
When digging wild vegetables, these 6 kinds of wild vegetables should be recognized, nutritious and delicious, and the cold mix and filling are delicious

author:Gourmet petty official home

Introduction: When digging wild vegetables, these 6 kinds of wild vegetables should be recognized, nutritious and delicious, and the cold mix and stuffing are delicious

Now many people are vegetarians and very fond of eating vegetables. In the spring, the temperature gradually begins to rise, and at this time, not only the vegetables in the market are very fresh, but also many wild vegetables grow naturally. Wild vegetables also have a high nutritional value, and are really suitable for all ages after being made into a delicious dish.

When digging wild vegetables, these 6 kinds of wild vegetables should be recognized, nutritious and delicious, and the cold mix and filling are delicious

I don't know if you usually try to eat wild vegetables? In the spring, many people will dig wild vegetables in the countryside, not only to taste the freshest ingredients, but also to enjoy a different happiness in the process of digging wild vegetables. There are many kinds of wild vegetables, when digging wild vegetables, these 6 kinds of wild vegetables should be recognized, nutritious and delicious, and the cold mix and stuffing are delicious.

When digging wild vegetables, these 6 kinds of wild vegetables should be recognized, nutritious and delicious, and the cold mix and filling are delicious

1. Maran Head

Horsehead orchid is a relatively common wild vegetable in life, which has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, and can effectively prevent fire. If you feel inflammation in your body, try buying some maran heads and coming back to cook. It can not only be picked and cooked directly, but also dried as a dry dish, and it can be soaked in water when eating.

When digging wild vegetables, these 6 kinds of wild vegetables should be recognized, nutritious and delicious, and the cold mix and filling are delicious

Cold mix maran head dried incense

This dish is a very popular seasonal dish, you only need to prepare the two ingredients of maran head and dried incense. Put them in a pot, cook them and remove them, then let them dry, squeezing out the water from the maran head.

When digging wild vegetables, these 6 kinds of wild vegetables should be recognized, nutritious and delicious, and the cold mix and filling are delicious

Then cut the maran head and the dried incense into cubes. Finally, some salt, soy sauce, sugar and sesame oil are added for cold mixing, which is delicious and easy to operate, suitable for novices who want to cook.

When digging wild vegetables, these 6 kinds of wild vegetables should be recognized, nutritious and delicious, and the cold mix and filling are delicious

2. Toon

In the spring, many people start to buy toon, in fact, toon is also a kind of wild vegetable, it contains toonin, smells a unique aroma. If you feel like you're running out of appetite, try a try the toon dishes. People are prone to colds during the change of seasons, and toon is rich in vitamin C and sudrain, which can improve immunity. For girls who love beauty, regular consumption of toon can also make the skin firmer and smoother.

When digging wild vegetables, these 6 kinds of wild vegetables should be recognized, nutritious and delicious, and the cold mix and filling are delicious

The weather is starting to heat up, so if you want to eat toon, try the cold toon. Simply wash the toon and set aside, boil water in a pot and blanch it until it's all green for a minute or two, then squeeze out the water twice with cold water, cut off the roots, and cut into sections and place in a basin.

When digging wild vegetables, these 6 kinds of wild vegetables should be recognized, nutritious and delicious, and the cold mix and filling are delicious

Add onion and garlic, millet spicy, coriander and some favorite seasonings according to taste, stir well. However, it is recommended that you do not add too many spices, because the toon flavor is more unique, and too much seasoning will cover up the original taste.

When digging wild vegetables, these 6 kinds of wild vegetables should be recognized, nutritious and delicious, and the cold mix and filling are delicious

3. Cabbage

Chinese often refer to cabbage as a elixir, which is not only delicious but also rich in nutrients. After the temperature warms up, many girls are anxious to lose weight, and the cabbage can just play a role in lowering fat, we can use it to cook salads, and eating cabbage in this season can also remove the cold in the body. So if you want to eat some seasonal wild vegetables, it is definitely a good choice.

When digging wild vegetables, these 6 kinds of wild vegetables should be recognized, nutritious and delicious, and the cold mix and filling are delicious

Cabbage is often used to adjust the filling, only need to wash the cabbage after a slight blanch, fish out the squeezed water and chop, twice the cabbage plus pork, and then add thirteen spices, salt, soy sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, chicken essence stir evenly to make dumplings.

When digging wild vegetables, these 6 kinds of wild vegetables should be recognized, nutritious and delicious, and the cold mix and filling are delicious

The dumplings stuffed with cabbage are crisp and tender, and they taste delicious in one bite. If you buy more cabbage, you can wash it and drain it, put it in a bag and freeze it, as long as you take it out the day before making dumplings to thaw it, so as to avoid the waste of ingredients.

When digging wild vegetables, these 6 kinds of wild vegetables should be recognized, nutritious and delicious, and the cold mix and filling are delicious

4. Chrysanthemum brain

Chrysanthemum brain actually belongs to the Asteraceae family, has a relatively special aroma, eats a special cool mouth, has the effect of clearing heat and cooling blood and lowering blood pressure. After each spring rain, the chrysanthemum brain will rub out, the growth is very gratifying, it is also a good childhood memory in the hearts of a generation.

When digging wild vegetables, these 6 kinds of wild vegetables should be recognized, nutritious and delicious, and the cold mix and filling are delicious

Now many people love to eat spicy and like to stay up late, so it is easy to catch fire, this time to eat chrysanthemum brain egg soup is very suitable, use it to clear heat and detoxification. Everyone only needs to boil the chrysanthemum brain water for one minute, beat the eggs and boil another pot of water, add the chrysanthemum brain and add salt, pour in the egg liquid for a while to get out of the pot. Such a soup can actually have a good weight loss effect to a certain extent, and it can be used instead of dinner.

When digging wild vegetables, these 6 kinds of wild vegetables should be recognized, nutritious and delicious, and the cold mix and filling are delicious

5. Dandelion

Many people are accustomed to using dandelions to make tea, but in fact, it can also be used to make dishes, the taste is slightly bitter, but it is clear and detoxified. As we age, many people will face the problem of osteoporosis, and at this time we can also eat dandelions appropriately to strengthen our bones. And when you encounter bruises, you can also use dandelions to activate blood.

When digging wild vegetables, these 6 kinds of wild vegetables should be recognized, nutritious and delicious, and the cold mix and filling are delicious

6. Goji berry head

Goji berry head, also known as dixian seedlings, is rich in a variety of trace elements and amino acids, and if you want to beautify your eyebrows, don't miss it. Many people like to eat goji berries in the spring. Because it can nourish the body and also has a certain protective effect on the eyes. If you feel that your recent spirit is not very good, you can eat some goji berries to refresh your mind.

When digging wild vegetables, these 6 kinds of wild vegetables should be recognized, nutritious and delicious, and the cold mix and filling are delicious

Of course, there are not only the above six kinds of wild vegetables, in the spring it is recommended that you eat more fresh wild vegetables, compared to the vegetables sold in the market will have a different taste and nutrition. However, everyone also needs to pay special attention when digging wild vegetables, after all, not all wild vegetables can be eaten, and it may bring more serious consequences after accidental eating.

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