
Why are more and more people not pregnant with children? Reminder: Most of them are related to 4 factors, which are worth reflecting on

The World Health Organization conducted fertility studies in 25 countries in the late 1980s. The results show that in developed countries, nearly 5 to 8% of couples are affected by infertility and are unable to have children.

In China, this proportion is even higher, reaching about 6 to 15%. The latest assessment points out that on average, 1 in 6 couples will not be able to have children without clinical help.

So the question is, why is it so difficult to get pregnant, and what factors behind this affect the joy of childbearing?

Why are more and more people not pregnant with children? Reminder: Most of them are related to 4 factors, which are worth reflecting on

1. Infertility

Usually, it is clinically believed that couples have a normal sexual life and have not taken any contraceptive measures for more than 1 year, but have not been successful in conceiving, which can be called infertility.

The causes of infertility are quite complex and have a relationship with both spouses. If there are abnormalities in male semen, sperm disorders, vas deferens blockage, sexual dysfunction and other problems, it is impossible to discharge healthy sperm normally.

If there are tubal and pelvic diseases and ovulation disorders, it is naturally impossible to release healthy eggs, which eventually causes infertility;

Why are more and more people not pregnant with children? Reminder: Most of them are related to 4 factors, which are worth reflecting on

2. Influenced by body factors

If a woman is too obese, it often affects the secretion of hormones, and the probability of obese women having POLYCYS is relatively high, which will have an impact on successful pregnancy. Moreover, even after pregnancy, obese women have many difficulties in childbirth.

In addition, if women are too emaciated, choose extreme ways to lose weight, excessive dieting, etc., it will also indirectly affect the endocrine, which will lead to infertility;

3. Mental factors

Both husband and wife have undergone various tests on fertility, and the indicators have shown normal, but they are unable to get pregnant, which is what the clinic calls unexplained infertility.

In this case, it may be related to mental factors, such as both husband and wife are eager to have a baby, so they begin to have uncontrolled sexual behavior, or by mental factors, resulting in each other's endocrine disorders, etc., under the influence of both mental and physical factors, pregnancy will naturally become difficult;

Why are more and more people not pregnant with children? Reminder: Most of them are related to 4 factors, which are worth reflecting on

4. Age factor

The center of modern people is mainly on the work, as the saying goes, first establish a business before you have a home. Therefore, many couples continue to struggle for their small families after union, and finally miss the best childbearing age.

Studies have shown that men start at age 40 and have plummeted fertility, while women start after age 30. The older you get, the more difficult it becomes to conceive, and there are risks for older women, even if they become pregnant naturally.

Finally, we should remind everyone that if the couple has not been pregnant for a long time, the first thing to do is to seek medical treatment to conduct a comprehensive examination of the bodies of both parties to see if the disease factors affect the reproductive system, and then after the diagnosis of the disease, start active treatment.

If you are still unable to conceive after treatment, there are now third-party assistive technologies to choose from. In addition, everyone should also develop good hygiene habits and maintain a good psychological state in peacetime to prepare for future pregnancies and childbirth.

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