
Hu Xing'er's two sons were diagnosed with the disease: high incidence in spring, and the baby has this sign, and parents must be vigilant

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On March 25, some netizens broke the news that Hu Xing'er's second son and younger son were diagnosed with new crown, which caused widespread concern from everyone.

Subsequently, Hu Xing'er responded by posting that the two children had recovered and thanked all the workers who prevented the epidemic.

Hu Xing'er's two sons were diagnosed with the disease: high incidence in spring, and the baby has this sign, and parents must be vigilant

Image source: Weibo

A few days ago, the youngest son Li Yihong appeared for the first time after recovering from the new crown and celebrated his birthday with his father.

From the photos, you can see that this cute little guy is recovering well, the child is healthy, and the parents are smiling

Hu Xing'er's two sons were diagnosed with the disease: high incidence in spring, and the baby has this sign, and parents must be vigilant

Recently, there have been many epidemics, and everyone must pay attention to protection. Protect yourself, but also protect your children.

Especially near spring, when the incidence of various diseases is high, children face not only the new crown, but also the following five common infectious diseases that are easy to spread in schools.


Acute gastroenteritis

1. What is it?

Acute gastroenteritis in children is generally a rotavirus or norovirus infection, and it is statistically more likely to infect children under 5 years of age.

Both noru and rotavirus are highly contagious and spread very quickly, and it is not uncommon for a child to quickly infect a group of people after falling ill in crowded places such as schools and kindergartens.

Hu Xing'er's two sons were diagnosed with the disease: high incidence in spring, and the baby has this sign, and parents must be vigilant

Anyone who has been annoyed by it must know that the best thing about this product is to make people... Up and down diarrhea!

● Children: vomiting is dominant;

● Adults: diarrhea is the mainstay; stool is thin or watery.

2. How to care?

At present, acute gastroenteritis caused by viral infection has no specific drug treatment, is a self-limiting disease, as long as the family care is done, the child will heal by itself in about 3-7 days.

The most important thing in home care is to prevent dehydration, and parents can give their children oral rehydration salts.

Hu Xing'er's two sons were diagnosed with the disease: high incidence in spring, and the baby has this sign, and parents must be vigilant

Image source: Network

If the symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea are severe, and even the symptoms of dehydration such as reduced urine output, dry lips, and poor skin elasticity, it is best to take your child to the doctor for treatment in time.

3. How to prevent it?

At present, there is a rotavirus vaccine on the market, although the types of rotavirus covered are not comprehensive, nor can it prevent norovirus infection, but the vaccine can still cover the rotavirus with a high infection rate, so it is still recommended that you arrange this vaccine.

At present, there are 2 kinds of rotary vaccines on the market: imported five-valent and domestic unit price, the specific vaccination procedure, please see here!

Hu Xing'er's two sons were diagnosed with the disease: high incidence in spring, and the baby has this sign, and parents must be vigilant

Image source: Made yourself

To prevent the occurrence of acute gastroenteritis, children also need to develop good hygiene habits, wash their hands frequently, and avoid contact with patients.



Influenza refers specifically to an acute upper respiratory tract infection caused by the influenza A, B, or C virus, which is much more severe than the common cold.

Hu Xing'er's two sons were diagnosed with the disease: high incidence in spring, and the baby has this sign, and parents must be vigilant

Influenza is highly contagious, and "bullying soft and afraid of hard", as long as you see a more vulnerable group of people, you will be harassed at the right opportunity.

As a typical vulnerable group, children have an influenza incidence of about 25%.

2. What should parents do after the flu?

(1) Take the child to the hospital at the first time

If you suspect that your child may be caught in the flu, do not struggle at home, it is recommended to take your child to the hospital at the first time and do relevant tests, such as throat swab tests.

(2) It is not necessary to take antiviral drugs

Not all people with the flu need to take antiviral drugs, and should be arranged by their doctor.

For example, oseltamivir, taken within 48 hours of the onset of flu symptoms, can be effective.

Hu Xing'er's two sons were diagnosed with the disease: high incidence in spring, and the baby has this sign, and parents must be vigilant

(3) Antipyretic drugs can be taken appropriately

During the flu disease, the child will have symptoms such as body aches and mental atrophy, and parents can let the child take ibuprofen or acetaminophen to help reduce fever and relieve pain, so that the child feels comfortable.

The most effective measure to prevent influenza is to get the flu vaccine, so that it can form an immune mechanism against the influenza virus and block the invasion of the influenza virus.

Hu Xing'er's two sons were diagnosed with the disease: high incidence in spring, and the baby has this sign, and parents must be vigilant

However, it should be reminded that influenza vaccination can effectively prevent influenza, but it cannot be 100% eliminated, so it is still necessary to let children maintain good living habits in daily life.



Chickenpox is mainly transmitted through droplets and direct contact, blowing nose, cough, etc. can spread chickenpox virus, so it is easy to cause outbreaks.

The incubation period for chickenpox is particularly long, about 13 to 17 days.

