
Pick a card and see how your peach blossom luck will be in the next three months?

Before there are 2 · 14, after there are 5 · 20, sandwiched in the middle of the day the breath of spring is also more and more intense, the companion is not spending Valentine's Day all day, or preparing for Valentine's Day, not on the way to go out to enjoy spring, or in preparation for leisure and spring with their partners. As a member of the single Wang, Orange I live by myself, guess everyone must also be very eager to know when they can get off the list?! Without further ado, let's get into today's topic!

Now, please meditate on the question in your heart: How will my peach blossoms fare in the next three months? Then intuitively choose one of the following cards.

I believe tarot will give you the answer, don't peek in advance.

Pick a card and see how your peach blossom luck will be in the next three months?

What exactly does the chosen card mean? Let's take a look! Scroll down to see the answer (remember to participate in the interaction at the end of the article).

A. Holy Grail Ace

Pick a card and see how your peach blossom luck will be in the next three months?

You who have chosen the Holy Grail Ace, there are still signs of new love sprouts in the next three months, but the premise is that you are willing to expand your life circle and social circle to contact and make some new friends. You can try to develop a new hobby, such as skateboarding, playing the piano, joining some interest clubs, or putting sports and fitness on the agenda, of course, you can also participate in more party activities organized by friends if you have the opportunity. At the same time, during this time, you should also try to express boldly, do not be stingy to express your appreciation and good feelings for others; maintaining an open attitude will help you attract more and better peach blossoms

B. Holy Grail 7

Pick a card and see how your peach blossom luck will be in the next three months?

You who have chosen holy grail 7, it seems a little difficult to get off the list in the next three months. There are actually good objects around you, but there are very few people who meet your criteria. Or you are actually not very sure what you really want, and your assumptions about the other half are not clear, which leads to you being more changeable and easy to waver when you contact some new people, and accidentally missing some good fate. There are also some people who say that they want to take off the single, but in fact, they are addicted to star chasing, two-dimensional elements, and bumping other people's CP all day, there is no time to fall in love, and they have invisibly improved their mate selection standards. Therefore, it is recommended that you first think clearly about what you really want and really suit you, and when necessary, you can slightly reduce your own requirements.

C. Sword 3

Pick a card and see how your peach blossom luck will be in the next three months?

If you choose Sword 3, you have little chance of getting off a single in the next three months. Your attitude towards love is a little pessimistic, perhaps because of the original family, perhaps because of the past failed emotional experience, and even more so you have just ended a bad relationship, you still need some time to heal. At this stage, it is difficult for you to fully invest in a relationship, you do not trust love, so even if there are peach blossoms around you, you will intentionally or unintentionally reject each other. Therefore, it is better to sort out your mood first, and you can also communicate more with couples and couples and friends who are more successful in their feelings around you, which will help you regain your expectations and trust in love.

D. Empress

Pick a card and see how your peach blossom luck will be in the next three months?

You who have chosen the queen card, the peach blossom luck in the next three months is very good, and there is a high probability that you can harvest a sweet relationship, especially female friends. First of all, your own need for love increases, you will be more active in finding love, pursuing love, and you will have more opportunities to contact good objects. Secondly, during this time, you will also be more confident and generous, and your every move will be full of charm, which will naturally attract more people's attention. However, during this time, you tend to pay too much attention to each other's material and economic conditions, and ignore the adaptability of two people in terms of personality, three views, etc., resulting in an increase in the cost of trial and error, so it is recommended that you think twice and avoid entering a relationship too quickly.

Orange has something to say:

That's it! If you have any topics that you particularly want to divinate, you can also leave a message in the comment area to tell us, and the topic with higher likes may meet you in the next issue

In the end, what was the answer you chose? Come and share it with you in the comments section! Hopefully, we can all get what we want

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