
Alex 12 Constellation Weekly Horoscope (4.4-4.10)

Usher in a turnaround.

Alex 12 Constellation Weekly Horoscope (4.4-4.10)

Important horoscopes for the week

This week, the energy of Mars and Saturn will continue, so at first, because of the fire and earth, we may feel a repressive atmosphere that comes from the mutual control of Mars and Saturn - if Mars represents a rush forward, then Saturn is a chain that traps you. However, at this time, we can also look at this horoscope more positively, for example, this is a time to test perseverance and cultivate perseverance at the same time. And the encounter energy of fire and earth also brings us many moments of thinking, as if we can slow down at this time, maybe you will experience these things:

1, the encounter of fire and earth, just led us to "different ways do not conspire", perhaps because of the relationship between positions, perhaps because of the different views of some things, so let us penetrate human nature - but if you want to say who is right and who is wrong, please jump out of your own role, to a bystander to see and analyze, you will find that in fact, right and wrong are difficult to distinguish, unless there are objective rules, laws or moral constraints on things, otherwise it is difficult to distinguish between their respective positions and interests, but it is this period, let us realize, It turns out that the minefield between people is actually easy to touch, and let us pay more attention to the boundaries and sense of proportion in getting along, but this period also happens to cool your enthusiasm, and may even disappoint you, uncomfortable, but please adjust yourself as soon as possible, you can't change others, but you can bravely and courageously continue to be yourself and defend your ideas.

2, people's hearts are separated from the belly, and Mars and Saturn can let us see - it turns out that someone can disguise for so long, the meaning of this sentence can be understood as that there are many people who may seem very friendly, but during this time you will find that it is a refined egoist, or a hypocrite, if you meet such a person, or you realize that the other party is such a person, please slowly stay away.

3, this astrological sign, may create "heroism" or very much need to have the right to speak, influence, dominance of the people appear, or someone is deliberately creating such an image, but may be very much in line with some of the needs of the moment, because the location of the fire, just need some roles that can drive the emotions of others, whether it is family, circle of friends, or the workplace, or the social side, this week's fire and earth energy may bring us some positive news - playing chicken blood is also needed, because our emotions need to be cheered up.

4, to avoid their emotional loss of control or hysteria, in this week we try to do some physical and mental adjustments as much as possible, yourself is very important, remember this sentence.

5, Mercury will also interact with Mars, Saturn, some people play official, or use power, advantage, background to suppress others, and even move out of the "rescue soldiers", encounter such things, do not panic, reasonable and legal protection of themselves. And during this period, there will also be people who will fake tiger power.

This week, Venus will also change positions, Venus will come to the water signatic house position, and this is also the position where the energy of Venus can be boosted, so under the influence of Venus, we can do these things:

1, Venus into this position, will create a lot of nostalgic feelings, we may also touch the softest place in the heart, in the strong people, in fact, there will be vulnerable moments, and Venus in this position can just heal ourselves, if you inadvertently read out the sad things, or let you regret, regret things, or be mentioned and touched, then it is the beginning of a self-cultivation, you begin to heal yourself, we can be sad, but our destination is to get better.

2, Venus will also bring romance, just this period, chat more, do not use their own reserved (may just be arrogant) as an excuse, take the initiative to create a topic, there may be unexpected surprises.

3, this horoscope may also bring emotional shopping, so in this period, you need to maintain a rational spending.

4, will also pay more attention to their own appearance, want to become good-looking, will also spend a lot of time, energy, money in this regard.

5. Pay attention to some news events of animals and pets.

6. There are still many deliberately hidden things this week, and the facts have been exposed.

Health Note This Week:

Injuries by animals, surgery, conjunctivitis, stye, gout, liver, hypoglycemia, colds, headaches, sleep, acne, burns.

The above is the impact on the social environment.

