
At the end of "Cherish the Flowers", the actors posted a farewell to the role, Lu Yuxiao was sensational, and Myolie Wu posted photos of her son's visit to class

author:Wisdom Avery 3F3z

The finale of "Cherish the Flowers" is revealed: the actors' deep farewell, the behind-the-scenes story you don't know

Recently, the costume drama "Cherish the Flowers" finally ushered in the finale, and this visual and emotional feast made the audience fascinated. As the plot progresses, the glorious ascension of the six princes, the collective return of the men of the Hua family, and the grand wedding of Hua Zhi and Gu Yanxi, every plot is tightly gripping and unstoppable.

At the end of "Cherish the Flowers", the actors posted a farewell to the role, Lu Yuxiao was sensational, and Myolie Wu posted photos of her son's visit to class

But you know what? The story behind this series is far more colorful than what we see.

In the colorful world of the entertainment industry, the lives of actors are always watched by countless pairs of eyes. In the filming process of this "Cherish the Flowers", the leading actors showed a unique deep meaning. Zhang Jingyi, the actress who played Hua Zhi in the play, not only showed tenacity and tenderness on the screen, but also established a deep emotional bond with the character during filming. She once posted in the middle of the night, sharing her journey of growing up with the character of Hua Zhi, and the attachment and reluctance to the role seemed to cross the screen and touched the heartstrings of every audience.

At the end of "Cherish the Flowers", the actors posted a farewell to the role, Lu Yuxiao was sensational, and Myolie Wu posted photos of her son's visit to class

And Hu Yitian, the handsome young student who played Gu Yanxi in the play, also expressed his affectionate farewell to the role at the end. He admitted frankly that during the filming process, he and Gu Yanxi's role seemed to be integrated, and they experienced power struggles and love-hate entanglements together. He thanked this role for allowing him to experience a different life and for making him cherish every moment of life even more.

In addition to the leading actors, other actors also posted their feelings at the end. Wang Lina, Myolie Wu, Wu Xize, Bian Cheng and others all expressed their reluctance to this series and their respective characters in their unique ways. They shared the moments during the filming, and those moments of laughter and tears became cherished memories in their hearts forever.

At the end of "Cherish the Flowers", the actors posted a farewell to the role, Lu Yuxiao was sensational, and Myolie Wu posted photos of her son's visit to class

What's even more touching is the sensational record of peony released by Lu Yuxiao. This video not only captures the happy times during the filming, but also shows the deep friendship between the actresses in the crew. They are funny and play together, as if they are a group of carefree girls. This innocent friendship is enviable, and it also allows the audience to see a completely different side of them behind the scenes and on the screen.

The success of "Cherish the Flowers" is not accidental, it embodies the hard work and efforts of countless people behind it. From the wonderful plot design to the superb acting skills of the actors, to the elaborate production behind the scenes, every link is full of ingenuity and enthusiasm. This series not only brings visual and emotional enjoyment to the audience, but also allows us to see the actors' affectionate devotion to their roles and their persistent pursuit of art.

At the end of "Cherish the Flowers", the actors posted a farewell to the role, Lu Yuxiao was sensational, and Myolie Wu posted photos of her son's visit to class

With the end of "Cherish the Flowers", we seem to have bid farewell to an era. But those good memories and touches will remain in our hearts forever. Let's look forward to these excellent actors continuing to bring us more wonderful works in the future!

Behind the scenes of "Cherish the Flowers": the sisterhood of the actresses is deep

In the world of competition and variables in the entertainment industry, the relationship between actresses is always talked about by the outside world. However, on the filming site of "Cherish the Flowers", we saw a group of actresses who were different. They not only play their respective roles in the play, but also support each other behind the scenes and spend many happy and difficult times together.

At the end of "Cherish the Flowers", the actors posted a farewell to the role, Lu Yuxiao was sensational, and Myolie Wu posted photos of her son's visit to class

These actresses come from different backgrounds and have their own personalities and styles. But during the filming, they were like a group of close sisters, facing challenges and sharing joys together. They would get together to chat, share food and skincare tips, and discuss scripts and character psychology together. In between shoots, they would also help each other sort out their costumes and makeup to cheer each other on.

