
The most beautiful April day on earth, use a picture book to send a touch of green for children

The most beautiful April day on earth, use a picture book to send a touch of green for children

Ruoqing culture

Let the children's book embrace every child

The most beautiful April day on earth, use a picture book to send a touch of green for children

in order to




Spring equinox, spring is in full swing.

Share the spring breeze of the willows,

The sun is shining and the years are long.

The most beautiful April day on earth, use a picture book to send a touch of green for children

Birds scurrying through the treetops;

Shake off the petals like rain;

Wicker dances with the wind;

Show the posture of Lou Ting;

The most beautiful April day on earth, use a picture book to send a touch of green for children

The first touch of green

"Hug Me"

The most beautiful April day on earth, use a picture book to send a touch of green for children

What's the best thing in the world?

Hug someone!

To make the day super awesome,

Father Bear took the bear to walk around the forest,

They hugged Mr. Beaver,

Embraced Miss Weasel,

Embraced the rabbits,

Embraced the big bad wolf,


Father and son embraced almost every friend in the forest,

But they seem to have forgotten someone...

The most beautiful April day on earth, use a picture book to send a touch of green for children

The second touch of green

Frogg's Smile

The most beautiful April day on earth, use a picture book to send a touch of green for children

Frog, the little frog, felt that he was the saddest frog in the world, and everyone tried to make her happy, but they didn't succeed.

The little frog's mother asked Mr. Beaver to bring a gentle, bright smile to the little frog. Mr. Beaver agrees, but something happens on the way, and the task of this smile pass falls on Miss Otter, followed by Mr. Woodpecker... Mrs. Duck is the last smile deliverer, can she complete the task and bring a smile to the little frog?

The most beautiful April day on earth, use a picture book to send a touch of green for children

Third smear green

"Mom, Where Are You"

The most beautiful April day on earth, use a picture book to send a touch of green for children

Mother Bear went to look for honey, Xiong Xiaoxiao decided to go with her father to the familiar crooked neck willow tree to meet her, they kept themselves clean, Xiong Xiaoxiao also made up a song for her mother, but they looked around, how could not find the crooked neck willow tree. At the same time, the mother bear also encountered the same situation, and could not find a place, so she had to ask the other animals in the forest for directions, but strangely, these animals only wanted the hug of the mother bear, and could not help at all. As the sky darkened, the other animals were calling the children home for dinner, could the bear find her mother and go home together?

The most beautiful April day on earth, use a picture book to send a touch of green for children

Fourth smear green

Tiger's Jungle Diaries

The most beautiful April day on earth, use a picture book to send a touch of green for children

Tiger Tiger lives in the rainforest,

He said he was brave, optimistic and lived a "regular" life every day.

In addition to sleeping, he also likes to hang out, chat with friends, find some small snacks...

But other animals in the rainforest don't think so.

They tell a lot of "rumors" about Tiger!

Who is right?

What kind of tiger is Tiger Tiger?

The most beautiful April day on earth, use a picture book to send a touch of green for children

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