
Hot Cord Blood Stem Cell Storage: A Medical Scam or Health Protection

In recent years, in the maternity wards of some hospitals, there have been people who impersonate hospital staff to promote the importance of cord blood storage. Many people disagree, but there are also some people who have doubled their trust in these people. After all, cord blood, as an important tissue for the acquisition of hematopoietic stem cells, can be stored to build a greater safety guarantee for their children. But some people have found that this fiery cord blood store is just a gimmick for some commercial institutions, after all, the cost of storing up to tens of thousands of yuan at a time is unbearable for many families. Today, Xiaobian will take you to investigate whether the hot cord blood stem cell storage is helpful to everyone?

Hot Cord Blood Stem Cell Storage: A Medical Scam or Health Protection

What are cord blood stem cells

Cord blood tissue, also known as placenta, is a type of body tissue that is produced with the baby during normal childbirth. In the early days, this tissue will be discarded directly as medical waste, but with the in-depth study of cord blood tissue in the later stage, it is found that it has a very high concentration of hematopoietic stem cell components in the placenta, and these high-content hematopoietic stem cells can have a better intervention effect on dozens of subsequent diseases in the human body. It is also for this reason that cord blood stem cell storage has slowly begun to enter people's field of vision.

Hot Cord Blood Stem Cell Storage: A Medical Scam or Health Protection

Is cord blood stem cell storage necessary?

Scientific studies have found that the cord blood tissue produced during childbirth has a very high concentration of hematopoietic stem cells. Moreover, the stem cell tissue itself has a special immunity, so it has a very large implantation advantage in the intervention of many diseases. Through the implantation of hematopoietic stem cells after storage, tissue activity can be greatly enhanced, the risk of immune rejection can be removed, and the survival rate after implantation is very high, and it has a more obvious effect on the intervention of many difficult diseases. And the cord blood stem cell tissue that has been reasonably stored can achieve the greatest conjugation state within three generations of close relatives and have a high matching rate. So in a sense, this unique placental storage can provide a very guaranteed health insurance for a large family.

Hot Cord Blood Stem Cell Storage: A Medical Scam or Health Protection

How cord blood stem cells are stored

At present, there are two types of cord blood storage methods allowed in China, namely autologous storage and public storage.

Autologous storage is a commercial form of cord blood storage method, and it is also a storage method with the largest room for development. Cord blood storage can be carried out through a number of certified private storage facilities. However, when it needs to be used in the later stage, it can be deployed at any time, and the storage period can reach more than 20 years. And this private cord blood bank is only available to oneself and one's own close relatives, so it will have a safer space for storage.

Public storage is a public welfare project opened by the state to promote cord blood storage, the specific storage process does not require any cost, only need to donate cord blood tissue in the process of childbirth, it can be provided to those who need it. And the donor's immediate lineage, if there is a need for implantation in the later stage, can give priority to the use of the storage match in our public blood bank. Therefore, this storage method has a higher utilization rate of cord blood tissue and a greater storage demand.

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