
The "apricot hat" that suddenly caught fire, foreign, lining and small face, especially suitable for girls with black and yellow skin

author:Mon is stylish

In the spring and summer, everyone will focus on daily wear, because at this time our wear is more selective, coupled with the popular clothing in the spring and summer today is also very rich, so everyone is always trying to show their best side.

I also found that some young ladies usually only pay attention to the choice of clothes and shoes, but ignore the jewelry, if you feel that your collocation always lacks some fashion sense, then I recommend that you can learn bloggers to use these fashion accessories to embellish.

Here everyone must have thought of this year's very hot hat wearing, with a suitable hat concave shape can also give the temperament plus points, so what kind of hat is more suitable for us to start this year? Recommended you can try the apricot cap.

The "apricot hat" that suddenly caught fire, foreign, lining and small face, especially suitable for girls with black and yellow skin

First, what is an apricot cap?

I have to say that the name of the popular item in the fashion circle in the past two years is really strange, before the popular grandma shoes, daddy shoes or daddy pants, these costumes sound a little strange, and this year's very hot apricot hat is the same, in simple terms, it is an apricot hat, may sound a little strange, but in fact, the style is still relatively simple, and the color is also very soft, this apricot color is very suitable for summer, gentle light color system can more modify the skin.

The "apricot hat" that suddenly caught fire, foreign, lining and small face, especially suitable for girls with black and yellow skin

Second, the advantages of apricot caps

(1) Choose a light color to modify the skin tone

Do you know why apricot hats are so popular? In fact, a big advantage is that its color can help us adjust the skin, many people in the spring and summer like to combine some hats, but when choosing a hat will be tangled in color, many dark hats look a little dull, more suitable for autumn and winter, choose bright color hats will feel difficult to control.

At this time, you can directly choose this beige, beige is really a very soft color, simple and refreshing to match, especially for yellow and black skin and brighten the effect of skin tone.

The "apricot hat" that suddenly caught fire, foreign, lining and small face, especially suitable for girls with black and yellow skin

(2) Combined with the appropriate hat shape, the face is smaller

Most of the popular apricot hat styles are relatively simple, like baseball caps and fisherman hats, these hat types can highlight the sense of fashion by integrating apricot colors, and in ordinary life, everyone should choose hats according to the shape of their faces, and do not follow the trend.

For example, most of the young ladies like to match the style with wide brim of the hat every day, which can greatly modify the facial features and our face shape.

The "apricot hat" that suddenly caught fire, foreign, lining and small face, especially suitable for girls with black and yellow skin

Third, what apricot hats are worth starting this year?

01. Apricot baseball cap

If you want to wear casual fashion, then I recommend that you can choose an apricot-colored baseball cap, baseball cap in the spring and summer season appearance rate is quite high, on the one hand, its own style is casual, simple and versatile, on the other hand, it is also because the baseball cap has a small face effect, its front duck tongue hat design can help us modify a hairline and set off the three-dimensional facial features.

Generally speaking, when we wear baseball caps, the dressing and matching are more casual, so you remember to match the appropriate hat according to the individual's body shape and overall collocation style when wearing.

The "apricot hat" that suddenly caught fire, foreign, lining and small face, especially suitable for girls with black and yellow skin

02. Apricot top hat

As a temperament woman, usually to participate in the activities also need to use some fashionable hat blessings, to further show a good temperament, so what kind of hats are worth starting in this year's fashion circle? Recommended that you can choose a top hat, the top hat is really one of the items worth starting with, it can make your femininity show in important occasions, the key is that most of the top hat styles are very simple, and the driving is also so easy.

When choosing this apricot top hat, you can add some detailed designs to it, some people will add silk scarves, some people will add some streamers, these elements can highlight the sense of luxury.

The "apricot hat" that suddenly caught fire, foreign, lining and small face, especially suitable for girls with black and yellow skin

Do you know any tips for wearing a hat?

Tips1.The hat matches the need for the face shape

For the most perfect melon face, no matter what kind of hat is suitable for you, when wearing it, you only need to cover 1/3 of the overall face, so that you can make the face small to the greatest extent.

If you are square-faced, then when wearing a hat, it is best to choose to expose 3/4 of the face area, so that it can weaken the contour of our face, and you are suitable for some styles with a more rigid fit, like a cowboy hat or an octagonal hat.

For the little sister with a round face, you should also pay attention to the three-dimensional sense of the hat when choosing a hat, avoid too soft style, otherwise it will appear flat, and it is recommended that you try to use a wide beret or a duck-tongue hat.

If your face is too long, then the hat you wear must not be too high, the top of the skull is too high will make your face be elongated, look very incongruous, it is best to expose 2/3 of the face, so that we can shorten our face to the greatest extent.

The "apricot hat" that suddenly caught fire, foreign, lining and small face, especially suitable for girls with black and yellow skin

Tips2. Hat and body type match

People's figure has a tall and short point, if the figure is relatively tall, the skeleton is larger, you are suitable for choosing a larger style of hat, too small hat will only contrast with your figure, very uncoordinated, and petite female friends are the opposite, more suitable for choosing a delicate and small hat, wide hat will be contrary to wearing. Most people mainly look at the head-to-shoulder ratio when matching, and the width of the hat is proportional to the width of the shoulders.

The "apricot hat" that suddenly caught fire, foreign, lining and small face, especially suitable for girls with black and yellow skin

Tips3.Hat and skin tone match

According to the individual skin color to choose the color of the hat is also a point that everyone needs to pay attention to, yellow skin crush is not suitable for wearing dark brown, earth color hat, easy to appear dull skin, and women with dark skin are not suitable for choosing bright colors with too high saturation, such as fluorescent colors or rose red need to be avoided.

If the skin color is fair, it can basically apply most colors, and the female friends with fair skin are more suitable for modifying the skin with bright colors when choosing hats, and try to avoid colors similar to the skin color.

The "apricot hat" that suddenly caught fire, foreign, lining and small face, especially suitable for girls with black and yellow skin

Apricot hat in 2022 has become a well-deserved popular item, as an accessory it is also a sharp tool for hipster concave shape, ordinary people can also create a sense of fashion with the help of apricot hats, want to wear good looking and elegant, you can use the blogger's collocation above, show a good temperament ~

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