
April 17 Libra full moon hit! This zodiac sign will be unleashed to a different potential!

Occurred: April 17, 2022

Impact period: April 16, 2022 - April 18, 2022

Astrological importance: ★★★★★

Focus on influencing constellations: Libra, Aries, Cancer, Capricorn

On April 17th, we will usher in the full moon of Libra, which occurs at 26 degrees 46 degrees in Libra, passing through Pluto, so that people will feel the friction with the magnetic field of others more intensely. Not only do we see things from our own perspective, but we also begin to think about the positions of others. At the same time, the full moon will also trigger people's deep uneasiness, many people will want to seek each other's understanding through self-expression, but pay attention to wording, at this time any of your decisions and attitudes, will affect each other's relationship, too radical, may make the relationship irreversible changes.

April 17 Libra full moon hit! This zodiac sign will be unleashed to a different potential!

Let's take a look at what effect the full moon in Libra will have on the horoscope of the 12th sign, and see Rising & Sun Signs at the same time.

April 17 Libra full moon hit! This zodiac sign will be unleashed to a different potential!


During the full moon in Libra, your love life will be most affected, and your emotions will fluctuate due to changes in each other's attitudes. Some people will want to express their feelings positively, but it is easy to feel full of contradictions and opposites, and they should control their emotions more during this time and divert their attention by doing what they like.

April 17 Libra full moon hit! This zodiac sign will be unleashed to a different potential!


A full moon may cause some situations to occur at work, and the interpersonal relationships in the workplace may fluctuate as a result, and your emotional ups and downs will also be affected. Some people will usher in the phased end of a project, if you can, arrange a holiday for yourself to take a good rest.

April 17 Libra full moon hit! This zodiac sign will be unleashed to a different potential!


Near the full moon is easy to impulsively express, or there are some emotional emotions, in love there may be many irrational thoughts and actions, so this time do not have a hot confession, in the relationship to try to control their emotions, to avoid quarrels. Otherwise, it may be overwhelmed with water and difficult to harvest.

April 17 Libra full moon hit! This zodiac sign will be unleashed to a different potential!


Although you are very concerned about your work performance, during the full moon, you would like to have a good rest. Some people are more at home, and you will be more inclined to stay at home than to go out and relax. Some people may receive news about the house, or there may be progress in a family project.

April 17 Libra full moon hit! This zodiac sign will be unleashed to a different potential!


The full moon will stimulate your positive and active thinking, but you may have difficulty balancing the positions of many people because you have absorbed the opinions of too many people around you, and the words of others will greatly interfere with your judgment and make you uncertain.

April 17 Libra full moon hit! This zodiac sign will be unleashed to a different potential!


The financial impact of the full moon is huge, and you may receive some money, gifts, red envelopes, etc. during this time. Some people are very anxious to make money, want to earn a bucket of gold, or promote a certain money project, but now is not a good time to make financial decisions, it is recommended to wait and see for a while, and then when the time is ripe, they will sell.

April 17 Libra full moon hit! This zodiac sign will be unleashed to a different potential!


The occurrence of the full moon in Libra makes your eyes begin to return to yourself from others, and you begin to pay attention to your real needs and attach importance to your own interests and positions. So you will actively show others your true side, and in this way, it may inspire you to look different in the relationship.

April 17 Libra full moon hit! This zodiac sign will be unleashed to a different potential!


You may be very busy at work during this time, but near the full moon you are prone to heavy avoidance and will want to withdraw from the tedious affairs. Instead of desperately trying to make some achievements, it is recommended to take a short break and adjust your physical and mental state.

April 17 Libra full moon hit! This zodiac sign will be unleashed to a different potential!


Although your social state will become active, you need to first figure out your true orientation and emotional needs, find your own positioning, and choose your favorite circle in order to better exude your charm.

April 17 Libra full moon hit! This zodiac sign will be unleashed to a different potential!


This is the focus of your work, and around the full moon you may have some career projects to close, or receive some important news. Therefore, you need to balance the relationship between family and the workplace, avoid neglecting to care for your family when you are busy at work, and sometimes listen patiently to the needs of your family.

April 17 Libra full moon hit! This zodiac sign will be unleashed to a different potential!


This full moon will inspire you to think a lot of rational ideas, and you will think about the problem from a more macro perspective, so even if you feel confused, it is recommended to calmly find out the cause and make a plan for how to solve or alleviate it. Some people may have plans to migrate or be asked by their families to return to their families and live a more stable life.

April 17 Libra full moon hit! This zodiac sign will be unleashed to a different potential!


This full moon will bring your fortunes to a small climax, and there may be a financial project that will come to fruition or receive investment funding from others. A full moon will also stimulate your investment luck, but avoid impulsive decisions or you may regret it. In addition, issues such as accounts and taxes are also what you should pay more attention to during this time.

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