
At 24 weeks, the pregnant mother gave birth to a "slap baby"! Is this "deadly fungus" playing a ghost? Your family may have too!

Food safety during pregnancy is really sloppy at all.

Because of the slightest carelessness, it is the mother and baby who are in danger!

A few days ago, a hot search news sounded a wake-up call for all pregnant mothers, and the food at the entrance should really be rigorous.

Ms. Huang, a 27-year-old pregnant mother in Hangzhou, when she was 24 weeks pregnant, suddenly had low back pain and fever, accompanied by frequent urination and deepening of urine color.

At 24 weeks, the pregnant mother gave birth to a "slap baby"! Is this "deadly fungus" playing a ghost? Your family may have too!

The family immediately sent her to the hospital, to the hospital for examination, Ms. Huang was infected with Listeria!

That's right, listeria known as the "fridge killer"!

Listeria does not have serious consequences for healthy people, but it is a fatal danger to pregnant women and fetuses.

Because of the infection with Listeria, Ms. Huang gave birth to a baby that was only the size of a palm in 24 weeks, weighing only 670g, and her thighs were as thick as an adult's index finger.

Also because of premature birth, the baby is in danger as soon as it is born, severe suffocation, respiratory failure, and the development of various organs is immature.....

After 76 days of full rescue by the doctor, the baby's condition was stable enough to be discharged home!

Doctors remind: Listeria are mostly infected by eating unclean food, so the diet during pregnancy must pay special attention.

In the news commentary, some netizens also reminded that pregnant women should avoid eating raw and cold unheated and disinfected diets to prevent listeria infections from causing complications such as miscarriage, premature birth, stillbirth, and infant meningitis.

"Really don't get lucky to eat raw food and machine ice cream, these two touch there is a chance of infection."

"Special groups of people must eat fresh in special periods, and their families and themselves must pay attention to it."

At 24 weeks, the pregnant mother gave birth to a "slap baby"! Is this "deadly fungus" playing a ghost? Your family may have too!

The reminder of netizens and doctors is not alarmist, the danger of listeria, every pregnant mother should pay attention to it!


What is Listeria? Where is your favorite hiding?

Listeria monocytogenes, also known as Listeria monocytogenes or Listeria monocytogenes, is a facultative anaerobic bacterium that is the causative agent of listeriosis. Once a pregnant woman is infected with the bacterium, the fetus may be at risk of death.

Listeria is widespread in nature, mainly through food as a vector of transmission, and is one of the deadliest foodborne pathogens.

Listeria can be found in most foods, and foods that have been confirmed to be the source of listeria infection are: meat, eggs, poultry, seafood, dairy products, vegetables, etc.

Listeria has the characteristics of not being afraid of cold, even in the refrigerator refrigeration environment can still survive and reproduce, so it has the title of "refrigerator killer".

At 24 weeks, the pregnant mother gave birth to a "slap baby"! Is this "deadly fungus" playing a ghost? Your family may have too!

Moreover, it is also highly resistant to drying and high-salt environments, and most of the family's food is at risk of contamination with Listeria.

For example, some dairy products that have not been sterilized (cheese, butter, etc.); unlearned mayonnaise; chicken rolls and beef that have been stored for a long time; undercooked bean sprouts; vegetable salads; ice cream (soft ice cream); undused milk, etc.


Keep away from listeria,

You can do that!

How to prevent Listeria?

Daily life adheres to the WHO "Five Points of Food Safety" principle: separation of raw and cooked; keep clean; cook thoroughly; safe temperature; safe raw materials.

This is effective in minimizing the risk of listeria infection, and the following points are also very effective in preventing listeria infection in high-risk groups.

Adjust the refrigerator temperature

The right temperature can slow down the growth of Listeria monocytogenes. Adjust the refrigeration layer to 4 °C or below, and the refrigerated layer to -18 °C or less.

Consume ready-to-eat foods as early as possible

Ready-to-eat refrigerated foods, the sooner you eat them, the better. The longer they are stored in the refrigerator, the greater the chance that Listeria will grow.

Store and wash raw and cooked separately

For raw fruits and vegetables and raw meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs, it is recommended to use separate cutting boards, plates and utensils, store and wash separately, and eat carefully after washing.

Do not thaw meat repeatedly

Once the food in the freezer is brought to room temperature and exposed to the air, the bacteria in the dormant state begin to multiply in large quantities.

At 24 weeks, the pregnant mother gave birth to a "slap baby"! Is this "deadly fungus" playing a ghost? Your family may have too!

Even if it is re-frozen, the bacterial reproduction rate will slow down, but the bacteria that have already grown will not freeze to death. Therefore, it is best to cut the meat into small pieces according to the amount eaten at one time, and take a piece to thaw it every time you eat it.

Cook the food and eat it

Whether it is raw food taken out of the refrigerator or fruits and vegetables stored at room temperature, it must be cooked before eating.

Clean the fridge regularly

Generally speaking, the refrigerator must be thoroughly cleaned at least once every 3 months. The steps are very simple, it is a bit expensive, and those who have mines at home can ask the housekeeping to clean up.


Other household food safety


● Do not drink unpasteurized milk and dairy products;

● Do not eat cold meat cooked food that has not been thoroughly heated;

● It is not recommended to eat raw aquatic products;

● Do not eat under-cooked meat and seafood;

● Do not eat eggs that are not fully cooked;

● Do not eat food with broken packaging and imminent expiration;

● Wash thoroughly before eating raw fruits and vegetables;

● Raw meat is stored separately from vegetables, cooked foods and other ready-to-eat foods;

● Separate knives and cutting boards for handling raw and cooked food;

● Hands, knives and cutting boards should be cleaned after contact with raw food;

● Leftovers in the refrigerator cannot be eaten directly, but need to be thoroughly heated.

Have you remembered the above methods?

Materials: People's Daily, City Express, Health Times, Pregnancy, etc

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