
Impex Games publishes Unreal Engine 5, opening the CQ9 game metaverse

Impex Games publishes Unreal Engine 5, opening the CQ9 game metaverse

As for what games will look like in the future, games including CQ9 Jump, BBIN Candy Party, PG Gem Man, JDG, etc. are also using Unreal Engine 5, Epic people mentioned last December PS5 and Xbox Series X/S "Hack mission: resurrection" display version. Lighting effects and large-scale landscape rendering make open-world games like Eldon's Ring of Law even more impressive.

The Witcher was also one of the first games to announce a move to Unreal Engine 5, heralding a shift in many games. The next Tomb Raiders game will also use the new engine. It also wants to make it easier to upgrade and update existing games, which means that game upgrades will come sooner or later.

The VP of Engineering said in an interview that "developers using Unreal Engine 4 today have the option to bring projects to Unreal Engine 5 and start taking advantage of new features" and "We'll see Unreal Engine 4 games move toward Unreal Engine 5."

Impex Games publishes Unreal Engine 5, opening the CQ9 game metaverse

Arguing that Unreal Engine 5's biggest strength lies in targeting high-end consoles and end-game games, he also believes that engine tools (breaking down large open worlds into different parts) can create more open-world games in Nintendo and mobile devices.

Some degree of open-world games can be seen as a metaverse replacement. Epic will implant connections in people's minds, especially the Hack mission: Resurrection demo version, to explore the open city like the metaverse. These city assets (including everything except the Hacker Quest IP) will be available for free to be modified or used by the developer. Epic still sees Hack mission showcase as the best way to get started with next-generation games.

Epic used Unreal Engine 5 for its release of Fortnite 3 last December. Epic also published a sample multiplayer shooter called Lyra, based on Unreal Engine 5, which looks a lot like Bloody Battlefield in The Enchanted Realm, which the developers call a "hands-on learning resource" for developers. Testable, playable on both phones and PC, character model animations resemble Epic's surreal superhuman characters.

In addition to games, unreal engines and other applications are also becoming increasingly popular, especially in film and television, and Star Wars uses Unreal virtual scenes.

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