
Monthly Fortune: Pisces and Pisces ascending April horoscope

Monthly Fortune: Pisces and Pisces ascending April horoscope

Vickers Star Fortune April Pisces/Pisces Ascending Journey

We have analyzed in the 2022 fortune that 2022 is a key year for Pisces, especially January-May and October-December, full of opportunities and developmentality, and there is no room for laziness.

Then in 2022, February, April, May, and October are four key months, and many practical opportunities are likely to occur in these months. April is a focal point of these months, as the two guardian stars of the Pisces (Jupiter and Neptune) will meet in April, and the conjugation is located in the constellation of Pisces, and the probability of this astrology will be said to be alive for a long time, about a century and a half to catch up.

For friends whose sun sign is Pisces, first of all, you don't care about the details of April or a few months, remember that 2022 is a key year for you to meet once in 12 years, and this year is best not to waste a day. As for April, the overall state is good, the middle and early years are suitable for exercise, making money, trying to do whatever you think is important, fully engaged in it, the pace of many things in the second half of the year may slow down slightly, but the actual effect may be more stable than the middle and early years.

Monthly Fortune: Pisces and Pisces ascending April horoscope

For friends whose ascending sign is Pisces, the situation may be a little more complicated, because how much you can take advantage of the super strong wood sea of April and 2022 has a lot to do with your own sun sign and birth disk layout. Roughly divided, the sun is a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio) and earth sign (Taurus, Capricorn) crowd, easier to open, multi-faceted benefit from the power of the sea of wood, such as imagination, creativity, persuasion, fate, message operation, emotional opportunities... and so on.

The Sun sign is a gemini friend, will be more focused on personal goals, to deal with personal development and family/emotional coordination; the sun is a sagittarius friend, career focus is more obvious, you need to deal with the personal vision and career reality between the contact, not too idealistic. The sun is a friend of the virgin, mainly focusing on some practical problems in interpersonal, cooperative, and partnering, and also not to be too real in idealism, then many things will be much easier.

Monthly Fortune: Pisces and Pisces ascending April horoscope

In addition, all Pisces (sun and rise are counted) to avoid the problem of taking it for granted, especially if you do meet a good opportunity or a baby in a good situation, this year's Jupiter is a bit overcorrected, you need to guard against arrogance, you can't blow big bubbles, and you can't be taken astray by people who blow big bubbles.

Thank you for paying attention to the monthly fortune column of Vickers StarWAY, accompanied by stars, and wish the Pisces friends a healthy and smooth April!

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