
In the days of thin water and long streams, I don't say forever, only cherish

The pictures in this article are selected from the network, and all come from the network.

Source: Writer Nanlu Fat Fish (ID:lsy658855 )

Author: Nanlu Fat Fish, Starting Point Chinese Network Contracted Writer. After the 90s, a book student, thank you for your readers' love and support.

There is no warm reading/radio soundtrack below

The more I grow up, the more I begin to care about my feelings, and I understand that my feelings are the most important. In the past, I used to change myself because of other people's opinions and feelings, but now I find that my thinking at that time was really immature.

Like the navigation: the road ahead is congested, but you're still on the optimal route.

Yes, don't be so anxious, because each of us is already on the optimal route of life. Life is not a rush to complete the task, not to catch a duck on the shelves, nor is it a video game to win or lose, so you can do whatever you want, get married if you want to get married, eat sugar when you want to eat sugar, stay up late if you want to stay up late, don't force yourself to live a life you don't want because everyone around you has entered the next stage, and don't passively walk into a life you don't like in order to cater to the world's vision.

Life should be slow and not urgent, the long road should be slow, don't compete, feel free, don't catch up, don't chase, don't stay, although we walk slower in our own time zone, but in our own time zone, whether it is life or games, we are our first.

"The world is our own, and we have nothing to do with others, if we can't even love ourselves, how can we live well?" If all we are doing is not loving ourselves, how can we talk about being worthy of this life?

I want to see the most magnificent scenery, to meet the most outstanding people, to enjoy the best life. I don't back down a step. Don't change your rhythm for anyone, you have to believe that there will always be someone who will love this unique you and let you be yourself.

Mature likes don't have to guess.

Hiroshima's love-style feelings tell us that "time is difficult to turn back, and space is easy to break."

A mature relationship is one that does not need to be jealous of each other, and it is necessary to leave each other with a moderate amount of personal space.

It is not to receive the other party's message to have to return in seconds, where to go need to report all the itinerary, the mobile phone must be turned on all day, all kinds of trivial insignificant steps are pressing, and the entanglement is continuous.

A mature emotional vision should be: we are together, no suspicion, no caution, can stay in the same space, do not have to communicate all the time, can also be intimate occasionally, do not need to focus on each other all the time.

I have a meal, I go to socialize, and all I want is your words: "Don't drink too much and finish eating, I'll pick you up and take you home." ”

She came to the great aunt, you have to do things, accompany her and take care of her emotions.

Finally, the world in the relationship is given to each other, regardless of who pays more to whom, do not care about gains and losses, we must cherish the present, less careful.

The ideal state is that I know when to go along with you and when to stand firm with myself.

I always had the feeling that the older I got, the harder it was to have those days of doing nothing, and looking back, there was always a lot of free time.

Especially those summers that can't go back, there is no trouble, chasing drama in the air-conditioned room, holding half a watermelon, digging with a spoon to eat, occasionally listening to a few nagging words from the mother, drowsy in the bright and dangling sun in the afternoon, fading the dry heat of the day at dusk, walking along the river, looking at the sun that is about to set, even if the day is wasted, there is no anxiety.

Such a day after work becomes rare, if you have a lot of time one day, you can live comfortably, you must remember the happiness of the moment, after all, such a simple happiness will not always exist in the future.

For everyone you meet in life, the order of appearance is really important. Many people, if they change the time to know, will have a different ending. Some people cling to wiping away tears and continue to love you, and some people are calm enough to weigh the weight of giving up on you. Birth is not the right time, lover is everyone, everywhere you go is the number of fate.

"It is undeniable that life has worn away part of our courage and tenderness, but I also believe that because we are still very young, what is lost will grow and the new part will shine."

My pride does not allow me to tell others about this day of collapse, only I know, overnight, my heart is judged if the two of them heard a saying when I was a child: to be cultured is not to not sprinkle soup when eating, but not to see him when others sprinkle soup In the morning, you have two choices: cover the quilt and finish your unfinished dreams, and lift the quilt to complete your unfinished dreams.

You don't see any difference between a day of mixing and working hard, you don't see any change in three days, you don't see any distance in seven days, but after a month you will see different topics, and after three months you will see different auras. After half a year, you will see the distance different, and after one year, you will see a different path in life.

So please don't choose to be comfortable at this age of hardship, and work hard: even if someone treats you badly, your life will not treat you badly.

The more sensible people are, the less people hurt.

The thinking that we have always accepted since childhood is that we must be sensible and not to cause trouble to others is a virtue, but when we grow up, we will find that in fact, the most tired people in this world are often the children who understand things in the mouths of others in the mouth of their parents.

You always duplicitously say "I'm okay", "I'm fine", but you go home alone and cry in an empty room for a night.

You always braced yourself to say "I can", and then a person braced yourself through that period of time when only you know the cold and warm.

You are always thinking about others everywhere, and if you want to be good to yourself, you are cowering, careful, and planning long and short.

But you ask the other inner self, is it worth it? Is this fair to oneself? To the extreme, it is to be cruel to yourself.

A person's life is long and short, beginning with learning to please yourself.

In the future life, things are paid to the right people, and we will always be treated tenderly by time.

If you are too much on a person, it is actually your own problem, it is that you need a relationship too much, and then he just appears, and all his good is the aura and filter you give him, not how good he is.

