
Mr. and Mrs. Zhang Ting overturned, can the stars of the "friendship" platform sleep?

author:Ten miles of entertainment

On December 28, 2021, the brand "TST Court Secret" operated by Mr. and Mrs. Zhang Ting was suspected of pyramid schemes, and the TST company under its name was investigated by relevant departments and frozen 600 million assets.

In the four-month investigation, Zhang Ting and his wife TST court secretly went from "suspected pyramid schemes" to "identified as pyramid schemes", and in three and a half years, their brand operating income involving pyramid schemes was 9.171 billion yuan, and profits were 19.2799 million yuan, and they would be fined 1.7 million yuan.

Mr. and Mrs. Zhang Ting overturned, can the stars of the "friendship" platform sleep?

4 months ago, they were suspected of pyramid schemes, although Zhang Ting claimed in his social account that he had always been a legitimate company and paid taxes according to law, before talking about the secret operation of the TST court, we briefly talked about the rise of Zhang Ting's micro-business empire.

1. Rise: Star platform, human blessing

Mr. and Mrs. Zhang Ting overturned, can the stars of the "friendship" platform sleep?

The TST masks posted from the stars have made a splash for the TST platform, and the TST has gained an impression in the eyes of women who love beauty. The star effect made TST quickly circle a large wave of fans, and they became the first "leeks" of TST.

Mr. and Mrs. Zhang Ting overturned, can the stars of the "friendship" platform sleep?

The core of the TST brand's fame and performance growth is the "micro-business model" they operate. From the slogan "0 investment, 0 hoarding, 0 risk, 0 franchise fee, free to join the TST court secret, be a star partner", to their claim that "for the sake of the agent, unified delivery, high proportion of rebates" to attract a group of women who want to do part-time work and open a side business, the agent is rapidly changing with the growth of the power.

Mr. and Mrs. Zhang Ting overturned, can the stars of the "friendship" platform sleep?

At the same time, in order to attract more agents, the personality of Zhang Ting and his wife as actors has also changed, they are no longer star actors and childhood goddesses, but "grounded" and "happy and loving" families, full of enthusiasm and love for life every day, being a mentor to others, and a boss full of fireworks in the world.

Mr. and Mrs. Zhang Ting overturned, can the stars of the "friendship" platform sleep?
Mr. and Mrs. Zhang Ting overturned, can the stars of the "friendship" platform sleep?

Like the traditional "micro-business", Zhang Ting's TST is not vulgar, showing off their wealth is their daily life, and emphasizing the good welfare of the TST brand is their means.

As a result, there is a lot of such news: Zhang Ting sent an agent worth 60,000 watches, each TST agent took a 10-month year-end bonus, and TST agents traveled to the sea on a luxury giant ship...

The temptation of interests and the benefits of stars have made Zhang Ting's micro-business empire rise rapidly, but it has also caused this empire to collapse due to a series of riotous operations.

2. Collapse: crazy business, product defects

Do branding, you make money to make money, do not have to set a definition of how advanced it is, simply admit that making money is good, but Zhang Ting, in a 2015 show, she said: "I sell masks to do charity." Questioned by Li Xiang: "Then why don't you sell nutrition products directly to everyone?" ”

In 2016, customers who purchased TST products said that they used the face for 3 months, resulting in their own face rotting, acne, redness and swelling and other problems becoming more and more serious. TST also did not respond positively, only Zhang Ting said: "When users have skin problems for various reasons, we do not prevaricate, we are doing our best to find out the truth and let the user problems be properly handled." ”

Mr. and Mrs. Zhang Ting overturned, can the stars of the "friendship" platform sleep?

In the past three years, in order to attract more agents and make some gimmicks, husband Lin Ruiyang and female employees have taken intimate photos, and female employees have knelt on the ground to receive eight porridges to Lin Ruiyang.

Mr. and Mrs. Zhang Ting overturned, can the stars of the "friendship" platform sleep?

The new TST Mingdao is unabashedly releasing "sexual charm", hugging and kissing agents to suck gold.

Although it is known as "0 hoarding, 0 deposit", TST has a multi-level sales model, relying on the development of downline pulling heads and team remuneration to operate, which is no different from MLM.

3. Price: The legal net is restored, and the omission is not leaked

There is a saying that goes well: everything that fate has given you is secretly priced.

If you do something wrong, you must bear the corresponding responsibility and need to have a corresponding price. You think that the "star aura" can work, that may be above your work, but for society, the illegal way out of gold will sooner or later pay a price.

Mr. and Mrs. Zhang Ting overturned, can the stars of the "friendship" platform sleep?

This is good, Zhang Ting should not have to cry during the live broadcast that it is not easy to start a business every day is very tired, this time completely hammered the true face, don't want to "cut" again!

Wen | often thinks about one or two

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