
From "Lu Yu has a date" to "Pear Garden Spring"

author:The mind of the old man

Lu Yu looks pure, has a pleasant appearance, and is slow and soft-spoken and amiable. The gold medal column "Lu Yu You Appointment" hosted by her is world-renowned and popular all over the country. If you ask a person: Do you know that the TV station has a column called "Lu Yu Has a Covenant", there is a good chance that the answer is to know, if someone says that they don't know, it is really lonely. Lu Yu did not talk much when hosting the show, and gave most of his time to the guests, what about Lu Yu's role? Mainly guidance, click dialing. She never spoke in large paragraphs in an attempt to raise the audience's attention to her. That's her unique style, and it's her charm. Words should not have much weight, so as to attract the attention of the audience. Lu Yu hosted the show with seriousness and liveliness, although there was laughter, it was also a shallow laugh, and he couldn't see her at any time. Reservedness is also cultivation, and her every move is not necessarily a program, but it must have a sense of intimacy. "Lu Yu has a date" also has a major feature, high positioning. She dated someone, big people, celebrities. There are many stories of high officials, it is easy to be concerned by people, many people also want to explore some information from the mouths of high officials, although most people do not care, but there are some listeners who have to study every word of the interviewee, what policies the state will introduce, and what information is revealed in which aspects, which is also attractive. Then there are celebrities, scholars, entrepreneurs, and people in a certain field. Respondents are celebrities, and you know how much attention people pay attention to. Because she is the gold medal host, it gives people the feeling that having an appointment with Lu Yu seems to be an honor, and whether it can go down in history is also something that some people think. If I am lucky enough to be asked by Lu Yu last time, whether I have the feeling of flying, both the charm of the column and the multi-talent of the host. It should be said that no matter which gold medal column is created by people, after a certain effort and wisdom, it will certainly reach the height of people's hopes. The success of "Walk of Fame" is almost the brainchild of a generation. Why "Very 601" can't work once the person is replaced, this shows the level of talent, people do things, things will not be people. The reason why the gold medal column can be produced is the efforts of wise people.

Let's talk about "Pear Garden Spring". Why "Pear Garden Spring" has been on fire for twenty years is inseparable from her original intention: region, characteristics, fairness, justice, experts, scholars, and masters and ancestors known as living fossils, and even the old drama bones that have been given to opera all their lives. Compare the guests from twenty years ago with the current guests, and the roots are not in the same grade. A clear stream of the original rammed became a hodgepodge. Look at the judges, the judges from twenty years ago, the word-for-word comments, and some of the judges correct the mistakes of the contestants with their own singing voices. At present, the judges have too many diplomatic languages and a large number of official words, and what is missing is jargon. I don't blame them all, because he only performs skits, talks about cross-talk, broadcasts weather to report, which will comment on opera, whether Ma Jinfeng's hundred-year opera career has been cultivated into a positive result, and it is still to be commented on by posterity. Not to mention those alternative arts that debuted not long ago, how can they comment on the spring of pear garden, rotten and full of numbers, and spoil a pot of soup. I don't know when the contestants used the noon stage to tell stories, and it seemed that the more tragic the more eye-catching. The audience is concerned about the play, who is willing to watch the tears opposite the joy, with the tears in exchange for sympathy, both contrary to the original intention and unfair, because it is the ring, the audience is to listen to the play, originally full of interest, but it has become a cemetery of crying in the sky, who can accept it, to know that it is to see him crying, will never come to "Pear Garden Spring". Upgrading is indispensable, "Pear Garden Spring" is facing the foundation of the people are cultural people, compared to the opera audience four or nine years ago is a world of difference, when most of the audience is uncultured, vulgar, foreign appearance is more easily accepted by the audience. Modern cultured people want internal letters, there are more and more people in the spring and white snow, there are fewer and fewer people in the lower riba, those vulgar things have no afternoon stage, and they should have been abandoned long ago. Zhang Xiaoying, who was killed in "Pear Garden Spring", is a talent, and the role is played only quietly and quietly, which is very popular with the audience. Don't you know that the partial guidance group harmed Zhang Xiaoying and positioned her as a female ugly, and when she appeared, she was dressed in a big way, wearing a flower on her head, and the image of an old bustard looked very unhappy. I am willing to look at Qingyi, not to look at Lao Dan, let alone The old Dan who is ugly. She began to appear fresh, the scene is like this, it is upsetting, ruining the form, giving people the impression of being ugly. People love beauty, don't artificially turn beauty into ugliness. The program that appeared in the foreign phase was deleted, it did not meet the requirements of cultural people, and the passages of the Eight Classics of Zheng'er were only pleasing to people. Why is the red, white and flowers of Master Chang loved, because the whole story is full of positive energy. Why "Mu Guiying Hanging Veil" has been performed for a long time, because the plot is full of national heroes. In fact, sometimes it is also a good choice to launch a full play for the audience to enjoy. There is also a problem, that is, the slogan on the noon stage of "Pear Garden Spring": "Ring China". Not only will it not be able to beat China, but it may also lose its territory of region and characteristics. From the formulation of this slogan, we know that the TV station has drifted, you can sing the sound of the province and its surrounding areas have been exhausted, and no matter how much trouble you have, you will not be able to resound in the whole country. Nine million and six hundred thousand square kilometers, the southern barbarians, the northern Di, the eastern Yi, the western Rong, how can a local drama be accommodated. Don't think that every province has singing Yu opera, it is because there are migrant workers in Henan, they hum Yu opera from time to time. Don't think that one or two Uighur sisters will sing Yu opera, just think that ten million Uighurs will sing and put gold on their faces. Back to the host and guests, when I said Lu Yu, I said her main style, there was no long speech, give time to the guests, the audience did not forget her existence, but saw her hosting style. In "Pear Garden Spring", the words of the host and guests add up to more than the lines of the singing. The last fallen plant, already I, in order to show my position, there is no word to say. The audience is here to listen to the play, not to listen to your teachings. I don't know anything about opera, I am an authentic layman, and it is precisely because of my love for the gold medal column of "Pear Garden Spring" that I put forward the above humble opinions, and my heart is public, and there is no personal grudge. I wish "Li Tu Chun" better and better, to become a century-old store, this is my heartfelt wish. Remember: only with characteristics can it last, only when there is a region can it have a territory, and only with a territory can you have room for growth, why is Yu opera so popular. Because she has hundreds of millions of viewers, plus some surrounding provinces, there are many people who love Henan opera, this is Zimu, this is the characteristics suitable for the Central Plains, if you discard this feature and mix with other dramas, she is not far from death. Inherit it, netizens like Yu opera.