Reference: Sun sign, rising sign (all need to refer)

Sun or Ascending Aries: The Sun and Mercury will meet in your sign, and this sign brings you some good news, perhaps the idea you discussed earlier, the idea, or the suggestion you made to someone else, or the application submitted was approved and approved. Or maybe someone will pass the exam and get a certain place, or someone will grab a certain qualification, etc., and this astrology will also bring you fortune, and you may get some financial positive information this week. But there is one astrological sign that continues, that is, Mars and Saturn still interact, and there may be discord and pressure with neighbors, properties, some service personnel or your colleagues, especially in the first half of the week, it is very easy to have a gunpowder smell, but because Mercury has support for you - you may occupy a favorable side. In addition, this week, because mercury and Pluto interact, you and the elders or a superior are prone to conflicts because of disagreements, or the other party has done something wrong, creating some chaos that needs you to end. At the same time, Venus will also come to your 12th house, for singles, crush, or may start to feel good about someone, now the sun Mercury is in your sign, you can tentative, or take the initiative to create a topic to talk to each other, you may make progress. And for people who are not single, this horoscope should pay attention to the unpleasantness that the partner may do wrong or turn over old accounts. In addition, if you have physical health problems, this sign also means that your self-healing ability will begin to improve, your health will improve, and some people will make an appointment for medical services, or medical aesthetic services. From the perspective of the workplace, there are new cooperation inquiries at work this week, but because of the relationship between Mars and Saturn, the timeline may be longer, or the efficiency is not high, or because the task comes temporarily, the emergency makes you busy, especially from Monday to Wednesday. There is also a settlement of payments for past projects this week. Love is to give each other some free time. Sun or Rising Taurus: Your guardian star will change position this week, and this week will be mixed with nostalgia, emotion, pleasure, surprise, and of course, these emotions appear, also because in the past few weeks, you have found an inner balance, learn to live with yourself, and learn to solve the emotional barriers that others bring to you - you are in harmony with yourself or with others, this feeling is wonderful. In addition, your cynical personality will also be stimulated, someone violates the rules, or someone deliberately adds chaos to you or others, so your sense of justice will also explode, this week you may accuse others of inaction, or use public platforms to publish your own attitudes and opinions. Venus seat changes also give you the opportunity to meet, meet new people, or handle something that you can handle with important tasks. Some people will have peach blossom opportunities, ambiguity, and even be ready to confess. For non-singles, pay attention to the health of your partner, or if you have a disagreement about money. Mercury meets the sun in your 12th house, and you are brewing a new plan, which may be grander, long-term, and even involves your overall life plan, such as changing jobs, changing residences, changing cities, etc., all because you have been dead or disappointed in a certain state, and you need to open up new hopes - you will find or think of a solution this week. Luck has improved this week, but be aware that there is money and bill payments that must be spent, and some people have to deal with loan problems. You may also have to spend money on family or friends, prepare gifts, etc. Because of Mercury's interaction with Pluto, beware of injuries or damaged objects, and some people have to deal with legal issues. From the perspective of the workplace, this week's work is still orderly, but pay attention to the attitude of doing things, the way of communication, avoid being complained about or being remembered, it is very important to do things without leaks, this week may also have to work overtime, and there are more meetings to participate. Love is to give way to each other, don't worry about it. Sun or Ascending Gemini: Adjust your mindset, don't create anxiety and stress for yourself, now you are easily affected by external events and the environment, so this week must find a balance. As your guardian planet Mercury meets the sun, your fortunes are good this week, maybe you are having a headache about something, or need a resource, need some network, then this week the people around you will help you solve the problem, at the same time, you may finally have the courage to solve, deal with the problems that have been avoided, such as financial problems, or being bullied at work, and the people around you have cheated on you - but you have always known and displeased, and now you have the courage to deal with these problems and can deal with them well. And Venus is also coming to the top of your chart this week, visibility becomes higher, it is easy to turn red, and everyone will recognize you and encourage you more, so after Wednesday your self-confidence and energy will start to pick up, and some people will also get offers, ready to enter new