
【Ancient College】Yulun Academy: Mountains and rivers far away from taoyuan 800 years of string songs

Shuyuan is another education system in the ancient Chinese education system that is different from official learning, which is not only an educational place, but also an important position for studying scholarship, popularizing culture, and promoting indoctrination, and has an important position in the history of Chinese education. Guangdong Academy began in the Southern Song Dynasty, flourished in the Ming Dynasty, and reached a climax in the late Qing Dynasty - Guangdong became one of the most developed provinces and regions in the country.

Lingnan College is a symbol and platform carrying spiritual temperament and cultural mission. In the Ming Dynasty, Guangdong produced Chen Xianzhang, a great Confucian of science with a national influence, who promoted Guangdong scholarship mainly through the academy. Along with the development of Guangdong Academy, there are also many famous Confucians in the Lingnan area: Zhan Ruoshui, Ruan Yuan, Chen Li, Zhang Zhidong, Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao, Qiu Fengjia, etc., who have made indelible contributions to the prosperity of Guangdong culture. In addition, in addition to cultural dissemination, Guangdong Academy at the end of the Qing Dynasty also published a large number of classic books, contributing a long time.

Guangdong College can be roughly divided into three categories: academies that are pure lecturers; academies that are also lectures and township covenants; and colleges that commemorate eunuchs. These three types of academies take into account the development of elite education and public education, and their rise and fall is closely related to the development of cultural education in Guangdong. The diversified development of Guangdong College also reflects the diversification of Lingnan education and the characteristics of pragmatism, openness and innovation. In a sense, the history of Guangdong Academy is also the cultural history of Guangdong.

The Southern Metropolis Daily's "Ancient Colleges for Day Studies" series, through field visits and data search, comprehensively records and presents the remains of Lingnan Ancient Colleges in the form of texts, videos, pictures and other rich forms. Inherit and promote Lingnan culture, let us start "day study ancient college" together.

【Phase 1 Yukao Academy】

Located at the foot of Luofeng Mountain, Luogang Street, Huangpu District, Guangzhou, Yulan Academy was founded in the Southern Song Dynasty and has a history of at least 800 years, making it one of the earliest and best preserved colleges in Guangzhou.

According to records, during the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhong Suihe, the ancestor of the Luogang Zhong surname, built a seed de nunnery in Luofeng Banpo to read and study for the children of the clan. Zhong Suihe's son Zhong Yuxue and his student Cui Youyi studied here when they were young, and later they were all admitted to the jinshi, and their moral learning was admired, Cui and his officials were the right chancellor, and Zhong Yuxue was appointed to the counselor of Zhongshu Province and the governor of the imperial council. After Zhong Yuyao resigned and returned to his hometown in his later years, he repaired and expanded the Zhongde Nunnery, built the Xiangyuan Garden, the Yuqing Building, and opened up the Shuyu Terrace not far away, and at the same time renamed the Zhongde Nunnery as luokeng Jingshe. After Zhong Yuxue's death, his son Zhong Shishen, in order to commemorate his father's virtues, made a statue of Zhong Yuxue in the main hall of the Luokeng Jingshe for posterity to worship, and changed the Luokeng Jingshe to "Yucheng Academy". In the Ming Dynasty, due to the prohibition of private academies by the government, during the Jiajing period, the descendants of the Zhong clan further rebuilt, collectively referring to the academy and its ancillary buildings as Luofeng Temple, and arranging for monks to be stationed, so that the Yulan Academy was retained.

Draft: Yan Liping

In the year of Qing Guangxu Yihai (1875), the Zhong clan raised funds to carry out a major renovation of the academy. In November 2008, Yucheng Academy and Luofeng Temple (including the tomb of Zhong Yuxue, the Great Ancestral Hall of the Zhong Clan, the Six Ancestral Halls of the Zhong Clan, the Ancestral Hall of the General's Mansion of the Zhong Dynasty, the Ancestral Hall of the General's Mansion, the Houxiantai Temple, the Golden Flower Temple, the Zhaoyin Pavilion, the Long Pavilion of ShangaoShui, the Archway of Tianqu Yun Road and the Wenchang Temple) were announced as the fifth batch of cultural relics protection units in Guangdong Province.