Where is he good? What qualities do you like about him? In fact, you can't say it yourself, what you love is just a fantasy, you don't like this person much, but you are just too lonely.

Less to worry about whether you are not good-looking enough, not good enough personality, no one else is excellent, not being loved is the norm, being loved is accidental. There are many reasons why people like each other, just like broccoli, you don't like to eat since you were a child, but there are still many people who can't get tired of eating it.

So, please stop denying yourself, who likes you, you like who is in trouble, first consider yourself high and unhappy, but all the people and things that make you depressed, don't let him enter your world again.

You have to believe that there will always be someone who loves you in the way you like, and who is getting better and better for you, and only loves you.

Seeing a particularly mourned girl can really be heartbreaking.

I hope that you also have a love that is not boring, and after getting rid of the freshness, you will settle down the feelings smoothly and go to feel the fireworks of the world together. If life is black and white TELEVISION, then I hope that this relationship is a progress bar with color.

I hope that every girl can live a good life according to her own wishes, if you don't find someone you like, you may wish to see the world alone.

There is no rule that says that this age must face love and marriage.

You work hard to make money, you are beautiful and interesting, you live a person's life with sound and color, meet people you like together, and live your own small life when you don't meet people you like.

You are only in your twenties, there are still many places you have not been, there are many people you have not met, life is not only love and love is not only in front of you.

Don't be disturbed by outside sounds, don't compromise, and don't spend the rest of your life with boring people.

I think you must have been snickering at some point, but fortunately I'm alone.

I don't know if you've found it.

The more you want to know if he likes you in a relationship, the more he ends up not liking you. The more anxious you are to get an answer, it will often run counter to what you want.

Like is to make people feel at ease, like is to make people sure. If you're tossing and turning because of a relationship, worry about your stomach. That's mostly because you don't have the exact kind of liking that comes from him. All the signs that he likes you are just guessing from you.

And the result you are anxious to know is already in front of you.

"Four or five years of loving someone sounds scary"

"In fact, as soon as the wind blows, there is nothing left."

A comfortable relationship is the feeling of gradually having a life.

Like my friend said, you go to the supermarket more often than you watch a movie, and instead of dressing up on every date, you choose to see each other in plain face, such as you are in a sportswear and he wears very old jeans.

Rather than sending a circle of friends after a fight, blocking out or crying to a friend, you want to be a little alone, because you are sure that you don't want to leave each other.

There is no need to attract the attention of the other party with any deliberate movements, and look forward to the patronage of some beautiful ceremonies.

You have become no longer dramatized, have few doubts about each other, and know how to measure. Now the ecology between you is balanced, there is no blind giving and greedy taking, you know how to get along with each other just right, not to please, is natural.

This is something that has been polished for a long time, which can be called tacit understanding, can be called induction, can be called tacit, and can be called effortless.

You used to want to have a daily suit dinner with him, and then you were impressed by the saying that you look good in the simplest outfit.

There are many people who praise you for being young and promising, but he knows that you are a person with a "broken heart", and as soon as he points it out, you feel completely seen through.

You used to say what kind of love, no one can make me happy, but the ordinary jokes he told in the small restaurant made you have the idea of living with him for the first time.

Between the two of you, it's real nature, real understanding, real mutual appreciation, and it's so warm that you start to want to live the most human life with him.

At first, there were no more rituals, no more storing beautiful words, forgetting all the romance of posing, and beginning to truly read the meaning of love from the other person.

Love sometimes makes us feel tired, flustered, and nasty, but true love is really good.

When you meet true love, you will be like the bubbles in the ice Coke in summer, grunting, gently, close to the hot sun.

For people who are particularly emotional, loving the wrong person is a terrible thing, and it can even be a life-destroying thing. Therefore, it is particularly necessary to choose lovers carefully, because such people cannot afford to lose at all.

Even if you can soberly realize that the person you love is a person who always makes you miserable, you also know that the person you love is a person who can never "run in" with yourself. However, it is impossible to stop the loss in time with one knife and two breaks. It is useless for anyone to persuade them, just like going into a rage.

Moreover, it is very likely that you will hang yourself on this tree for the rest of your life, and you will have no intention of loving anyone anymore. Despite his reluctance, he would still run to hang himself under this tree. I know that if you have a choice, you will not choose to fall in love with this person, but the reality is: if you fall in love, you will not have to choose.

If you want to leave, you can only wait for the other party to completely play with you and forcibly and resolutely dump you. Of course, if the other person is also a person who is as emotional as you, then the two of you will love and kill each other together for the rest of your life until death separates you, and neither of you will want to escape.

Looks a bit alarmist, right? Anyway, if you don't believe in evil, try it, the most important thing in this world is "gamblers", in case of good luck? Then sweet white head with old age. If you're unlucky, look up.

At a certain age, you will understand that the two most important things in a person's life are to get a good career, the other is to find the right lover, when the sun rises to devote himself to the cause, when the sun sets, he must embrace his lover.

Miyazaki said: If a person really loves you, even if the quarrel is fierce, how many times to delete, he will come to you, because the quarrel is to be better together.

But I don't know when it started, we no longer chat frequently, no longer share daily life with each other, some people say; This is the beginning of the breakout.

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