jobs, or have a medical examination, get bids, sign contracts - you will find that many things have entered the promotion stage this week, and the efficiency will be a little faster than the past two weeks. However, you may have to pay attention to the unpleasantness with neighbors, properties, a friend in a different place, or a customer in a different place, and at this time you need to deal with your own violent temper, patience and rationality. The second half of the week is prone to financial breakage events, may temporarily spend money or emotional consumption, some people should be careful of liquidated damages or fines. In addition, Mercury and Saturn have a harmonious interaction, and there may still be peach blossoms with a huge age difference, or they are related to old lovers at this time. From the perspective of the workplace, this week's work has project implementation or contract signing, at the same time, the first half of the week may also have work messages, emails to be handled, pay attention not to send wrong information or paperwork errors. Some people change guards, take leave, or apply for leave this week. Love, is not to be overwhelmed by the novelty. Sun or Ascending Cancer: The Sun and Mercury meet at the top of your chart, this week this horoscope brings you good luck, first of all, fortune will improve and improve, and Mercury relationship, you may also make, meet new friends and resources, some people are able to turn the tide this week, can change the situation of something that seems hopeless, and everyone will start to praise you and value you - so you have to move, not just look at it, do nothing. Some people also participate in training and exams this week, or take care of the health problems of elderly families – this week will also start to get better, or have to be reviewed. Some people may also consult about the business and knowledge of insurance, claims, etc. Self-driving travel should pay attention to avoid violations, at the same time you also have to save and backup data in time, this week Mercury and Pluto have problems, you may have a gunpowder-flavored dialogue with a colleague or your partner, you feel that the other party does not act, the other party feels that you are some unreasonable trouble, but if you feel that the communication content is not right, then stop in time, because the final result may not end well. And Venus will also change places this week, bringing some ambiguity to singles, harvesting gifts, or receiving invitations, and you may also be related to your old lover, or hear about your old lover. A small percentage of people will learn about another person's pregnancy or marriage. Mercury interacts harmoniously with Mars, and people who participate in competitions, bids, and campaigns will help. This week, you may also have to deal with ticketing issues and complaint rights protection matters, and there are still people who will continue to deal with legal matters, and there will be feedback on progress. From the perspective of the workplace, this week's work should pay attention to customers, colleague feedback, and even shirk responsibility, this time to be humble, supervision, while your superiors may also assign you more difficult tasks, may involve balancing the interests of various departments, but you can deal with it. Love is to do a little romantic thing. Sun or Ascend Leo: Learn to show your strengths and charms, don't be shy, don't worry about others criticizing your presentation – you may have done some nice things before, or done some nice cases on a work assignment, then you can show it to others this week, because it is the result of your efforts, and you may reap more good rewards - there are new collaborations, praises, compliments, or others (including people you like) who look up to you. As Venus changes positions, you may also make new decisions on investment and financial management this week, with appropriate stop losses, or reap returns and dividends. Some will be given a raise. The interaction between Mercury and Mars brings you the approval of the application materials, or you get the evidence, the proof, or the victory of the lawsuit, the success of the rights protection, and some people are ready to register for marriage. The interaction between Mercury and Pluto is to clean up some problems from work and family in the first half of the week, but don't lose your temper with them, you just need to solve the problem, some people will spend money for pets. At the same time, some people will also apply to volunteer, do charity, donate goods, etc. This week, one of your off-site friends may tell you a secret or gossip, and some people will change their looks, medical beauty, etc. this week. Since Mars and Saturn still meet in your opposite house, avoid gambling, cold war situations, and don't reconcile at this time because of face problems. This week, there are noble people to help you settle some interpersonal conflicts, and give each other a step when you give steps. From the perspective of the workplace, this week's work level because of mercury and Pluto's interaction, may be prone to other people's dereliction of duty, communication errors, and even offend the superior, customer things, then this time you may need to come forward to settle the balance, on the other hand, this week you may also have to undertake some work content for others to help, the second half of the week