Yulan College has a construction area of about 1868 square meters, the whole is built by the mountain, according to the shape of the situation, three-dimensional development, the appearance is majestic and solemn, the interior of the building is staggered, the structure is compact, the design is exquisite, the pavilions are connected, the winding path corridor, the Yuchi Water Pavilion, the Pavilion Waterfall are distributed among them, small and beautiful, and the history has also formed the "Four Views of Luofeng": "Mountain Tower Looking at the Moon", "East Pavilion Viewing Plum", "Yuping Spring Lookout" and "Shuyu Listening Spring". There are many buildings in the courtyard, and it is one of the rare academies in the country that combines the essence of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism with natural landscapes.

Aerial view of Yulan Academy. The whole college is built on a mountain and shaped according to the situation. The red building above is the Wenchang Temple

Open the video to enjoy this ancient academy hidden in the "Ten Mile Merlin"

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From Luogang Xiangxue Park, pass through a path covered with lychee forests, and follow dozens of quaint stone steps, at the end of which is Yuyao Academy. The first thing that catches your eye is Yu Qing Lou, on the left is The Temple of Zhongde, and on the right is the Luofeng Temple. The gold-lettered red plaque "Yulun Academy" hanging from the main entrance of YuqingLou was written during the Ming Jiajing Renchen period, and a pair of door associations "Qinshu Shize / LiZhuo Famous Mountain" was written by the Famous Calligraphy Master Lao Zhaoguang of the Qing Dynasty. Above the horizontal plaque of "Yu yao academy" there is also a blue plaque "Yu Qing", and the end of the money is the title of "King of Hengyang". This "King of Hengyang" should be the father and son of Zhu Changying of hengyang in the Ming Dynasty, who migrated to Lingnan after the death of the Ming Dynasty and was once imprisoned in the academy.

Yuyao Academy is located on the half slope of Luofeng Mountain, with a majestic appearance.

The "Yuqing" plaque is the inscription "King of Hengyang".

The Door Association of Yulun Academy, "Qinshu Shize / Lizhu Mingshan", is from the hands of the Qing Dynasty calligrapher Lao Zhaoguang. Trick, thumb

Seven eaves dripping water and eight sides of the breeze

The whole of Yuqinglou is concave, and in the middle is a rectangular fish viewing pond, in which there are several pots of water lilies, and the pond fish come and go, as if enjoying with tourists. Looking up at the two-story pavilion, you will find that the architectural layout here is slightly peculiar, according to the guide Ou Xuebing, this is the famous "seven eaves dripping water" in the academy. As the name suggests, the "seven eaves dripping water" is composed of seven eaves, one eaves of the Yuyao Hall, two eaves on each of the three sides of the Yuqing Building, and when it rains, the rainwater drips through the seven eaves to the Fish Pond. This is due to the fact that Zhong Yuyao had a life-saving grace for the three princes of the Southern Song Dynasty, and after zhong Yuyao's death, the three princes ordered people to imitate the pattern of the "eight eaves dripping water" of the imperial palace to rebuild the Luokeng Jingshe, in order not to transgress the etiquette system, specially built as "seven eaves dripping water", and this architectural pattern is used to this day.

Yuqing Building and Yuyao Hall constitute the architectural pattern of "seven eaves dripping water".

The gray sculptures on the roof of YuqingLou have their own postures. The picture shows "Zi Jin Dengxian".

This allusion can be corroborated by a couplet on the inner pillar of the Jade Hall: "The Jade Hall solemnly gives seven eaves dripping water, and gongde zheng wins eight sides of the breeze." The Jade Hall enshrines Zhong Yuyao, and the gold plaques of "Loyalty", "Filial Piety", "Lian" and "Festival" hanging on the walls on the left and right sides are the handwriting of Zhu Xi, a famous theorist of the Song Dynasty. Ou Xuebing said that these four plaques have also become the family motto of the descendants of the Zhong family.

