
The four most stubborn signs, Taurus is sincere and down-to-earth, and Scorpio is rational and persistent

In this world, everyone's personality has its own characteristics. For stubborn people, maybe they are nostalgic, maybe they are persistent, or maybe they may be a little self-righteous. So let's take a look down, who is the most stubborn of the twelve zodiac signs?

The four most stubborn signs, Taurus is sincere and down-to-earth, and Scorpio is rational and persistent

1st place: Taurus

Taurus's human nature is a bit slow and rational, and everything is about rules and rationality. Their stubbornness is notorious, like a calf, the kind that hits the south wall and does not turn back, always loving themselves and not getting along with themselves. But this stubbornness is not necessarily all bad, when completing things, can stick to a thing from beginning to end, and the persistent pursuit of results. But the cattle and cattle are not impatient and impulsive, and it is their true portrayal to eat bitterly and be a good person.

The four most stubborn signs, Taurus is sincere and down-to-earth, and Scorpio is rational and persistent

Second place: Scorpio

Scorpio people have a more sensitive personality and attach great importance to the three views. They are very rational, have their own set of views and principles on things, although they do not like to do things according to other people's decisions, but they will also consult others' opinions, and will not do annoying things. But if it's something that interests them, it's really persistent and frightening. For what you like to eat, you will eat it until you hate it and want to vomit, otherwise you will not give up easily; for people you don't like, it's really all written on your face, and you won't disguise yourself at all.

The four most stubborn signs, Taurus is sincere and down-to-earth, and Scorpio is rational and persistent

Third place: Capricorn

Capricorn people are very responsible and have a pair of eyes that are good at observation. The best way for Capricorn babies to decide to do is to follow them and not try to hinder or hinder them, otherwise there will be a big dispute between you; because once they have made up their minds, they will not allow anyone to easily interfere and waver. Such stubborn, they also have high standards and high requirements for themselves, and never like to make bold promises easily.

The four most stubborn signs, Taurus is sincere and down-to-earth, and Scorpio is rational and persistent

Fourth place: Leo

Leo people are domineering in appearance, but they are true in temperament and have a clear love and hate. They are born with an arrogant temperament, and they never like to compromise easily, nor do they easily bow their heads and concede defeat. For something they really like, they have no idea what it is to give up, unless it is their own sudden realization that this thing is not worth it. Baby lions also have strong self-esteem, and their stubbornness is even stronger because self-esteem and self-confidence are at the same time.

In my opinion, stubborn personality traits have advantages, and of course there are disadvantages. In any case, everyone's personality traits deserve to be respected. Everyone is born different, as long as you really do yourself well, you will be the best person!

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