
After the age of 50, women do not want to let obesity and disease come to the door, to do these 4 things well, you need to understand

There are many women who attach great importance to body management in their youth and middle age, and even after giving birth, their body shape has not changed much.

However, after entering menopause, due to the fluctuation of hormones in the body, aging and other aspects of the impact, the figure also began to gradually lose control, there are small belly, obesity and other problems, but everyone often does not think about it.

Because in our opinion, at this age, beauty is not so important.

After the age of 50, women do not want to let obesity and disease come to the door, to do these 4 things well, you need to understand

As everyone knows, obesity is caused by not only the decline in appearance, but also a breakthrough in the emergence of various diseases, especially the high incidence of hypertension, metabolic disorder syndrome, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in the elderly, which are easy to find obese people.

Therefore, even if it is more than half a hundred years old, body management cannot be ignored. If you don't want to find yourself with obesity and its related diseases, it is necessary to do the following four things from now on;

After the age of 50, women do not want to let obesity and disease come to the door, to do these 4 things well, you need to understand

1, diet correction: In fact, there is no shortcut to weight loss, the only way is only six words "control the mouth, step on the legs" .

Of course, keeping your mouth shut is not to make everyone over-diet, only vegetarian or no staple food, which is an unhealthy way to lose weight.

The dietary adjustment that is really beneficial to weight loss is actually to control the intake of calories and total food intake throughout the day, and obese people should reduce the intake of high-calorie, high-sugar and high-fat foods, and reasonably match vegetables, coarse grains, and protein-containing foods in three meals, and maintain 6-7 full points per meal;

After the age of 50, women do not want to let obesity and disease come to the door, to do these 4 things well, you need to understand

2, exercise can not be less: after the menopause of women, often have osteoporosis problems.

Affected by aging and decreased physical strength, women at this stage are not suitable for overly intense sports, but you can choose some soothing exercises, such as yoga, walking, jogging, tai chi and so on.

Science suggests that middle-aged and elderly people should maintain physical activity 3-6 times a week, each time lasting at least 30 minutes or more.

This is not only conducive to weight control, but also promotes blood circulation and metabolism, which has certain benefits for the prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases;

After the age of 50, women do not want to let obesity and disease come to the door, to do these 4 things well, you need to understand

3, scientific sleep: women after entering the menopause period, affected by hormone fluctuations, are often prone to insomnia, early awakening, sleep quality decline and other issues, if you do not pay attention to regulation, even will develop into habitual insomnia.

As everyone knows, if the quality of long-term sleep is too poor, it will reduce the basal metabolic rate and have a certain side effect on weight loss.

Therefore, in the clinical view, middle-aged and elderly women should learn to regulate sleep, and if necessary, they can seek help from a doctor to take relevant drugs;

After the age of 50, women do not want to let obesity and disease come to the door, to do these 4 things well, you need to understand

4, do not forget to hydrate: science suggests that adults should maintain a daily water intake of about 1500-3000ml. Drinking water can create a feeling of fullness, so that you can unconsciously control the intake of other foods.

At the same time, drinking water can promote the body's metabolism, so that the waste and toxins generated inside the body are excreted faster, which can play a role in removing intestinal garbage, preventing constipation, and preventing urinary system diseases. Therefore, in the process of weight loss, it is necessary to pay attention to water replenishment.

After the age of 50, women do not want to let obesity and disease come to the door, to do these 4 things well, you need to understand

Although after the age of fifty, everyone has transitioned from youth to middle age, but this does not mean that we have withdrawn from the stage of life.

In fact, your life is only about 1/2 of the way through, and there are still decades of time and beauty waiting for you to experience. Therefore, do not go with the flow at any time, pay attention to body management, is an important step away from the disease.

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