One of the birthplaces of the "Kikupo School"

In fact, in addition to being the place where the Luogang Zhong clan has inherited the family learning for generations, Yuyao Academy is also one of the birthplaces of the mainstream Lingnan school "Jupo School" in the Song Dynasty, which has had a profound impact on the entire Lingnan culture and Guangfu culture.

"Jupo" is the name of the Southern Song Dynasty Xiang Cui. In the third year of Emperor Xiaozong of Song (1167), the 9-year-old Cui he was sent by his father to the Zhong Suihe who had set up a banquet at home with the resignation official, so he became acquainted with zhong Yuyao, who was the same window, and the two formed a lifelong insoluble fate.

Seed Toku-an. The Southern Song Dynasty minister Cui and Zhong Yuyao were in the same window here for 24 years.

Under the guidance of Zhong Suihe, Cui He first took the examination, went to Lin'an at the age of 33 to enter the Taixue, at the age of 36, he entered the high school, and then became the first person in lingnan to be admitted to the Imperial Examination by the Taixue Examination. Cui is quite accomplished in the dictionary, creating the style of "Yajian", the beginning of the Song Dynasty in Lingnan, and is known as the "beginning of Cantonese words". He was also known as the "Lingnan Confucian Sect", and the "Jupo School" he founded is considered to be the first academic school in the history of Lingnan. Cui Andhe and his school of thought have less influence on the idea of accepting learning, and even revealed the purpose of "killing the world and the future generations without scholarship", and have a clear sense of critical theory. The style of study advocated by it objectively resisted the spread trend of science in the late Southern Song Dynasty. Later generations of Lingnan scholars have great respect for it, such as the Ming Dynasty thinker Chen Xianzhang", "Taste the Qing Dynasty and offer portraits at home, sit and look up, if the disciples are to the teacher", and even gave a poem called "Pingsheng wish to hold the Chrysanthemum Slope Whip". In the late Qing Dynasty, at the foot of Yuexiu Mountain in Guangzhou, there was a well-known academy, Jupo Jingshe, and the chief of the mountain was Chen Li, the most influential figure in Lingnan scholarship at that time, and paid tribute to Cui Jupo from generation to generation.

A thousand-year-old ancient lychee in front of the long pavilion of the mountain and water

Coming out of the Yuyao Hall, under the leadership of the guide Ou Xuebing, the reporter and his party passed by the wash heart pool, picked up the steps, and passed through the small mountain gate to Houxiantai. Ou Xuebing introduced that when Zhong Yuyao was watching the celestial phenomenon at night, he saw the immortals drinking wine not far away, and he felt magical, so he built a Waiting Xiantai here.

The heart washing pool in the college can be washed refreshingly.

Standing on The Waiting Sendai, you can almost overlook the entire academy. White-walled dewa, ancient trees verdant, sitting on stone benches for a while, looking up to see the long pavilion of mountains and rivers. The pavilion is also known as the East Pavilion, it was built by Zhong Fuchang, the great-grandson of Zhong Yuyao, and the plaque "Mountains And High Waters" was inscribed by the later Ming Dynasty Lingnan Great Ru Zhanruoshui. Nowadays, there is a party inscription in the pavilion, and the text on it is a long poem made by Zhang Zhidong, the governor of Liangguang, when he went to Luofeng Temple to see plum blossoms, with the verse "Planting plums is like planting mulberry, and the people in the mountains are clothed and fed."

There is a party inscription in the long pavilion of the mountain and water, and the text on it is a long poem made by Zhang Zhidong, the governor of Liangguang, when he went to Luofeng Temple to admire the plum blossoms.

Next to the long pavilion of the mountain and water, there is a large protruding stone, which reads "Poetry Rock". The word "urge" can be described as a state of extreme concern for students in the old days to find good sentences. In front of the Rock of Hypnotism is a thousand-year-old lily fenced by an iron fence. According to legend, the tree has survived for more than 1,000 years and is the oldest tree recorded in Guangzhou. According to reports, this is a naturally growing lychee on the mountain, known locally as "mountain branch", which was as high as several zhang in the Ming Dynasty, and it was necessary for two people to hug it. In the sixteenth year of Ming Jiajing (1537), there was heavy snow in Panyu and the South China Sea, and most of the trees in the mountains were frozen to death, and this ancient lychee tree was also seriously frostbitten, and the branches gradually rotted, and the villagers thought that it was difficult to escape death. Unexpectedly, in the spring of the third year, the lychee tree actually grew three young shoots from the bottom of the stem and rejuvenated. After thousands of years of vicissitudes, this lychee tree is still leafy and can produce two kinds of lychees every year, "guiwei" and "mountain branches". At present, this thousand-year-old lily has applied for the protection of ancient trees, and every year there will be fruit tree experts to take care of its growth.