to speed up efficiency, because there are project deadlines will be adjusted. Love is to avoid the Cold War. Sun or Rising Virgo: This week you may have a feeling of "lost and regained", such as finding something, regaining a certain feeling, or a friend or ambiguous object who was once "missing" has reappeared, so this week there will be more wonderful feelings - some people have similar experiences in the second half of last week. At the same time, as your guardian planet Mercury meets the sun, you may also develop a new plan, habit, and even start reading new books this week, and you may also arrange many charging plans (including learning) for yourself. As Venus comes to your opposite position, interpersonal fortunes will begin to improve, you may know and make new friends, get goodwill and support from friends, and there are new customer resources or old customers to come and negotiate cooperation. There are also people who have interview opportunities, the opportunity to work part-time to earn extra money, and their financial fortunes will improve as a result. Some single people peach blossom horoscope began to pick up, continue to late this month, you can actively socialize during this period, see if it is suitable for yourself, the first impression may be very good, but only by increasing the understanding can you confirm whether it is blindly on the head. For non-single people, the partner may bring emotional and emotional support, such as when you are troubled, the other party will let you calm down and stabilize, so the relationship will progress well, and some people will plan wedding matters. Venus will also give you the chance to win the lottery, or if you have plans to do something for the common good, and some people will also go to religious sites. Mercury interacts with Pluto, and someone with whom you have a job connection may provoke you, touch your bottom line, or even have bad competition, so don't sit still. From the perspective of the workplace, mercury and Pluto's interaction may be pressured by the superior, difficult, or there is a mess to be dealt with this week, and the content of the documents will also increase this week, and it may also be overtime, you may have resistance in the first half of the week, but it will improve after Wednesday. In addition, there are new cooperations this week. Love is not to let yourself become passive. Sun or Rising Libra: You may be a little stubborn in the first half of the week, and others may have kind reminders or suggestions for you, but you may want to follow your heart and don't want to care about these voices, but it is recommended that you calm down, maybe the other party's suggestions and ideas are helpful, and you can take the reasonable part of it to listen, so that you will avoid mistakes and avoid losses. Some people will be nagged and pressured by their partners, so this week some people's partnerships will have tense moments, and even some people may have cold wars and break ups, so they need to pay attention. And the encounter between the sun and Mercury will bring you good news about contracts, laws, certificates, household registration, certification materials, rights protection this week, you may have good progress in these things, and some people will get a certain qualification certificate, open a new bank account, or apply for a loan. A small percentage of people prepare birthdays or wedding presents for others. Although there is an increase in financial expenses this week, there may also be funds to supplement, such as reimbursements, bonuses, or project settlements, and you may also travel to an office hall or medical institution this week. Some people will participate in training or prepare for a business trip. The interaction between Mercury and Pluto has brought some people housing matters to deal with, such as moving, decorating, repairing, or sharing roommates, and there are easy conflicts between family members, but this week can be handled, you may also have conflicts with neighbors, if necessary, you need to find a property, the neighborhood committee to deal with. In addition, Mercury interacts with Mars, and some single people will have peach blossom opportunities, or rekindle old feelings for people who have once liked and been ambiguous. From the perspective of the workplace, this week's work should pay attention to clerical errors, data preservation, and this week's meetings will be more, the first half of the week is easy to make lazy, procrastinating, may also cause colleagues, partners dissatisfaction, they have to feel the changes in other people's emotions, as far as possible to cooperate. Love is the emotion not to be on the spot. Sun or Scorpio ascending: You may procrastinate a bit this week, especially in the first half of the week, with Mars still associated with Saturn, you may deviate from your original plan - you are prone to laziness, or procrastination, or be distracted by other things, monday through Tuesday, remind yourself to do things according to your original plan, to avoid the second half of the week becoming busy and unable to take care of it. In addition, this astrological sign allows you to keep an eye on the family atmosphere, avoid quarrels and conflicts, or pay attention to the health of male elders (there was also a reminder last week). At the same time, some people may also have to prepare for a house transaction or move, share a