
The performance of the first quarter exceeded expectations, and what was the effectiveness of coca-Cola's multi-category strategy?

The performance of the first quarter exceeded expectations, and what was the effectiveness of coca-Cola's multi-category strategy?

Image source @ Visual China

The | consumption of titanium

In terms of the performance of the Asia-Pacific region, which belongs to the Chinese market, Coca-Cola achieved only a slight increase of 1%.

Q1 results exceeded expectations

The performance of the first quarter exceeded expectations, and what was the effectiveness of coca-Cola's multi-category strategy?

James Quincey further said, "We are true to our goals and maintain close contact with consumers. We are confident in our year-round guidance and we have the ability to win in all types of environments as we drive strong revenue momentum and create value for our stakeholders. ”

The earnings report shows that Coca-Cola's value share in the non-alcoholic ready-to-drink beverage market increased in the first quarter, with the value share of both home and out-of-home channels rising.

In the first quarter, Coca-Cola unit container volume increased by 8%, with broad growth across all operating divisions. The earnings report shows that the growth of the developed market is due to the United States, the United Kingdom and Mexico, while the emerging markets in developing countries are led by Brazil and India.

By region, Coca-Cola's revenue in Latin America increased by 34% year-on-year, Revenue in North America increased by 22% year-on-year, revenue in Europe, the Middle East and Africa increased by 13% year-on-year, and Revenue in Asia Pacific increased slightly by 1% year-on-year.

The performance of the first quarter exceeded expectations, and what was the effectiveness of coca-Cola's multi-category strategy?

Keep up with the "0 Sugar" trend

Many years ago, in the "soda war" in the domestic market, the status of domestic soda brands was gradually replaced by Coca-Cola and Pepsi. But now, domestic soda brands have made a comeback: in 2004, Laoshan Coke made a comeback; in 2011, the Arctic Ocean returned; in 2016, Tianfu Coke and Weili announced their official comeback; in May 2020, Shanghai Zhengguanghe returned with a replica version of orange soda; in 2021, Wahaha's very cola belt new packaging returned to consumer vision; Arctic Ocean and Bingfeng began to enter the capital market... In addition, there are new local brands Yuanqi Forest with "0 sugar and 0 fat" strong circle powder.

But in Xu Xiongjun's view, Coca-Cola will definitely confront domestic sugar-free beverage brands in the sugar-free field. Because Coca-Cola made its fortune with sugary drinks, the sugar-free field does not have a first-mover advantage, and for consumers, it takes time to accept the sugar-free beverages launched by traditional beverage companies.

Category "addition and subtraction"

When the cooperation was reached, the spokesperson said, "BODYARMOR is a sports performance and hydrating beverage series with great long-term growth potential, and since joining Coca-Cola 3 years ago, BODYARMOR has been promoting continuous innovation in hydrating products." ”

Zhang Guangyang said, "The development of the multi-category strategy requires a lot of cost investment in the early stage, and before the launch of the new product is recognized by the market, it has a great risk, but for the volume of Coca-Cola, if it can successfully recreate a large single product, the return will be great." ”

The product is currently available in three flavors: lemon lime, strawberry guava and pineapple, and was officially released on June 1 at the Coca-Cola Tmall flagship store.

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