
Life and death are like hibiscus in the twilight

On the way home, I brushed up on an article "Death is a person disappearing from the world, and the world still exists" can't help but be sad from the heart.

Life is a lifetime, grass and trees in autumn, just like before it has time to live well, you have to face the return of people's inherent death, it has reached middle age, afraid that this topic is unexpected, eyes removed from the mobile phone screen, glimpsed the hibiscus on the side of the road, Wu Zi opened alone, like this short life and fleeting love.

Life and death are like hibiscus in the twilight

Life is short, I heard that love has nine sorrows! As this hibiscus blossoms, less than a day, sunrise blossoms, sunset flowers fall. Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica" says: This flower is in the twilight of the blossoming, so the name: day and day, known as hibiscus, yue, only a moment of glory of righteousness. Jin Xiahou Zhan's "Chaohua Fu": "The sun rises and chaohua, and the yuanjing dies and the sunset is zero" Therefore, the ancients also called it ri and sunshine, representing brilliance and sunshine. Call it Chaohua, representing morning and vitality, and also call it Shunhua and Chaohua Twilight Flower, because, beautiful, is so hurried for a moment. Even if the blossoms are gratifying, the flowers fall to cause people to be sad: "It is a pity that the morning glory is special, and the twilight is carried out" (Bai Juyi's "Hewei Sigh Hibiscus Flower"), "Love the flower towards the morning, pity the flower twilight is falling" (Yuan Shu's "Hibiscus"). "Meng Dongye Collection, Trial and Delivery" poem: The little man hibiscus flower heart, day and night do not exist.

Life and death are like hibiscus in the twilight

Therefore, the sorrow and bitterness are the same, and the poet often says, persuade the king not to plant hibiscus flowers, "the glory of the twilight can be consulted." Therefore, it is really desolate to compare the meaning of red face is easy to pass away, glory is not long, and people's hearts are changeable.

Moreover, the folk also call it the guillotine flower, because the way the hibiscus flower falls is that the whole flower bud is disconnected from the branches, and the flower fall scene is like the ancient severed head criminal law, so it is named the guillotine flower. The hibiscus flower has a feeling of grandeur and freedom similar to that of a strong man's broken wrist. Therefore, the hibiscus flower also symbolizes that it is no longer attached to the past, and should look forward again.

Life and death are like hibiscus in the twilight

Nevertheless, every time the hibiscus blossoms and falls in the twilight, although it is short and fleeting, it also contains the love symbol of "if the two loves are long, they are in the twilight of the dynasty".

Hibiscus flowers also have legends, according to legend, in ancient times there was a mountain, at the foot of the mountain grew three hibiscus trees, the growth is very luxuriant, every summer and autumn will bloom. One year, the four fiends on the mountain came to watch, were attracted by this beautiful scenery, and had a vicious idea, wanting to take the hibiscus for themselves, so they began to fight for hibiscus, and finally the hibiscus was overturned, the flowers withered, and the four fiends left. When Yu Shun learned of this news, he beckoned the farmer to lift up the hibiscus and water it for irrigation, and then the hibiscus miraculously lived, and it also bloomed beautiful flowers like before. It was also on the day of the resurrection that three hibiscus fairies appeared to thank them for their life-saving grace. Later, after Yu Shun moved to Negative Summer, he also transplanted hibiscus trees and became the national flower.

Life and death are like hibiscus in the twilight

From another point of view, in fact, the vitality of hibiscus flowers is very strong, usually after a flower fails, other flower buds will follow and continue to bloom, as if it is endless, so although the meaning is not good, the endless cycle of life and death is also a symbol of eternal life, charm. In addition, it also represents the strength to become stronger after experiencing suffering. Although the hibiscus flower is in the twilight when it blooms, it withers every time for the better opening of tomorrow, much like the sun setting in the evening and rising again in the morning, persevering. It is also like loving a person, even if it is sometimes hurt and depressed, as long as it is not easy to give up, it will be strong and will not shake the initial choice, which is also a kind of love belief, so the flower language of hibiscus is gentle persistence.

Life and death are like hibiscus in the twilight

No night has passed, the dawn will not come, whether it is life or love, it is precious to the world. Hibiscus opens and falls, just like the withering and withering of life, are all natural laws, although the world is impermanent, although the red face is easy to grow old, although the most human world can not stay, Zhu Yan ci mirror flower ci tree... Just remember that we have lived in this world.

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