room with others, live together, etc. Venus will also change positions and come to your house of talent, charm, and finances, and this week's fortunes will improve, there may be money in the account, or gifts, and some people may win the lottery. Some people may also be trying to conceive with their partners, and from the beginning of the week to the end of the month, there will be good news, and some people will also learn that others are pregnant and have children. In addition, single people, can actively grasp the impact of this astrological sign, there will be peach blossom opportunities, or because of small talk and then become warm, sparks, some people may confess this week, take off the single. Venus will also make you inspired, and for creative, scientific researchers, there may be new ideas, ideas, and curated ideas this week. You may also want to prepare to host and organize a meeting or event. However, due to the influence of Mars and Saturn in the first half of the week, the planned work this week will be postponed or canceled for other reasons. Some people experience delays when travelling. From the perspective of the workplace, the first half of this week's work is easy to procrastinate, or the feedback from partners is slow, and it needs to be urged, and this week may also have to prepare new plans, reports, and summaries, so there are more documents and meetings. There are also new projects being consulted this week, and some people will sign project contracts. Love, is more chat will have surprises. Sun or Ascending Sagittarius: Recently you feel as if you have lost the initiative and become very passive, as if everything cannot be freed, but with the arrival of this week, your initiative will be found back, because the Sun and Mercury will meet, and there will be interactions with Mars Saturn, and you will gradually relax this week, because many things are coming to an end, and new things are not so urgent, and you finally have time to live by yourself, study, read, or watch some of your favorite episodes. The interaction between the sun and Mercury brings you fortune, and some people may also harvest ambiguous, peach blossom opportunities, of course, you may also be very concerned about income problems, this horoscope will bring you fortune, such as investment profits, harvest bonus dividends, some people are able to get arrears. Others will interview for a new job this week, or have a chance to get a promotion. This astrology will also bring you the opportunity to be sent abroad, and if you are fighting for this opportunity, you can introduce yourself this week - of course, other things you want, you can also introduce yourself this week, don't be shy. Some people will move this week or buy new household items. If you have children, this week's interaction with children is very important, but pay attention to avoid conflicts with children, more patience and guidance. A small percentage of people will be trying to conceive successfully or will be welcoming new members of the family. As Venus changes its place, you may also be in and out of art, medical, sports venues, or successful negotiations, and some people are successfully registered, pass the exam, and get an offer. But still pay attention to the health effects of Mars and Saturn, colds, allergies, conjunctivitis, folliculitis, or being injured by sharp objects. From the perspective of the workplace, there will be new cooperation to start in the first half of the week's work, you may also be temporarily asked to help support a project or follow up, your superiors may also talk to you, and some people have side jobs and opportunities to earn extra money. Love is to find a compromise method when the concept is inconsistent. Sun or Ascending Capricorn: This week Mercury interacts with your guardian planet Saturn, and this week you will receive some good news that may be related to previously submitted applications, talked about cooperation, works written, or rights protection, may be approved, cooperation has been further implemented or enforced, and some people will have published works, works completed, and others have successful rights protection. At the same time, this astrology also gives some people the opportunity to jump ship and get offers. Luck has improved this week, but you still need to pay attention to your health problems, teeth, throat, blood pressure, and eczema problems, and some people may also want to start taking medication or going to medical institutions. At the same time, Venus will also change positions this week, and you may have to participate in training, online meetings, or have travel to further confirm the itinerary. Some people have to apply for returns and exchanges, or logistics problems to deal with. Because of Venus, some singles may have ambiguities or have the courage to confess. If you're looking for a new listing, the right roommate, this horoscope will help you too, and by the end of the month, you'll have good luck with it. Others volunteer or hire domestic helpers. You may have been thinking about discussing a serious matter with someone, but have been stranded, and this week you can find the right time to talk to the other person, and there will be a suitable solution, so don't be resistant. A small percentage of people are ready to have pets, register for marriage, or meet their parents with their partners. From the perspective of the workplace, there