
If you can't influence it, just go with the flow

If you can't influence it, just go with the flow

There are many changes in human affairs, you can't influence, you can only follow the fate. If you want to live happily, you must learn to do things soberly and be confused.

Childhood, two little guesses; youth, sea oath mountain league; old age, white head with old age. May the love of all men be a perfect life.

If you can't influence it, just go with the flow

Life should learn to precipitate, precipitate experience, precipitate mood, and precipitate yourself.

Whether it was yesterday, today, tomorrow, it is a beautiful day to be suddenly cheerful.

If you can't influence it, just go with the flow

The highest state of life: cherish your past, be satisfied with your present, and be optimistic about your future.

After hard work, I learned many things, insisted on persevering, and came over.

If you can't influence it, just go with the flow

Keep a young heart, be a simple person, enjoy the sun and warmth.

Be patient, be strong, and one day the pain you've endured will help you.

If you can't influence it, just go with the flow

Like a beautiful flower, like a year of water flowing. You can go back to the past, you can't go back to the beginning. Some people, some things, as soon as they turn around, are a lifetime.

Life is always ups and downs, don't complain about anything, you are happy, you will have troubles; even if you are unlucky, you will be lucky.

If you can't influence it, just go with the flow

Life is a never-ending performance, each of us is an actor, but some people obey themselves, and some people please the audience.

When you feel tired, maybe you are on the uphill slope of your life. Keep going, and you'll find yourself at another height in your life.

What gesture you give the world, what kind of life the world will return to you.

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