
No.1 Judges are out: the winner helps Selby, the runner-up helps Rocket or Wizard, and the top 4 helps Trump

The 2022 Snooker World Championships entered the round of 4 stage, 75 three masters + Trump, the strongest lineup in theory appeared! O'Sullivan ranked first in history with 38 crowns, Higgins ranked third in history with 31 crowns, Mark Williams ranked fifth in history with 24 crowns, and Trump ranked sixth in history with 23 crowns. In addition to Hendry, who has long lost his competitiveness, and Steve Davis, who has long since retired, among the active players, the above 4 are ranked in the top four in history!

No.1 Judges are out: the winner helps Selby, the runner-up helps Rocket or Wizard, and the top 4 helps Trump

Semi-finals: Trump vs Mark Williams, Higgins vs O'Sullivan

From the above matches, we find an interesting phenomenon, Mark Williams became the judge of the year-end No.1! A professional snooker season spans 2 calendar years, and the year-end NO.1 is equivalent to the final NO.1 at the end of a single season.

No.1 Judges are out: the winner helps Selby, the runner-up helps Rocket or Wizard, and the top 4 helps Trump

Originally, before the final drama world championship of the season, a total of 7 people had the hope of impacting the year-end No.1, but with Selby, Neil Robertson, Zhao Xintong, and Karen Wilson out, the final candidates were left with Trump, O'Sullivan, Higgins, and Selby, three of whom reached the top four of the World Championships.

Who owns the world's number one throne at the end of the season, Mark Williams became the key man!

No.1 Judges are out: the winner helps Selby, the runner-up helps Rocket or Wizard, and the top 4 helps Trump

In the first case, Mark Williams lost to Trump in the semi-finals and only finished in the top 4, which is equivalent to helping Trump win the year-end No. 1 throne.

No.1 Judges are out: the winner helps Selby, the runner-up helps Rocket or Wizard, and the top 4 helps Trump

In the second case, Mark Williams eventually wins the championship, that is, if he defeats Trump in the semi-finals and wins 1 of O'Sullivan and Higgins in the final, then Mark Williams helps Selby hold the year-end world number one.

No.1 Judges are out: the winner helps Selby, the runner-up helps Rocket or Wizard, and the top 4 helps Trump

In the third case, Mark Williams eventually finished second, that is, defeated Trump in the semi-finals, and lost to O'Sullivan or Higgins in the final, then Mark Williams helped Rocket O'Sullivan or wizard Higgins to reach the 1st place in the world at the end of the year.

No.1 Judges are out: the winner helps Selby, the runner-up helps Rocket or Wizard, and the top 4 helps Trump

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