Paris this round 3-3 draw by Strasbourg, Mbappe won two shots and one pass, the player data is as follows.

Played 90 minutes 2 goals and 1 assist

3 shots on goal, 2 shots on target and 1 shot deflected

5 times and 1 success

42 passes and 36 successful (86%)

1 important opportunity to create

10 confrontations and 4 successes

1 time to compete for the top and 1 success

16 losses of ball

Kylian Mbappe stats: 2 goals on goal with 3 shots on goal, a game-high 8.8 points
Kylian Mbappe stats: 2 goals on goal with 3 shots on goal, a game-high 8.8 points

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