
Accompanied by medical paths| new toy in the ward "Courage Gacha"

Medical tips: Lumbar puncture is the abbreviation of lumbar puncture, which is a commonly used examination and treatment method for leukemia, which draws a certain amount of cerebrospinal fluid from the patient's vertebral space. Bone puncture is the abbreviation of bone marrow puncture, mainly used to diagnose some blood system diseases, is to extract bone marrow for laboratory tests, the main part in the iliac bone, but also in the sternum.

In all the treatments faced by children, bone marrow puncture, lumbar puncture and PICC catheterization are the medical procedures that most children are more afraid of, causing physical pain and psychological fear to the child, often the child cries in the operating room, and the mother cries outside the operating room.

In the past service, the game master tried to use a small gacha machine to encourage the child to actively cooperate, and achieved good results, and the children would overcome their fears and cooperate with the treatment in order to get the gacha.

Therefore, from the end of 2021, Guangzhou Golden Ribbon has successively purchased a gacha machine in 6 children's hematological tumor wards to officially carry out the "courage to gacha" service to help children better face these treatments.

Accompanied by medical paths| new toy in the ward "Courage Gacha"

Every child who is hospitalized has his own "warrior passbook".

When the child cooperates with the waist piercing, bone piercing, and PICC intubation every time, the doctor and nurse will stamp a warrior badge on the courage passbook. The gametist or medical staff will issue game coins to the children according to the stamping situation to reward the children's active cooperation in treatment.

Accompanied by medical paths| new toy in the ward "Courage Gacha"
Accompanied by medical paths| new toy in the ward "Courage Gacha"

Xiao Jie has always been very uncooperative in doing waist wear. This time, the day before doing the waist wear, the game master Tomato Sister communicated with him, if he cooperated well, the doctor would send him a gacha coin, and Tomato Sister sent him a coin, especially rewarding his bravery.

Accompanied by medical paths| new toy in the ward "Courage Gacha"

Since Xiao Jie had always needed anesthesia before doing waist wear, the doctor asked Xiao Jie's mother to make anesthesia. This time, Xiao Jie took the initiative to say that he wanted to try not to use anesthesia. The doctors did not believe him, let them first ask for anesthesia, if Xiao Jie temporarily refused, there is also a backup plan.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Jie really completed the waist piercing smoothly without anesthesia!

The next day, when the doctor came to check the room, in front of Tomato Sister, he praised Xiao Jie greatly and hugged Xiao Jie.

A mother emotionally recorded the growth process of her child's waist wear with a video number.

Accompanied by medical paths| new toy in the ward "Courage Gacha"

Children can use the game currency to twist the egg machine once in exchange for a gacha. You can also accumulate three or five gachas in exchange for a bigger prize. This will further motivate children to cooperate with each treatment and get more gacha coins in exchange for bigger prizes.

Ever since they had the egg gacha, the children were calculating when they should wear bones and waists.

Accompanied by medical paths| new toy in the ward "Courage Gacha"

Xiao Jie exchanged five coins for a bica chao

Since the launch of the gacha service, there has been less crying and more childhood happiness in the children's hematology and tumor ward. Doctors and nurses all said yes!

Accompanied by medical paths| new toy in the ward "Courage Gacha"
Accompanied by medical paths| new toy in the ward "Courage Gacha"

One coin can be twisted once, about 5 yuan / serving

Five coins for a large gift, about 30 yuan / piece

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