
Properly add rhythm changes, and your turn will have a qualitative leap to get rid of (GIF demonstration)

First of all, to be clear, the first key to holding the ball on your back is to hold the ball steady, so that the next action you do is effective. It is not easy to turn around and get rid of the ball with the back, when the basic movements can not get a good effect, try to make some rhythm, action changes will make your turn to get rid of more difficult to prevent!

Properly add rhythm changes, and your turn will have a qualitative leap to get rid of (GIF demonstration)

The back stops sharply and turns around to get rid of the basic movements

Properly add rhythm changes, and your turn will have a qualitative leap to get rid of (GIF demonstration)

Pay attention to the weight control of the lead ball

Properly add rhythm changes, and your turn will have a qualitative leap to get rid of (GIF demonstration)

When there is an emergency stop, the support foot presses on the ground to complete the change of direction

Properly add rhythm changes, and your turn will have a qualitative leap to get rid of (GIF demonstration)

Adjust the center of gravity of the body to ensure the speed of the turn

Properly add rhythm changes, and your turn will have a qualitative leap to get rid of (GIF demonstration)

Get rid of homeopathy

Properly add rhythm changes, and your turn will have a qualitative leap to get rid of (GIF demonstration)

Make a sharp stop and turn around to get rid of the effect of joining the stride

Properly add rhythm changes, and your turn will have a qualitative leap to get rid of (GIF demonstration)

Pick up the ball and make a quick stop at the same time

Properly add rhythm changes, and your turn will have a qualitative leap to get rid of (GIF demonstration)

Stride falsely and fakely move

Properly add rhythm changes, and your turn will have a qualitative leap to get rid of (GIF demonstration)

When your opponent hesitates, speed up to get rid of it!

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