
The Australian government officially announced the visa policy for China, and tens of thousands of Chinese may be denied entry!


The Australian government has suddenly announced that it will suspend the acceptance of applications for working holiday visas (WHVs) by Chinese nationals for the 2023-24 year. This news caused an uproar among the Chinese who wanted to work abroad.

Because of this regulation, the visas applied for by a large number of Chinese people will be invalidated at one time!

The Australian government officially announced the visa policy for China, and tens of thousands of Chinese may be denied entry!
The Australian government officially announced the visa policy for China, and tens of thousands of Chinese may be denied entry!

It is reported that about 50,000 Chinese applicants have submitted their intention to apply this time, and they are all disappointed and helpless when they see that the road to this dream has been broken.

Many friends who are anxiously waiting for visas on the Internet have posted complaints:

Everything is cool! Wait for a dream!

I've been waiting for a year

Tuao can't do it, think about other places.

Why stop only China? There are still too many people.

The Australian government officially announced the visa policy for China, and tens of thousands of Chinese may be denied entry!
The Australian government officially announced the visa policy for China, and tens of thousands of Chinese may be denied entry!
The Australian government officially announced the visa policy for China, and tens of thousands of Chinese may be denied entry!
The Australian government officially announced the visa policy for China, and tens of thousands of Chinese may be denied entry!
The Australian government officially announced the visa policy for China, and tens of thousands of Chinese may be denied entry!

It now appears that the official website marking China's quota as "suspended" means that the project has been suspended and has stopped moving forward.

Many have been holding out hopes that the project will resume before the end of the current fiscal year (June 30). However, a brief notification puts an end to all the suspense and makes all expectations come to naught.

It is reported that the closure and "emptying" are only for Chinese passport holders, and other countries and regions such as India, Southeast Asia, South America, etc. have not been affected.

The Australian government officially announced the visa policy for China, and tens of thousands of Chinese may be denied entry!

As we all know, the Australian working holiday visa, which has always been favored by Chinese, can not only legally work in Australia for one year, but also a rare opportunity to experience overseas life.

For many, this visa may even be life-changing. But today's sudden announcement of visa "stagnation" is like a bolt from the blue for many Chinese applicants in Europe who want to go overseas.

The Australian government officially announced the visa policy for China, and tens of thousands of Chinese may be denied entry!

This directing the finger at a particular country has been interpreted by some as an "unfair and discriminatory treatment", and some have criticised it as contrary to Australia's long-standing spirit of multiculturalism and tolerance.

At the same time, for those who have already submitted applications, the government should give a certain transition period and alternative arrangements, rather than directly "emptying the pool", so as to truly reflect the humane care.

Undoubtedly, Australia's move was intended to control the overall scale of migration in response to the current economic and social pressures. But after all, this is related to the life planning and future of countless young people.

The Australian government officially announced the visa policy for China, and tens of thousands of Chinese may be denied entry!

In addition, critics argue, major immigration policy changes need to have a gradual transition process, rather than being announced today and taking effect tomorrow.

The news of the Australian work visa has been a big blow to many young people, but there is also good news today - from the United Kingdom.

Recently, the news about the possible tightening of the PSW visa for graduates has caused a lot of panic among the international student community, and there were rumors that the British government may restrict the issuance of PSW visas or even shorten their duration!

But today, May 15th, the good news came: the results of the PSW visa review in May were released, and there was no evidence of abuse of the visa, and it is recommended to continue to maintain the status quo of the visa!

For students who plan to study in the UK, it can be said to be a shot in the arm, and they can go to the UK without worry!

The Australian government officially announced the visa policy for China, and tens of thousands of Chinese may be denied entry!

Of course, for the majority of international students, it is much more difficult for them to change their work visa if their PSW visa expires, or if they want to find a job directly after graduation. After the UK work permit threshold is raised, the employment cost of employers has increased significantly, and overseas work visas will be issued more cautiously.

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