are contracts signed and implemented this week's work, but it should be noted that Mercury interacts with Pluto, and there are people in the internal team who are negligent or infighting, resulting in you having to balance these things, you may have to be a good old man, in addition, some people may have to apply for vacations this week, or the office will be renovated and replaced. A small number of people are ready to leave. Love is not to think a lot but do too little. Sun or ascending Aquarius: You may be misunderstood in the past two weeks, or have been played inappropriately, or someone has been teasing you with something in the past, you may be able to endure in these two weeks or not have a seizure because of the relationship, but this week, with the further interaction between Mars and Saturn, you are a little intolerable, but you can't deal with this matter radically, after all, you are very concerned about your relationship with others, and you also care about your reputation and evaluation, so this week may wish to find the right time, Patiently tell the other party about your concerns and dissatisfaction, and you will also receive a message of apology. At the same time, Mercury will interact harmoniously with Saturn and Mars, and you may be invited to an event and receive invitations, but there are still many changes this week, such as the planned meeting this week, the schedule may be rescheduled or even canceled, or you may temporarily go to help someone this week, and be caught as a strong support scene. Some people will have romantic dates this week, or ambiguous interactions, or further development of relationships, and singles, with the change of seat of Venus this week, they are prone to drilling the horns, especially if you currently have a favorite person and the other party's attitude towards you is not clear, this time you actually have to think about whether it is worth continuing this, or whether it is time to stop the loss. But the good news is that Venus's relationship brings you fortune, or a certain interest problem can be solved, some people will apply for bank loans, or deal with other banking business, and a small number of people need to pay attention to dental, low blood sugar, diarrhea, allergies of health problems. If you have a pet, you also need to pay attention to the health of the pet or spend money on the pet. From the perspective of the workplace, this week's work should pay attention to the boundaries and sense of proportion, if other people's business has nothing to do with you, do not intervene, even if you are kind, so as not to be appreciated in the end, in addition, this week there is cooperation to implement, some people may also have to use private resources and relationships to implement some projects. Love, is not to blindly hit the south wall. Sun or Ascending Pisces: Venus will come to your sign, your fortunes will begin to pick up, Venus represents romance, beauty, fortune, emotion, and entering your sign will bring you good luck in these areas. This week you may be able to improve your spiritual world, such as reading, writing, or being exposed to some art-related things, or starting to teach yourself something. You will also begin to pay more attention to your charm and appearance, so you will spend money or make efforts for it, and some people will start to have ambiguous contact, or start some actions with people you like - more interaction, you will have some gains. For people who are not single, you may be a little worried about your partner's state, such as emotional, health or work problems, use your healing ability to support each other, the other party will also get better, and this week you may also reach a certain decision on the issue of money. Some are preparing to upgrade their homes or are preparing to become pregnant. Mercury interacts with Saturn and Mars, this week is suitable for visiting, contacting customers, there will be cooperation consultation and even implementation of orders, at the same time you may also receive gifts, praise, arrears also have settlement, some people will get offers, a certain qualification certificate, or register a new bank account, or to prepare to register a company and so on. The relationship between Mercury and Pluto is not very harmonious, family relations and friend relations are easy to have friction, such as because of a certain position, point of view, different ideas, and then the smell of gunpowder, this time do not be radical, seek common ground while reserving differences, do not have prejudice. A small percentage of people may part ways with a friend (including the other person may be leaving your job and leaving your city) or delete a friend, etc. You may also join a new organization to do public welfare charity and so on. Some people will win the lottery. From the perspective of the workplace, there are more work meetings this week, and new plans must be prepared, so the content of the document must pay attention to not having low-level errors, and at the same time, this week should also be prepared, because things are more trivial and easy to forget. A small number of people may have to take on the work of others and avoid being complained about. Love is about attracting each other's attention.

Written | Alex (Yang)

The copyright of this article may not be reproduced without permission

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