
The green lotus began to grow wildly, often pouring 3 kinds of "big fat water", and the branches and leaves were full of pots

author:Small courtyard for raising flowers

The green lotus began to grow wildly, often pouring 3 kinds of "big fat water", and the branches and leaves were full of pots

Now that the green lotus has entered the peak growing season, as long as the water and fertilizer are sufficient, the plant begins to germinate a large number of new branches and leaves, and it will not take long to grow in the pot. However, there are also florists who do not grow, the branches and leaves grow very thin, and no new branches and leaves grow.

Although the green lotus is a foliage plant, but if you want it to grow leafy, you also need to regularly fertilize it to supplement nutrition, especially during the growth period, you can not let it lack nutrients, otherwise the new branches grow thin and the leaves are small. Usually, you can sprinkle a small amount of compound fertilizer in the pot, or when changing the pot, mix some organic fertilizer into the pot soil, which can provide sufficient nutrients for the plant. If you don't have flower fertilizer at home to raise green lotus, you can also make several kinds of fertilizer liquid to water the green lotus.

The green lotus began to grow wildly, often pouring 3 kinds of "big fat water", and the branches and leaves were full of pots

Beer water poured with green lotus

There is a leftover beer at home, or expired beer, it is very good to raise green lotus, beer also contains a variety of nutrients needed for plant growth, often with beer water to raise the green lotus, most of them are leafy, and the leaves grow larger, more oily green and shiny.

Some flower friends said that after pouring the flowers with beer, there was a wilting phenomenon. This may be the wrong way to use, although the beer has the nutrients needed for plant growth, but it also contains alcohol components, which will cause harm to flowering plants. If you directly pour the freshly opened beer into the pot, it will definitely damage the root system of the plant, causing the plant to wilt.

The green lotus began to grow wildly, often pouring 3 kinds of "big fat water", and the branches and leaves were full of pots

Use beer to raise green lotus or other flowers, be sure to dilute with water, and first put the open beer for a day or two, let the alcohol inside volatilize, and then dilute with 10 times or 20 times the water, just like watering into the pot, it will not burn the roots, and the green lotus will grow longer and more prosperous.

The green lotus began to grow wildly, often pouring 3 kinds of "big fat water", and the branches and leaves were full of pots

Peel water poured green lotus

The green lotus in our home is generally raised indoors, like fermented rice water or something, do not dare to use it easily, because the odor is too big. Therefore, many flower friends will use the peel to make a nutrient solution, that is, to collect the various fruit peels that are usually eaten, cut it into pieces, and then find a larger plastic bucket, put it inside and add water to ferment.

The green lotus began to grow wildly, often pouring 3 kinds of "big fat water", and the branches and leaves were full of pots

In the process of fermenting the peel water, it is necessary to open the bottle cap once a week to release the gas produced by fermentation, and now the temperature is high, the fermentation is very fast, and it is easy to burst the bottle if it is not deflated. Fermented peel water, with a certain amount of fertility, but also can not be directly poured into the pot of green lotus, the same to add some water, when the green lotus needs to be watered, directly water such peel water, watered 2 to 3 times a month, even if not to fertilize can also grow pots.

The green lotus began to grow wildly, often pouring 3 kinds of "big fat water", and the branches and leaves were full of pots

Milk water to pour green lotus

There are also often flower friends ask, expired milk can not be used to raise flowers, the answer is yes, but also pay attention to the use of methods, many people are the milk after opening, directly pinched into the pot, so that milk will ferment in the pot, produce a certain amount of heat, easy to cause burning roots, especially herbs such as green lotus, after the occurrence of burned roots, the leaves will also turn yellow and wilt.

The green lotus began to grow wildly, often pouring 3 kinds of "big fat water", and the branches and leaves were full of pots

After the unleavened milk is poured into the pot, a thin film substance is formed on the surface of the pot soil, which is not conducive to the breathing of plant roots, and it is easy to attract small insects in this season.

Milk fermentation also has a certain odor, in the fermentation, you can add more water, put a few pieces of orange peel, pineapple peel, etc., together to ferment into a fertilizer liquid, fermentation is good for pouring green lotus, and then diluted with water, there will be no more odor.

The green lotus began to grow wildly, often pouring 3 kinds of "big fat water", and the branches and leaves were full of pots

Families do not necessarily use flower fertilizer to raise green lotuses, make simple plant "nutrient solutions" at home, add some when watering every time, even if they do not fertilize, they can make it grow leafy.

If you want to know more about flower raising, please pay attention to the flower garden and share your flower raising experience with you every day! (Some of the pictures in the article are from the Internet, if there is infringement contact to delete)

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