
For Scorpio, the three constellations in love that are prone to "lose both" are overflowing when the water is full

Scorpio in the relationship, often have a decisive side, many times, they seem to be more dare to love and hate, good at giving, but also not used to appease those who hurt themselves, especially cheating or betrayal.

This more direct style will also make Scorpio unsuitable for some people who are too personal, and it is easy to lose both, so which constellations will make Scorpio feel more difficult to approach?

For Scorpio, the three constellations in love that are prone to "lose both" are overflowing when the water is full

01 Sagittarius: Easy to stimulate rebellious psychology

Let's take a look at Sagittarius first, Sagittarius people tend to be more freedom-loving in their bones, they don't like to be bound, and at the same time, even if they love someone again, they don't want to appear to depend on each other for everything, very inseparable from each other.

They like to maintain their independence, Sagittarius's open mind, often attract the attention of Scorpio, because Scorpio is often very yearning for Sagittarius's free spirit, and Sagittarius will also be attracted by the mysticism of Scorpio and eager to know more about each other.

For Scorpio, the three constellations in love that are prone to "lose both" are overflowing when the water is full

However, each other may be attracted to each other, but they may not be able to become a good lover, because when the Scorpio wants to test Sagittarius's determination in love, the contradiction will be highlighted.

In general, Sagittarius does not like to be bound, even if they can love someone very much, but freedom is also very important, even beyond love itself.

And if Scorpio is eager to leave or some means to "blackmail" Sagittarius, to test each other, but will get the opposite answer, that is to say, it will stimulate sagittarius rebellious psychology, so that the two people are getting farther and farther apart.

I have to say that it is difficult for Scorpio to find the kind of security they want in Sagittarius, the feeling of no secret and no distance between hearts and minds.

For Scorpio, the three constellations in love that are prone to "lose both" are overflowing when the water is full

02 Leo: The heart is stronger

Looking at Leo again, in general, Leo people will be stronger, and Scorpio people are also stronger, so two people may like each other, or appreciate, become comrades who fight side by side, but may not be good lovers.

Leo in love, has a "performance" tendency, will put what they can give on the table, to give, this is very impressive Scorpio, and Scorpio can also feel loved and secure from Leo's pay.

However, Leo people often do not like to be tempted, blinded by people, they feel that many things are best to say clearly in person, rather than playing small tricks behind their backs, while Scorpio prefers to observe silently behind their backs, so as to take some more obscure methods, which often makes Leo feel that he is not respected.

For Scorpio, the three constellations in love that are prone to "lose both" are overflowing when the water is full

That is to say, if Scorpio wants to test and test Leo's liking for himself, then Leo will not buy it, they would rather "fish dead net" or put everything down.

You know, Leo's expression also has an exaggerated component, and their love may need to get along slowly, to upgrade in equal respect, rather than just looking at the surface.

03 Gemini: Like to go with the flow

Many Gemini people often have a more lively, jumpy thinking, between them and Scorpio, there are often a lot of mutual attraction, for example, Gemini can bring Scorpio passion and inspiration, and Scorpio's romantic and strong side, can also make Gemini feel protected.

However, this trait of Gemini is often more of an appearance, and deep down, they are actually a little fragile, introverted, and do not like to contact people too much.

For Scorpio, the three constellations in love that are prone to "lose both" are overflowing when the water is full

Therefore, when Geminis are eager to enter their own world, they will not focus on the outside, including feelings, which will make Scorpio feel that Gemini is a bit hot and cold, as if they have not put their hearts on themselves, resulting in a deep sense of insecurity.

And the day Scorpio is insecure, then a lot of conflicts and contradictions will hit, it can be said that Gemini people often hate some too strong love-hate love, they like to be relaxed, pleasant, without too much thinking and "conspiracy" feelings.

Many of their words and deeds are spontaneous, with no purpose and meaning, but Scorpio likes to seek meaning in everything and wants to figure it out, so Scorpio may have a feeling of overflowing water, and it is easy to lose each other because of too much love.

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