
Australia's 50 million red crabs migrated, the coastline was all stained red, poisonous really can not eat


Have you ever thought that crabs will also have a large-scale flood, so that the long coastline is full of their traces.

Recently, according to foreign media reports, there has been a large-scale crab migration in Australia, and the initial estimate has reached a staggering 50 million.

Australia's 50 million red crabs migrated, the coastline was all stained red, poisonous really can not eat

At that time, a video was released, and it was clear from the video that starting from the coastline and stretching all the way to the road, it was all a red crab, fast and highly active.

Since there are many roads in the Australian seaside, there are also red crabs all over the road, so that when the vehicle passes, there are countless crabs that are crushed on the road.

Australia's 50 million red crabs migrated, the coastline was all stained red, poisonous really can not eat

The report also said that there are so many crabs, the locals really have no way to deal with it, because one is a large number, and the other is that there are other difficulties in handling.

Since this is not the first time that there has been a so-called "crab tide" in Australia, it has also appeared in the past, and everywhere it goes, it is red.

Australia's 50 million red crabs migrated, the coastline was all stained red, poisonous really can not eat

The first time I saw the video, many domestic netizens were saying: This is thanks to Australia, if it is in the mainland, it may have been eaten long ago, there will be no flooding, and now it is estimated that it has hung the name of a national-level protected animal.

Indeed, due to the large population of the mainland, coupled with the fact that we all over the world like food, and even have a thousand ways to do it, the consumer market is full.

Australia's 50 million red crabs migrated, the coastline was all stained red, poisonous really can not eat

So what kind of crab is this? Can it really be eaten?

According to experts, this is a kind of red crab, the scientific name is Christmas Island red crab, marine, omnivorous. The dorsal shell is black, the abdomen and limbs are red, like a roasted lobster; the limbs are short and thick and inedible.

Australia's 50 million red crabs migrated, the coastline was all stained red, poisonous really can not eat

The reason why it is inedible is because its body contains a kind of ant acid, which can be seen in bees and ants, which is toxic to the human body and can damage the gastric mucosa.

And this red crab life is also very long, basically about 35 years, some areas may be protected, but Australia each migration is too much, and can not be eaten directly, long life will be every year, so it is a headache.

Australia's 50 million red crabs migrated, the coastline was all stained red, poisonous really can not eat

However, after experiments, some areas have shown that they are not completely unpalatable, but they cannot be eaten in large quantities. Red crab is rich in protein components, but also has a variety of trace elements and minerals, which can supplement the nutrients needed by the body, and can also improve immunity and resistance.

I would like to say that, having said that, there is so much seafood that can be eaten, and there is no need to risk eating this red crab.

Australia's 50 million red crabs migrated, the coastline was all stained red, poisonous really can not eat

And the existence of each species has its own specific significance, and it is not necessarily only dependent on human consumption to effectively prevent the proliferation of species.

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