
Does the shrimp line have to be removed before it can be eaten?

Nowadays, with the improvement of living standards, more and more people like to eat shrimp.

And the shrimp line as a part of the inside of the shrimp body, many people will pick out the shrimp line when handling the shrimp, but this also makes many people who do not understand the shrimp line very confused, so the shrimp line must be removed to eat?

Does the shrimp line have to be removed before it can be eaten?

Most shrimp lines don't have to be removed to eat, but it's best to remove the shrimp lines.

Does the shrimp line have to be removed before it can be eaten?

Some people do not understand the shrimp line, it is actually the intestine of the shrimp, and there will generally be some shrimp excrement in it.

Many people will feel dirty and will choose to remove it, but if you feel that removing shrimp line is too troublesome, you can also use it directly, which generally does not have much impact on the body.

However, the taste may be a little worse than the shrimp that has removed the shrimp line, and the shrimp that has not removed the shrimp line is more hygienic.

Does the shrimp line have to be removed before it can be eaten?

Although most shrimp lines do not have an effect on people, if they are eaten crayfish, they must be removed before they can be eaten.

Because crayfish have special growth habits and can survive even in heavily polluted environments, this may lead to the presence of higher heavy metals or parasites in the purchased crayfish shrimp line.

Especially wild crayfish, if eaten regularly, will affect the health of the body, so it is best not to eat crayfish of unknown origin.

Does the shrimp line have to be removed before it can be eaten?

In addition to the shrimp line is best not to eat, the shrimp head part is best not to eat, because the shrimp's internal organs are not located in the shrimp's stomach, but in the shrimp head, so the shrimp head is really dirty, and when the human body eats some unhygienic things, it is easy to have gastrointestinal discomfort.

In addition, when we buy shrimp, we should also pay attention to the fact that red and soft shrimp are best not to buy, because this shrimp may not be fresh.

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