This intimate atmosphere makes the whole crew full of warmth and energy. Especially when filming some important scenes, these actresses showed amazing tacit understanding and team spirit. They encourage and support each other and work together to achieve the best results. This sisterhood not only made the filming process more enjoyable and smooth, but also made their relationship closer and stronger.

At the end of "Cherish the Flowers", the actors posted a farewell to the role, Lu Yuxiao was sensational, and Myolie Wu posted photos of her son's visit to class

In addition to supporting each other at work, these actresses have also become close friends in life. They would go shopping, eat food, and share life together. After the shooting, they remained in close contact, often meeting and traveling, and spent many wonderful times together. This deep friendship not only allows them to support each other and make progress together in the entertainment industry, but also makes their lives more colorful.

It can be said that the filming process of "Cherish Flowers" is not only the birth process of a drama, but also the process of a group of actresses establishing deep friendships. They used their sincerity and enthusiasm to interpret what true sisterhood is, and also let the audience see the rare sincere emotions in the entertainment industry.

In-depth exploration of the costume aesthetics and plot of "Cherish the Flowers".

As a high-profile costume drama, "Cherish the Flowers" not only is gripping in the plot, but also shows a unique charm in costume aesthetics. From the gorgeous costumes to the exquisite makeup, to the exquisite props and scene settings, every detail shows the elegance and charm of ancient China.

At the end of "Cherish the Flowers", the actors posted a farewell to the role, Lu Yuxiao was sensational, and Myolie Wu posted photos of her son's visit to class

In the play, we can see a variety of gorgeous costumes and accessories, which not only conform to the historical background, but also reflect the character's personality and status. Each outfit is carefully designed, from the color matching to the pattern pattern, all showing the exquisiteness and uniqueness of the ancient costumes. The same is true for makeup, which depicts the inner world and emotional changes of the characters through delicate makeup, allowing the audience to understand the characters' personalities and emotions more deeply.

In addition to the pursuit of costume aesthetics, "Cherish Flowers" has also put a lot of effort into the depth of the plot. The series weaves together a vast web of stories through multiple threads such as family feuds, power struggles, and emotional entanglements, allowing viewers to constantly guess and reason as they watch. Each character has their own background and complex personality, and their actions and choices are full of drama and tension. At the same time, "Cherish the Flowers" also explores profound themes such as the good, evil, beauty and ugliness of human nature, as well as the pursuit of power and love, so that the audience can think about life and values while being entertained.

At the end of "Cherish the Flowers", the actors posted a farewell to the role, Lu Yuxiao was sensational, and Myolie Wu posted photos of her son's visit to class

It is worth mentioning that the pursuit of costume aesthetics and plot depth in "Cherish the Flowers" is not isolated. They are intertwined and influenced by each other, and together they make up the unique charm of this series. Gorgeous costumes and delicate makeup add more visual enjoyment and emotional expression to the plot; And the profound plot and rich character creation also make the costume aesthetics more vivid and meaningful. This kind of mutual integration and complementarity makes "Cherish the Flowers" a masterpiece of ancient costumes in the true sense.

Interpretation of the concept of love and family concept in "Cherish the Flowers".

In "Cherish the Flowers", the concept of love and family is an important theme throughout the play. Through the experiences of many couples in the play, the audience deeply felt the pursuit and persistence of ancient people for sincere feelings, as well as the importance that the society attached to family honor and family concepts at that time.

At the end of "Cherish the Flowers", the actors posted a farewell to the role, Lu Yuxiao was sensational, and Myolie Wu posted photos of her son's visit to class

First of all, "Cherish the Flowers" shows the persistent pursuit of sincere feelings by ancient people. In the play, whether it is the affectionate embrace of Hua Zhi and Gu Yanxi, or the lingering compassion of other couples, the audience feels the firm belief and selfless dedication of ancient people in love. This concept of love not only transcends the shackles of family differences and family strife, but also leaves an indelible mark on each other's hearts. It tells us that sincere feelings cannot be bound by the world, and it can travel through time and space, cross classes, and become an eternal pursuit in people's hearts.

