
Zheng Shang small table adventures ~

The Adventures of Zheng Shang's Small Table

hi! Hello guys! Zheng Shang's students!

I'm a little table,

It is also the little friend you meet every day.

You are always used to finding a free me,

Do something of your own here,

But after the busyness, you will leave in a hurry,

Sometimes it's too late to leave a trace.

But whenever I think of my adventures with you,

Many fragments of life will gradually emerge in front of you.

Classroom desks

Zheng Shang small table adventures ~

Curiosity, learning, erudition and daily innovation,

You are gradually transforming into me

Be a better version of yourself.

In the early morning under the dawn of the dawn,

Or the afternoon when the sun shines.

Whenever you hurry to the classroom,

I'm always the first to cross your eye.

Take the information book out and put it on me,

Quietly waiting for the teacher to come to teach.

I have accompanied you through a variety of explanations,

But it is more than halfway through the class,

After you have taken a short rest again again,

I accompany you to continue to go deep into the vast sea of books.

Experiment small table

Zheng Shang small table adventures ~

When physical changes meet chemical reactions,

My bond with you has begun.

Looking at the various experimental supplies neatly arranged on my body,

You gently pick up the tweezers from my hand,

Adjust the weight at both ends of the balance.

Experiments are being carried out methodically on me,

This second, this second,

The world seems to have only tranquility left.

Even if the experiment is wrong,

I will also silently help you carry all this.

And when you succeed,

I am also your first witness.

Small library table

Zheng Shang small table adventures ~

Whenever I meet you,

Everything became silent.

You whisper into the library,

Sit in front of my thick body,

Turn the page and quietly start the day of hard work.

With me forget the hustle and bustle around me,

Accompanied by the collision of the nib with the paper,

The sound of slowly turning the page is the last sound here.

When the warm sunlight outside the window poured on me,

The intersection of light and shadow between you and me has become the most simple and beautiful thing here.

Small tables in the canteen

Zheng Shang small table adventures ~

Dormant in the fireworks of the world,

I was tainted with the pyrotechnic smell of this body.

You take the steaming meal from your aunt,

He walked excitedly toward me.

You hug me,

A spoonful of warm rice in the mouth,

The warmth that reaches the heart,

Sweep away the emptiness in your belly.

Then you seem to be embracing healing.

And the happiest thing in the world,

Just leaning in front of me and enjoying this human firework.

Small campus tables

Zheng Shang small table adventures ~

Through deep, cool paths,

You and I meet under the flowers.

With the end of labor education,

You invite three or five friends.

Sit slowly beside me.

Bathed in warm sunshine,

Smell the scent of flowers,

Laugh and laugh around me with your friends,

Get rid of the exhaustion after labor.

Smiling at Grandpa Guangya,

I am also witnessing your joy with me.

Comfortable and comfortable happy hours are here for me to click to play.

Editor : Gu Di Chen Yan

Proofreader : Cui Shiyue Huo Jiahui

Editor-in-charge: Ma Hanying Chang Wanghui

Guidance : Ning Zhenhai

Review : Zhu Hongdong

Co-ordinator : School Self-Discipline Committee

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