
The main reason why the zodiac signs can't find an object, specifically synonymous with Taurus, Scorpio I believe you a ghost

Zodiac Derailment Index Ranking: Aries: 50, look at his mood, it is easy to cheat mentally if you are impatient. Taurus: -5, single is synonymous with Taurus. Gemini: 90, not cheating on the gemini. Cancer: 80, after all, is called "slag" by everyone, not out of the sorry for their nickname. Lion: 55, cold violence professional household, infidelity is directly proportional to cold violence. Virgin: 20, combined with the essence of the earth sign, is still more affectionate. Libra: 70, as long as the good-looking people, Libra sees it and wants to cheat. Scorpio: 15, dare to love and dare to hate Scorpio will not cheat, is a direct breakup. Shooter: 120, never looking back on the way out. Capricorn: 0, don't say it, Capricorn never cheats because they don't want to be in love. Aquarius: 85 points, big brain hole, so there are many ideas, and cheating is also one of them. Pisces: 75, won't refuse, won't take responsibility, so it's easy to cheat.

The main reason why the zodiac signs can't find an object, specifically synonymous with Taurus, Scorpio I believe you a ghost

The main reasons why the zodiac signs can't find objects:

Aries: Not caring about feelings Taurus: Too cautious Personality Gemini: Always like "multi-purpose" Cancer: Too afraid of getting hurt Leo: Too arrogant Virgo: They see too high Libra: Indecisive Scorpio: Too extreme Sagittarius: Afraid of binding Capricorn: Always busy with work Aquarius: Too independent Pisces: Too fancy to fantasy

The main reason why the zodiac signs can't find an object, specifically synonymous with Taurus, Scorpio I believe you a ghost

How much can be believed in the promise of the twelve zodiac signs: Aries Aries promise can be believed in 30% taurus Taurus promise can believe in 80% gemini gemini promise can only believe in 20% cancer Cancer promise can believe in 90% Leo Leo promise, credibility 50% Virgo Virgo promise, 90% credibility Libra promise, credibility 30% Scorpio promise, credibility is only about 10% Sagittarius Sagittarius promise, more than 60% chance of credible Capricorn promise Capricorn promise, 80% credibility is the least Aquarius commitment, and the credibility of the commitment is 50% Pisces Pisces commitment, 40% credible

The main reason why the zodiac signs can't find an object, specifically synonymous with Taurus, Scorpio I believe you a ghost

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