
Playing jade love jade hidden jade, what is the difference between men and women?

Play jade love jade hidden jade,

What is the difference between men and women?


Women for water, men for mud.

The difference between men and women, the heavens survive, such as playing with jade.

The difference between men and women is roughly a contest between reason and sensibility. Men pay attention to logic, and women love to talk about mood. It is precisely because of the existence of this difference that the collision of reason and sensibility creates a spark of love, like the opposite poles of a magnet, but can attract each other.

Playing jade love jade hidden jade, what is the difference between men and women?

The man who loves jade and the woman who loves jade have their own unique insights, and both give jade different pleasures. Both capable and responsible, but also elegant and calm, this is the different experience of men and women, the difference between which looks more than a little.

Jade in a man's eyes

In his eyes, just like his car, once he has a jade, he is often willing to spend thousands of dollars to buy it, and he will consider its cost performance when he values his suitability.

Jade in a woman's eyes

In her opinion, she hopes to nourish the skin by wearing jade, delay aging, and have a longer-term vision. Slowly cultivate your own cultivation and connotation, and live gracefully.

Men hide jade and pursue quality

When men buy jade, they are mostly rational to buy, are not susceptible to emotional and psychological influences, and tend to analyze the quality of jade itself and the value of jade carving technology from a rational point of view. Good jade seems to reflect a man's quality of life, so with the deepening of his pursuit of quality of life, men's quality requirements for jade will be higher.

Women wear jade and pay attention to temperament

When women buy jade, they are mostly recommended by relatives and friends, while paying attention to intuition and emotion, the appearance of jade carvings with bright colors and rich and delicate emotional resonance will more likely arouse women's good feelings. Jade can not only raise people, but also allow women to exude unique feminine beauty from the inside out, and the elegant temperament is fully displayed. Appearance is determined by time, but temperament is determined by oneself, and it is a heartfelt attitude to life!

Men playing with jade is a large consumption

It should not be difficult for you who love jade to find that the money you spend on jade may be similar to that of "marrying a daughter-in-law", but there is no way, who makes themselves love jade so much? Therefore, some people will say: When you fall in love with jade, it is difficult to be "rich" no matter how much you earn, but in fact, the satisfaction they get in their hearts is difficult to buy.

Women playing with jade is a high-yield investment

Once a woman falls in love with jade, she is full of confidence on her body, and she also appears graceful and generous; she can brew a charm and charm that is not alarmed, give people a simple and clean feeling, have a different aesthetic from ordinary people, treat people with a low profile, know how to appreciate others, and know how to appreciate themselves.

Men love jade, it is technology

Once a man encounters jade, he instantly incarnates astronomy, geography, history, humanities, water sources, geology, art, and collection of encyclopedia experts, visiting the garden, running the market, going to the forum, turning to WeChat, more active than eating and sleeping, especially after encountering the jade he has long liked, after a thorough study, take out the private money to take it, the pleasure after the jade is in hand, not only lies in the joy of the marriage, but also the joy of harvesting satisfaction after exhaustion.

Playing jade love jade hidden jade, what is the difference between men and women?

Women love jade and are enjoying

Women playing with jade is more about the pursuit of spiritual sustenance and leisurely protection, as well as companionship and maintenance in life. Women love beauty, nature is so, busy, thoughts fly, jade has become the best guardian stone at this time; even if there is no time to take care of it in daily life, wear it, beautify themselves, beautify the mood, from the heart of the bottom and confidence to make women more calm, jade does not say a word, but always silently guard, people nourish it, it accompanies people, such warmth, women are afraid to know best.

As the same jade lover, the difference between men and women is so much, but the benefits that jade can bring are indisputable facts. Tibetan jade loves jade, plays jade and wears jade, regardless of men and women, the pursuit of different, acquisition and understanding, is more familiar with the harmony of life and the philosophy of dealing with the world, as well as the silence, tolerance and peace with themselves and others, this is more or less the greatest wisdom that playing jade can bring us?

Playing jade love jade hidden jade, what is the difference between men and women?

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