
Destiny 2 Void Power changes the raid solution, and the Evil Ji Phantom ushers in the best pit season

When a new version of a game is announced, I think the first thing that players think about should be what novel gameplay will appear in the game, after all, the appearance of a gameplay represents the success of the entire expansion. With the debut of the new expansion pack Of Destiny 2, The Phantom of evil, a wave of praise was added to Steam, at this time the series DLC was discounted, and the new DLC was the highest quality ever, so don't miss this opportunity. Similarly, if you're a comeback or a pit because of a game's super high rating, you should be curious about what the new power is called "Void 3.0."

Destiny 2 Void Power changes the raid solution, and the Evil Ji Phantom ushers in the best pit season

Void Power is actually a very common theme in a game like Destiny 2 that is themed around vast interstellar themes. Although all the previous games are mentioned, the frequency of use is not high, so that it does not attract the attention of players, of course, for our old players, there are also a lot of empty content gameplay in the previous game. This time, with the arrival of the Evil Ji Ghost, the Void Force will become a brand new killing weapon!

Destiny 2 Void Power changes the raid solution, and the Evil Ji Phantom ushers in the best pit season

If you're an average Destiny 2 player, this is the perfect chance to return to the game, as the Void of New Strengths you need to be equipped with different weapons and equipment to defeat a steady stream of enemies. The new weapon naturally needs to be explored in the new map, so let's sharpen it!

Destiny 2 Void Power changes the raid solution, and the Evil Ji Phantom ushers in the best pit season

If you want to learn how to play the Void, you can also challenge the in-game raid quests and unlock new adventure poses by challenging the recent Song of the Void! The Raid Quest Glass Vault has a special level, Gorgon's Labyrinth, in which you need to find the right female youkai target and avoid Gorgon's annihilation skills by killing these special banshees in advance. The Power of the Void uses its own special pose to bring all players a new solution to raid, which I believe you can enjoy.

Destiny 2 Void Power changes the raid solution, and the Evil Ji Phantom ushers in the best pit season

Of course, the strength of the void power is also manifested in PVP, the strong lethality of the void and the relatively frequent displacement ability, often in the PVP gameplay can achieve a greater advantage, raiding the opponent instantly change the game pattern.

Destiny 2 Void Power changes the raid solution, and the Evil Ji Phantom ushers in the best pit season

Actually as a new version of the Void Gameplay, if you want to unlock its ultimate ability. You must arm yourself with your own Moon, which is a brand new weapon similar to the weapon held by the Second Master of the Three Kingdoms, how will the new Moon change for us in the other world of Destiny 2? Please wait and see!

Destiny 2 Void Power changes the raid solution, and the Evil Ji Phantom ushers in the best pit season

Overall, the new "Destiny 2" expansion pack Evil Ji Phantom has caused a sensation on the line, as an ordinary interstellar hamster, I believe that everyone will not hesitate to participate in the game and feel the difference. Believe you will be able to have a more exciting adventure while unlocking more powerful abilities and weapons and equipment!

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