There are also two huge stones next to the thousand-year-old li, which are written on them respectively "Yuping" and "Shuyu", and I want to come here to be the source of the "Yuping Chunwang" and "Shuyu Listening Spring" in the four scenes of Luofeng.

Many literati and scholars looked at the door wall

Guide Ou Xuebing said that the highest part of the whole academy is the Wenchang Temple, which is full of red, two stories high, which means to stand out from the crowd. According to legend, the establishment of Wenchang Temple is directly related to Zhanruoshui. It is said that when Zhan Ruoshui came to Yuyao Academy to admire plums, he saw that the location of the academy was a feng shui treasure land, so he wanted to buy the vacant land on the left side of the academy as his future cemetery. The Zhong clan naturally did not want to sell the land, but they were not good enough to refute the face of Zhan Shangshu, so they discussed building a Wenchang Temple on the vacant land to enshrine the Wenchang Emperor, and informed the Zhan Shangshu of the decision, and zhan Shangshu, who was a generation of educators, was not only not annoyed, but gladly inscribed the list book "Mountains and Rivers" and sent it to the academy, so as to encourage the Zhong clan to read more and achieve a good story.

Wenchang Temple and the Archway of TianquYun Road in front of the gate.

The entrance of the temple is facing a archway, which was built by the Zhong clan in the eleventh year of Ming Jiajing (1532) when they expanded the Yuyao Academy, which sits north to south, 4.2 meters high and 3.8 meters wide, and is engraved with "Cloud Road" and "Tianqu" on both sides. Every year in February and March, when two towering kapok plants bloom and fall next to the temple, the ancient archway is more quaint in the red of the place, which is beautiful.

Experts pointed out that the biggest feature of Yuyao Academy is its long history, grand scale and well-preserved, which is essentially a clan or family academy, mainly a place for worship and meetings.

For hundreds of years, Yuxue Academy has attracted many literati and scholars to visit the gate wall, leaving behind ink treasures. According to statistics, there are 60 pieces (sets) of various types of inscription plaques in the college. For example, the plaque inscribed by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty "Iris Flying Fish Leap", the Ming Dynasty Hai Rui inscription for luokeng Jingshe: "Shi Dengquan Fei Shan Wants to Be Quiet Dongmen Cloud Covers The Day is Cloudy and Cloudy", wen Tianxiang's handwritten four woodcuts; the Qing Dynasty Keqin County Wang Jinqi's "Pengdao Yunlin Wanben Plum Blossom Thousand Ancient Colors / Luofeng Spring Stone Hundred Bushes of Grass and Trees Four Hours Spring" joint language and the East Hall 'Wonderland on Earth' horizontal plaque, Zheng Banqiao's spring, summer, autumn and winter painting bamboo wood carvings, famous epigrapher calligrapher and painter Fu Qi for the seed de'an inscription door link: "Streams of water flow years / Mountains and clouds have no ancient and modern", Zhu Ciqi wrote the inscriptions for The Seed Virtue Nunnery: "When reading, there are pearl boats to win / On the ancients will also swing the jade crane", Su Ruohu's inscription of the Luofeng Temple Gate Link: "Luo Teng Jie Qu Road such as the seal / Feng Luan Painting The Mountain Wants Spring", Chen Li's Seal Book Association "Walking Oneself Shame / Erudite in Literature", Wu Xuezao's Luofeng Jingshe Gate Link: "The Four Walls of the Building Smoke and Clouds / Grass and Trees A Word Fragrance", and so on, are all worth playing with.

The Luokeng Elite House is full of celebrity ink treasures. The picture shows Zheng Banqiao painting bamboo woodcut rubbings and Hai Rui's couplet inscribed by Zhongde'an.