At the end of "Cherish the Flowers", the actors posted a farewell to the role, Lu Yuxiao was sensational, and Myolie Wu posted photos of her son's visit to class

Secondly, "Cherish the Flowers" also explores the influence of family concepts on ancient people. In the play, we can see that family honor and family concepts often become the driving force and constraint of the characters' actions. They sacrifice their personal happiness for the benefit of their families, even at the cost of their lives. Although this concept of family reflects the characteristics of ancient society to a certain extent, it also allows the audience to reflect on the relationship between the family and the individual in modern society and how to find a balance between the two. It reminds us that while pursuing personal dreams and happiness, we should also pay attention to the responsibilities and responsibilities of the family, so as to achieve harmony and win-win results between individuals and families.

At the end of "Cherish the Flowers", the actors posted a farewell to the role, Lu Yuxiao was sensational, and Myolie Wu posted photos of her son's visit to class

Finally, the concept of love and the concept of family in "Cherish the Flowers" are not two isolated themes, but two aspects that are intertwined and mutually influential. Together, they constitute the values and morals of ancient societies, and also provide us with a window into the inner world of ancient people. Through this series, we can not only feel the ancient people's pursuit of sincere feelings and family honor, but also draw wisdom and inspiration from it to guide us to better handle the relationship between love and family in modern society.

Appreciation of the superb acting skills of the actors of "Cherish the Flowers".

The success of "Cherish the Flowers" is inseparable from the superb acting skills and affectionate devotion of the actors. From the protagonist to the supporting role, each actor interprets the inner world and emotional changes of the characters in their own way, so that the audience can feel the emotional fluctuations and growth process of the characters in the play more realistically.

At the end of "Cherish the Flowers", the actors posted a farewell to the role, Lu Yuxiao was sensational, and Myolie Wu posted photos of her son's visit to class

In the play, Hua Zhi, played by the starring Zhang Jingyi, is a strong and tender woman. In the face of the rise and fall of the family and the entanglement of love, she has always maintained firm faith and courage. Zhang Jingyi vividly portrays Hua Zhi's inner world through delicate acting skills, so that the audience can deeply feel her helplessness and choice, strength and tenderness. Especially in some key scenes, Zhang Jingyi's performance is even more moving, and she uses her acting skills to give this role a deeper connotation and charm.

At the end of "Cherish the Flowers", the actors posted a farewell to the role, Lu Yuxiao was sensational, and Myolie Wu posted photos of her son's visit to class

And Hu Yitian played the role of Gu Yanxi, a complex character full of power and love and hate. Hu Yitian interpreted Gu Yanxi's ruthlessness and warmth, the entanglement between power and love, making the audience love and hate this character, and it is unforgettable. His acting skills are not only reflected in the accurate grasp of lines, but also in the delicate portrayal of the characters' emotions. He interprets a character full of contradictions and complexities in his own way, allowing the audience to have a deep resonance and emotional resonance with the character.

At the end of "Cherish the Flowers", the actors posted a farewell to the role, Lu Yuxiao was sensational, and Myolie Wu posted photos of her son's visit to class

In addition to the leading actors, the other actors in "Cherish the Flowers" also have excellent performances. They interpret every role in their own way, whether it is a supporting role or an extra, they all show professionalism and solid acting skills. Their performances not only made the plot more vivid and interesting, but also made the audience have a deeper emotional resonance and sense of identity with the series. It can be said that the success of "Cherish the Flowers" is inseparable from the superb acting skills and affectionate devotion of each actor, and they together add a lot of highlights to this series.

"Cherish the Flowers" ended perfectly, and the classic will remain in my heart forever

Recently, the high-profile costume drama "Cherish the Flowers" finally ushered in the finale. This series not only allowed the audience to enjoy the wonderful plot and excellent actors, but also made people feel the sisterhood and teamwork behind the scenes. The success of "Cherish the Flowers" is not accidental, but stems from the efforts and dedication of countless people. From the careful conception of the screenwriter to the careful guidance of the director, to the superb acting skills of the actors and the hard work of the team behind the scenes, every link is full of ingenuity and enthusiasm.

At the end of "Cherish the Flowers", the actors posted a farewell to the role, Lu Yuxiao was sensational, and Myolie Wu posted photos of her son's visit to class

Now, "Cherish the Flowers" has come to a perfect end, but the values and emotional resonance conveyed by this series will always remain in the hearts of the audience. It allows us to see the style and sophistication of ancient society, and also makes us feel the pursuit of sincere feelings and family honor. At the same time, "Cherish Flowers

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