
Some are deeply loved and can't open their mouths

Time is not long, may you be in my words, see you not too late!

Some are deeply loved and can't open their mouths

Everything in the world is unpredictable. People always feel that everything is under control, but they don't know that nothing in this world can be completely controlled.

In the face of love, I think almost all people like those happy and perfect love, for sorrow and joy, for love and can not, for life and death... I don't want to mention it at all.

But in this world, it will never be as desired, and sometimes, what you don't like will still exist nakedly.

Although this world will be sad and painful because of this, everything that should have been experienced, bypassing thousands of mountains and rivers, will still come to you.

The misfortune in destiny is destined to make you experience a life of dissatisfaction in this short life. So, with regard to love, you don't get the consummation you want.

Compared with ordinary people, the love that can be encountered around the corner, you can't meet it through the streets and alleys, through the bustling city.

Some are deeply loved and can't open their mouths

This fate is finally in love, playing a joke on you, the person you love may never love you.

Love is like the star that suddenly lights up in the endless dark night.

Although it is only a faint light, it is enough to light up the hope in people's hearts and enough to guide people to the unknown road ahead.

Therefore, people in this world are looking for their own star, and you are the same!

Stepping on this red earth, you look up all the time, and the star that belongs to you, like a branch that reaches out to beg for dew in spring, waits for germination, waits for hope.

Unfortunately and sadly, the star you have been looking forward to all day, although it has come to your life as promised, is the North Star that guides everyone in the direction, not just for you.

You are deeply in love, intoxicated, indulgent... But the person you can see as soon as you look up doesn't belong to you.

Some are deeply loved and can't open their mouths

And this love that is easy to encounter in this red dust is only a rare memory in your life after all.

Man, we must live a little more thoroughly, and understand that some deep love is doomed to be unable to open your mouth.

Before the world, you may always think that on this long road, you must meet a person you like, and you must say your feelings out loud.

Never be a coward, be brave to chase, try to get.

But after truly dabbling in this world, I suddenly realized that not all love can be easily declared.

When you fall in love with someone you shouldn't love, the surging love in your heart can only be deeply hidden in your heart.

Fate is such a trickery that you meet the right person at the wrong time. You have no way to get closer, and you can't express your emotions desperately.

After all, the person you love already has his own happiness and family.

Some are deeply loved and can't open their mouths

He can't leave everything behind to accept your love, and you can't break his current stability regardless of the world.

Although it is not easy to meet a person who makes himself happy and makes himself throbbing, he is born as a human being, and while satisfying his own desires, he must not sacrifice others as a premise.

Love is bound to be pleasing to each other, and it is bound to know and cherish each other. If you don't have all this, but you still have to force it, then what you get in the end is likely to be a tragedy.

Instead of destroying the happiness of the people you love with your own hands, it is better to hide this heavy love deep in your heart.

As Xi Mei often said, if he can't be the one who has worked together to get old in this life, then be a precious friend in his life.

You know, some deep love, although you can't open your mouth, but this can't erase the deep affection behind this deep love, nor can it erase your joy and dedication.

Some are deeply loved and can't open their mouths

Whether or not you get it in the end, and whether fate can make you walk together, in short, grateful for a fate of encounter.

Although you cannot stand together as a couple or as a couple, you can still support and encourage each other in life.

This love that he can't get makes him the most beautiful memory in his life. This unspoken love is buried deep in the heart, allowing it to grow a lovely and sincere flower.

And you must continue to walk forward firmly and continue to meet your new love in life.

This time, you don't see the stars that light up the path of your life, and the next time you walk, you will always encounter them.

Although life is short, it will not be a regret every time, and fate will not make you a sad person forever.

Believe it gives you a deep and sad memory and will still return you a beautiful and happy love.

Some are deeply loved and can't open their mouths

So, don't get stuck in a tree. You know, love is sometimes in the crossing, only by letting yourself go, you can find the world that truly belongs to you.

Or that old saying, no one really can't do without anyone, deep love can be hidden in the bottom of the heart, but life still has to go forward!

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