Hu Xing'er's two sons were diagnosed with the disease: high incidence in spring, and the baby has this sign, and parents must be vigilant

Most children may have non-specific symptoms such as fever, burnout, loss of appetite, cough, and stomach pain 1 to 2 days before the rash.

Therefore, it is difficult for parents to judge the cause of their children's etiology through these symptoms, and this time is often the most contagious time for patients with chickenpox virus.

The eruption period of chickenpox is about 2 to 4 days, the rash first appears in the trunk, and then gradually spreads to the limbs, showing a centripetal distribution, mainly occurring in the chest, abdomen and back.

Hu Xing'er's two sons were diagnosed with the disease: high incidence in spring, and the baby has this sign, and parents must be vigilant

If the child has chickenpox, parents do not need to worry too much, because chickenpox is a self-limiting disease, most children will not have too serious symptoms, and the time will heal themselves.

Therefore, for children who have been healthy in the past, refer to the following figure to do a good job of home care.

Hu Xing'er's two sons were diagnosed with the disease: high incidence in spring, and the baby has this sign, and parents must be vigilant

At present, the most effective means of prevention is still to get chickenpox vaccine, it is worth mentioning that many chickenpox vaccine instructions say that 1 injection, in fact, 2 injections of prevention effect is better!

Vaccination procedures for chickenpox, see here

Hu Xing'er's two sons were diagnosed with the disease: high incidence in spring, and the baby has this sign, and parents must be vigilant


Herpetic angina and hand-foot-and-mouth disease

Herpetic angina and hand-foot-and-mouth disease are a pair of good brothers, causing hand-foot-and-mouth disease and herpetic angina are very similar, both enteroviruses belong to different serotypes, can be said to be related by blood.

Hu Xing'er's two sons were diagnosed with the disease: high incidence in spring, and the baby has this sign, and parents must be vigilant

As can be seen from the above figure, the clinical manifestations of the two brothers are very similar, but almost all herpes herpes is manifested in the mouth, and herpes of hand- foot-and-mouth disease appears on the skin of the hands, feet, knees and buttocks in addition to the mouth.

Both diseases are self-limiting, generally occurring in April to June, but some areas still have small autumn peaks in October and November.

If fever causes discomfort or severe oral pain, ibuprofen or acetaminophen may be considered.

If the rash is itchy, parents can use calamine lotion to help their child relieve it.

Hu Xing'er's two sons were diagnosed with the disease: high incidence in spring, and the baby has this sign, and parents must be vigilant

Soft, slightly cool foods should be consumed during the illness, and if the child is difficult to eat, popsicles, ice cream, etc. can be given appropriately to relieve the pain of oral herpes and replenish energy.

It can be directly said here that the most effective way to prevent hand-foot-and-mouth disease is to vaccinate against EV71, and it is recommended that children aged 6 months to 5 years old be vaccinated as soon as possible.

Hu Xing'er's two sons were diagnosed with the disease: high incidence in spring, and the baby has this sign, and parents must be vigilant

Although the EV71 vaccine cannot completely eliminate recruitment, it is also a very effective means to avoid the risk of infection with severe hand-foot-and-mouth disease.

In addition, it is also important to do the following prevention work!

Hu Xing'er's two sons were diagnosed with the disease: high incidence in spring, and the baby has this sign, and parents must be vigilant


Adenovirus infection

Adenovirus, like other viruses such as rhinoviruses, is one of the most common culprits of acute respiratory infectious diseases in children.

After this virus invades the human body, it will cause upper respiratory tract symptoms, intestinal symptoms and so on.

Adenoviruses can be transmitted through the respiratory tract, digestive tract, and contact, and the use of towels, tissues, etc. used by patients with adenoviral conjunctivitis can cause inflammation of the conjunctival infection of the eye.

Infants, young children, the elderly, and immunocompromised people are more susceptible to adenovirus infection, so they are also prone to widespread epidemics in kindergartens and schools.

Most adenovirus infected patients have mild clinical symptoms, similar to the common cold symptoms, and will heal themselves in about 7 to 12 days.

Generally, there is no need to seek medical treatment, just need to rest at home and do some symptomatic care appropriately.

Hu Xing'er's two sons were diagnosed with the disease: high incidence in spring, and the baby has this sign, and parents must be vigilant

There are currently no specific anti-adenoviral drugs, and there is no adenovirus vaccine available for vaccination.

So for adenovirus, prevention is important:

(1) Urge children to develop good personal hygiene habits and wash their hands frequently;

(2) Pay attention to wearing a mask when it is crowded;

(3) Pay attention to dietary hygiene, all kinds of fresh melons and fruits should be thoroughly cleaned before eating;

(4) Develop good work and rest habits, ensure adequate sleep, participate in physical exercise within the scope of your ability, and enhance your physical fitness.

Parents of the above 5 types of infectious diseases must pay attention to it, and hope that all children can live a healthy and happy spring

Well, this issue of the Mom Investigation Bureau is here, and we'll see you next time

This article is contributed by the exclusive column "Mom Investigation Bureau" of Mom Network, the copyright belongs to Mom Network, if you want to reprint, please contact us to obtain authorization.

Edited in this issue: Y.T. Mu Xiaoke.

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