Standing in front of the Zhao Yin Pavilion, I couldn't help but wonder, why are generations of Shuo Yan Mingru so keen to leave Yoshimitsu Katayu here? Perhaps just as the Qing Dynasty poet Zhang Weiping left a pair of names here, they found their home here:

"Walking clouds and flowing water to see the truth / The bright moon breeze comes to the deceased".

The Academy's palm -

Zhong Yulun and "Luogang Xiangxue"

"Lingnan no snow is called snow, snow is not fragrant also said incense." Ten miles of plum blossoms are like snow, and Luogang fragrant snow reflects the morning sun. The "Luogang Xiangxue" in Guo Moruo's poem refers to the beautiful landscape of plum blossoms blooming every winter in the "Shili Meilin" in the Luogang area. "Luogang Xiangxue" is also known as one of the "Eight Views of Yangcheng". In October 2009, "Luogang Xiangxue" was announced as a representative project of intangible cultural heritage in Guangdong Province. According to historical records, the original founder of "Ten Mile Merlin" was Zhong Yuyun, and the original Guanmei Resort was also in Yulan Academy.

Legend has it that Zhong Yulan resigned from the government on the way back to the south, in the cold winter season passed by the Guangdong North Yuling Meiguan Ancient Road, just saw the local Merlin fragrance, because he loved its high purity out of the dust, so he took more than a dozen plum seedlings back to his hometown, planted them next to the stream under the Seed De Nunnery, and carefully cultivated. By the early years of the Qing Dynasty, it had become Merlin. In the Qing Dynasty's "Nanhai Hundred Yong Continuations and Monuments", it is recorded: "There is Luofeng Temple and Yulun Academy in the cave, which can be parked in the middle car. Kemei is in full bloom, crystal jade twenty miles, really with the fragrant snow sea, Cantonese people travel to Yan. "It can be proved that at that time, Luofeng Temple and Yuyuan Academy were actually Guan Mei resorts, and many literati and scholars came to ask Mei. With the change of the times, it is difficult to find plum shadows in the Yulan Academy now, but it is also a stone's throw away from Merlin of "Luogang Xiangxue".

Jade Birthday

The birthday of Yu yao, a representative project of guangzhou's intangible cultural heritage, is a traditional folk activity held in Luogang to commemorate Zhong Yuyao, which has a history of more than 800 years. Every year on the 20th day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, the elderly people over 60 years old in each room of the Zhong clan gather at the Yulu Academy to participate in the sacrifice activities. At 9:00 a.m., the hosts of each room announced the start of the sacrifice, and the eight-tone team played music at the same time. First of all, incense is lit, and sacrifices such as roasted pigs and seasonal fruits are placed, and then the main priest reads the sacrifice text, and the sacrifice text is read and burned. When the drums are played again, the elders participating in the ceremony are in turn in the order of the long room to the seven rooms, and then other tribesmen can freely visit the worship. At the end, those who participate in the festival must sing the "Jade Song of the Birth of the Duke".

The festival is followed by a fruit contest with lychees, pears, hyacinths, mangoes, etc., and the most beautiful and largest winners are the silver ingots, wooden plaques and grain baskets. Fruit competitions are held to exchange experiences in growing fruits and promote the development of local fruit growing techniques. According to reports, in addition to fruits, fruit competitions often appear in agricultural products such as grass, taro, and ginger. After the fruit contest, a literary meeting will be held, and the readers of the Descendants of the Zhong clan will taste the poetry of the Wensai in the east hall of the academy.

Chief planner: Rong Mingchang

Planner: Wang Haijun Wang Jia

Executive: Liu Weiming Chen Weibin

Inscription: Liu Sifen

Academic support: Li Xubai

Thematic co-ordinator: Zhou Peiwen

This issue is written by: Nandu reporter Zhou Peiwen intern Zhou Zhengying

Photo in this issue: N video reporter Ma Qiang

Video of this issue: N video reporter Ma Qiang Peng Yuxin

This issue of live broadcast: N video reporter Peng Yuxin Ruan Zenghao

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