
These 6 methods can help you stop thinking catastrophically!

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Our minds can lead us toward safety or survival. You may feel overwhelmed or lonely when negative thoughts keep popping up, but there are several techniques that can help you manage them.

Recurring catastrophic thoughts can cause your body to constantly react to fleeing, fighting, or freezing, creating greater stress that can lead to a variety of physical and mental health problems.

So, how do you stop catastrophic thinking? Below, let's take a look at the insights and suggestions of professor Rong Xinqi, a psychologist.

These 6 methods can help you stop thinking catastrophically!

What is catastrophic thinking?

If you're prone to catastrophic thoughts, then you may often have a hard time dealing with negative emotions.

Still, by catastrophizing and focusing more on negative thoughts, you may be able to help yourself regulate those emotions. But in the process, it can also put a strain on your mind and body.

This cognitive distortion is often linked to a core belief you hold, and knowing that link may help you regulate your irrational thoughts in the beginning.

6 Ways to Stop Catastrophic Thinking

Catastrophic thinking can be a mental habit that is difficult to break. However, with practice, you can change the way you think.

1. Mindfulness exercises

Mindfulness practices, such as meditation or yoga.

In a 2018 study that reduced catastrophic thinking associated with chronic pain in participants, by focusing on thoughts outside of their bodies, participants recognized when their thoughts about pain were unreasonable.

In a pilot study in 2019, mindfulness practices in sickle cell patients, interventions by nurses and other caregivers to teach pain management proved successful.

2. Cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) helps you learn to recognize triggers and change negative thoughts about them.

In a 2017 study, 16 patients with fibromyalgia showed that cognitive behavioral therapy reduced symptoms in the long term.

A 2020 study showed that symptoms were relieved after people with PTSD participated in CBT to stop catastrophicization.

3. Keep a journal

If you don't want to record your thoughts at the start of a disaster, you can use a notebook, pen, or voice memo app. Journaling can help you keep track of your thought patterns and help you stop disasters.

Consider scheduling time during the week to review your journal entries and write down recurring topics that you notice.

These 6 methods can help you stop thinking catastrophically!

4. Speak your negative thoughts out loud

Speaking out loud about your negative thoughts instead of letting it stay in your head may help you.

For example, say aloud: "My boss wants to fire me, I am a loser" or "I feel pain, I must be going to die"... This is enough to let you see that your thoughts can be irrational.

You may not be able to tell your partner, children, or co-workers what you think, and if you are really reluctant to tell them what you think, you may want to consider asking yourself why.

5. Challenge yourself

Learning to recognize when to start with disastrous thoughts can help you challenge yourself to stop the cycle.

You can practice moments of stillness to relate to how you feel in that moment. Over time, this exercise can help you develop awareness of how to manage your thoughts.

Consider taking a 1-minute pause, observing your surroundings and paying attention to how your current environment affects your thought patterns. If you feel comfortable, practice speaking out loud what you're observing to help you verbalize what you're experiencing.

6. Exercise

A 2020 study showed that people with fibromyalgia showed that low-intensity exercise focused on improving endurance and coordination could help reduce catastrophic events.

Exercise can also help reduce anxiety symptoms and minimize external stress, which in turn can help you build up your resistance to catastrophic thought cycles.

You might consider adding daily exercises such as walking, jogging, yoga, aqua aerobics, Pilates, etc.

These 6 methods can help you stop thinking catastrophically!

When you have catastrophic thoughts, it seems impossible to break the cycle that could lead you into these negative thoughts, which could be how you cope with psychological trauma or suffer from a chronic illness.

But the stress of a catastrophic cycle of thought can have huge physical and mental consequences.

When catastrophic thoughts start, you can learn to refocus your attention and avoid the negative emotions they produce.

When you start thinking catastrophically and speaking your mind, challenging yourself may help you realize when you stop thinking rationally and control the process of catastrophe.

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Text: Consultant Hong

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