
Don't underestimate the old man who loves to read

I have read a sentence: "Those who do not read, life will stop." ”

However, many people believe that reading is a matter for young people and a matter for students. And the elderly, have nothing to do with it.

After sixty years, people leave the workplace, they should enjoy the blessings, play cards, dance, look at the scenery, and the rest of their lives will pass.

In fact, the power of wisdom can change life, for an old man, the more you read, the happier you are.

Don't underestimate the old man who loves to read


Reading is a positive gesture.

What is the purpose of reading? Young people rely on reading to get the key to change their destiny, and middle-aged people rely on reading to increase wisdom and make more money.

Older people, no matter how many books they read, seem to be useless, and it is very unlikely that they will be able to make a lot of money because of it.

There is such a message in the "Yuhang News Network": In Yuhang District, there is a spontaneously formed community reading club. A group of elderly people often gather in a group, reading, discussing, talking and laughing.

Liu Xiaoju, the leader of the book club, used to be a bridge designer and usually likes to read aloud. She said that the original intention of reading is that there are residents who share common interests together, and everyone knows each other, understands each other, and enriches the spiritual world together.

Do not carry any utilitarian to read, just use the spare time, to do elegant things, to narrow the distance between people, so that the living environment becomes better. This is the biggest gain of the elderly.

The ancients said, "The old and the scholar, such as the candle-like night walker, the wise and blind and the invisible." ”

It is beneficial to open the book, read a few books, it is better than not reading, let your heart have light. In this way, all year round, it is like living in the spring.


Reading is a sign of late success.

When people are over sixty, it seems that many things are over, but in fact, they are not, and the end is another kind of beginning.

People are old, physical condition, certainly not as good as young people, but more wisdom than young people, emotional stability, as long as the comprehensive use, can also achieve a career.

There was an old grandmother named Yang Benfen, who was deeply sad after the death of her mother. Relatives and friends encouraged her to write down the story of the family. Since then, the kitchen of the home has added two stools, one high and one low. The high stool is the desk.

From the structure of the book to the consideration of every word, she slowly figured it out.

After a few years, a documentary novel of "Autumn Garden" came out and was highly recognized by society.

A university professor praised: "This is a living fossil of human nature that reproduces a century." ”

Why can't the old man succeed? It's just that you have a lot of ideas, but you read too little, and you won't succeed in anything. If you read a few more books, you can turn the past of your life into true wisdom.

Whether an old man becomes popular by dancing, or by painting, playing chess, singing and other methods, he is inseparable from books. Any one thing can be found in the book. Instead of looking for answers in books, look for them in the invisible book of society.

Don't underestimate the old man who loves to read


Reading is a method of family harmony.

On the "China News Network", there is a mother who accompanies the reading, named Ma Yiping. She accompanied her children to high school, and for three years, while educating them, she wrote a diary and turned the bits and pieces of her life into books.

After the child went to school, she put the world's famous works on the table and stove, and after reading them, she also wrote down a large number of reading notes.

Her child said: "My mother is not the same as other people's mothers, she has been with her for 12 years, and she wants to give me a better education in elementary school, middle and high school, and always leads by example." ”

Older people, like to read, can drive a family to read together, a good learning atmosphere, so that the family becomes more noble, different.

Accompanying reading is not only watching children read, nor is it pointing fingers at children's learning, but leading by example and growing up with children.

The action of taking the lead in setting an example is in place, and the younger generations are infected and inspired.

Educator Ken Robinson said, "The discovery of talent fundamentally depends on how we see ourselves and what happens in our lives, and talent is also a matter of attitude." ”

When people get old, they correct their attitude towards learning and re-understand society. The larger the pattern of the elderly, the better the end of the family.

The Song Dynasty scholar Zhu Xi said: "Although the family door is harmonious and smooth, although the food is not continued, there is also a surplus of joy, and the national class is completed early, that is, there is no surplus in the bag, and there is a lot of happiness." ”

Push open the door of the house, smell the fragrance of books, this is the root of the door of books.


Reading is the secret to enriching the soul.

Zeng Guofan once said: "Meditation is self-delusional, and reading is morality." ”

When people are alive, they need to exercise. However, walking around every day can be very boring. Therefore, you also have to make your mind move, your mind move.

The reader sits quietly, but his mind is always in motion, as gentle and beautiful as a wave lapping at the coastline.

After living for most of your life, it is inevitable that there will be bumps and bumps, and there will also be rotten people and rotten things to entangle themselves. It is better to read well and drive all unpleasant things out of the depths of the soul.

If you read the book thinly, your heart and spirit will become thick, and you will be able to see through everything in society.

People, it is rare to be confused, but the premise of confusion is understanding, wisdom and calmness.

The more you read, the more people will know the book, be able to export into chapters, know how to turn things, and anything that is not smooth will become smooth.

Don't underestimate the old man who loves to read


In this society, don't underestimate the person who is still reading in his sixties.

I have seen a message: there is a grandfather Yao Keliang in his eighties in Huainan, Anhui Province, who should have held his grandson at home, but he walked into the college entrance examination. When he entered the scene, the security guard stopped him and would not let him in. He explained for a while.

When the college entrance examination was over, he estimated that the score was 630 points, and when the results came out, he only had 63 points. Everyone guessed that he might not know how to use answer cards and write the answers on the test paper.

Anyway, Grandpa is very happy, and he also hopes that he can study at Peking University.

The old ji was overwhelmed and strong. Reading is a person's resilience, a spirit, or a trend that leads the times.

As a young person, if you find that there are old people who love to read around you, please give them a thumbs up.

Author: Cloth coarse food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The illustrations in this article come from the Internet.

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