
World Autism Awareness Day 2022 | children who guard the stars with cord blood

On 2 April, the 15th World Autism Day, the United Nations announced the theme of this year's World Autism Awareness Day – Focus on Autism Services: Building Social Protection Mechanisms and Promoting Inclusive Quality Education for All.

"Autism", also known as "autism", is a type of disease characterized by severe loneliness, lack of emotional response, language development disorders, repetitive behaviors and strange responses to the environment, often related to genetics, preterm birth, dystocia, postnatal encephalitis, brain damage and other factors.

In our society, there is such a group of children, they are called "children of the stars". They are like distant stars in life, independent of the crowd. They are always immersed in their own world, and it seems difficult for people to get inside them. But in fact, they still crave our understanding, attention, respect and acceptance. We should also do something for them.

World Autism Awareness Day 2022 | children who guard the stars with cord blood

How can parents judge that their child has a tendency to autism?

Combining the recommendations of domestic and foreign experts on parents, seven important early signs are summarized, which are:

1, when the child reaches the age of six months: there is no bright smile or happy expression;

2, by the age of nine months: no interaction with the people around the voice, smile or facial expressions;

3, by the age of twelve months: lack of response to others calling their own names;

4, by the age of twelve months: no baby language;

5, when you are twelve months old: there is no interaction with the posture of the people around you, such as: pointing to something, letting others see something, reaching out to take something or waving;

6, to sixteen months old: no language;

7, by the age of twenty-four months: there is no meaningful two-word phrase (imitating others or repeating what others say does not count).

World Autism Awareness Day 2022 | children who guard the stars with cord blood

Autism is a developmental disorder that experts have studied for more than 70 years, exploring its root causes and treatment options, but still unable to find effective methods. How autism is caused is not yet determined by the medical community. But what we can do is: early detection, early intervention. With the continuous advancement of medical technology, the treatment of autism is constantly being updated.

Is there a new treatment that can bring new hope to autism?

Cord blood has become a new treatment to help patients recover

World Autism Awareness Day 2022 | children who guard the stars with cord blood

"Star kids" also have "distress signals", and early screening and early diagnosis are essential for treatment. Studies have shown that early detection and early intervention can greatly help children with autism recover, effectively reduce the intensity of future care support, and reduce the long-term burden on families and society.

No one expected that the umbilical cord blood of Liaoning baby Xixi (pseudonym) would "wake up" after 4 years of storage and fight against autism. Less than 3 months after leaving the bank, the staff of the Liaoning Provincial Cord Blood Bank received feedback from their families: "The state is very good, and the behavior has improved."

World Autism Awareness Day 2022 | children who guard the stars with cord blood

Cord blood is the blood that remains in the umbilical cord and placenta after the fetus is delivered and cut off, which contains a large number of primitive and rich neonatal stem cells, the most of which is "hematopoietic stem cells". Hematopoietic stem cells can rebuild the body's hematopoietic and immune systems, so they play an important role in the treatment of diseases of the blood system and immune system. Since the successful transplantation of the world's first cord blood in 1988, the application and research of cord blood have made great progress, with more than 80,000 cases of cord blood used worldwide and 16,000 cases of cord blood application in mainland China. Internationally, cord blood has been used to treat more than 100 diseases, including both blood and non-blood diseases. There are more than 400 related clinical studies. In the future, with the development of medical research, cord blood will provide new possibilities for more disease treatment.

World Autism Awareness Day 2022 | children who guard the stars with cord blood

The un's World Autism Awareness Day online event will take place on Friday, April 8, 2022, 10:00-11:15 a.m. ET.



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