
Hot "snow" boiling Spring in China's ice and snow sports has just arrived

Since Beijing won the right to host the Winter Olympics in 2015, more than 300 million people in China have participated in ice and snow sports. The tens of days of wonderful moments condensed from 7 years of time have deeply engraved the culture of the Winter Olympics in people's memories. Although the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics have come to an end, the spring of Ice and Snow Sports in China has just arrived.

Ice and snow culture spread deeply

Popularity has increased

Ice and snow sports culture has a long history in China, and the folk records of making ski equipment from wood and animal bones can be traced back to before the Tang Dynasty. With the emergence of Chinese ice and snow athletes in the world arena in the past 20 years, as well as the formulation of policy documents such as the "Ice and Snow Sports Development Plan (2016-2025)", the ice and snow boom buried in the hearts of the Chinese people has been stimulated, the forces of all sectors of society have been fully mobilized, and China's ice and snow sports have ushered in a historic stage of leapfrog development.

Since the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics in the United States, short-track speed skater Yang Yang won two consecutive gold medals in the 500m and 1000m competitions, achieving a breakthrough of "zero" gold medals in the Chinese Winter Olympics, the volunteer march has resounded in the Olympic arena 22 times. The short track speed skating team, curling team, and freestyle skiing aerial skill team have made athletes such as Wang Meng, Wang Bingyu, and Han Xiaopeng well-known, and have also awakened a strong sense of national pride and identity in the hearts of the public, and enhanced everyone's awareness of ice and snow sports.

At the same time, theme activities around ice and snow and the Winter Olympics have emerged in an endless stream. The ice and snow culture wall, the Olympic knowledge corner and other forms have penetrated into the community, imperceptibly, and further deepened the public's understanding of ice and snow sports.

With a series of plans and measures to promote the development of ice and snow sports, the public's awareness of ice and snow sports has been transformed into enthusiasm, which is also reflected in direct participation. According to the statistical survey report, as of October 2021, the number of participants in ice and snow sports nationwide was 346 million, and the participation rate of residents reached 24.56%. So far, with the joint efforts of various organs, enterprises and institutions, together with all sectors of society, the grand goal of "300 million people on ice and snow" has been realized.

Hot "snow" boiling Spring in China's ice and snow sports has just arrived

The 19th Warhorse Nanshan Open

Since the preparation of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, the education department has continued to promote the "millions of teenagers on the ice and snow" and the "campus ice and snow plan", promoted the "ice and snow into the campus", incorporated the ice and snow sports knowledge education into the teaching content of the school physical education class, and supported the construction of ice and snow sports characteristic schools, and formulated and implemented a series of ice and snow sports teaching plans. By the end of 2021, about 3,000 schools across China have added winter sports to their curricula, and it is expected that by 2025, the number of special schools in ice and snow sports nationwide will reach 5,000.

Hot "snow" boiling Spring in China's ice and snow sports has just arrived

The News Feed focuses on the War Horse Merlot Park Viewing Carnival

Echoing this, enterprises from all walks of life have built a stage for more ice and snow lovers to show themselves and challenge the limits by holding experience days, professional teaching and high-level competitions. This Year's Winter Olympics, su Yiming, who surprised the world with a super difficult foot inward turn of 1800 moves, has emerged as early as the 2015 Nanshan Open. And Nanshan, the cradle of China's veneer culture, during the Beijing Winter Olympics, erected a large screen for watching the game in warhorse Mero Park. The fans who came to ski stopped in front of the big screen and shouted from time to time for Su Yiming and Gu Ailing's jumping, vacating, grabbing boards, and turning.

It seems that behind the ice and snow heat caused by the Beijing Winter Olympics, it is actually the convergence of all parties in society and years of investment.

Ice and snow industry "cold resources to heat economy"

The "war horse" continues to breathe vitality

The successful holding of the Beijing Winter Olympic games and the Winter Paralympic Games has provided a huge market space for the development of the ice and snow industry, and even in the context of the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic and the global economic downturn, it has driven the rise of consumption power against the trend and supported the sunrise of the ice and snow industry. The rapid growth of the ice and snow population in China and the continuous tapping of the potential of the ice and snow market are actually the achievements of the mainland's continuous and vigorous promotion of the national fitness sports culture for many years.

Hot "snow" boiling Spring in China's ice and snow sports has just arrived

Warhorse Merlot Park Spectator Carnival

Up to now, there are 654 standard ice rinks and 803 indoor and outdoor ski resorts in the country, of which the number of indoor ski resorts in mainland China has ranked first in the world. The continuous construction of world-class hardware facilities has made ice and snow sports free from the restrictions of region and seasons, and is no longer exclusive to the north. The new track of the ice and snow industry opened up by combining venues, events, training, etc., has also attracted the attention of many national enterprises.

Hot "snow" boiling Spring in China's ice and snow sports has just arrived

War Horse × GISS Loves Snow Series Teaching

In 2021, Reignwood Group's brand "War Horse" announced that it will cooperate with the International Snow Federation's "GISS Love Snow" project to continuously organize teaching and event activities in major venues across the country, including indoor snow fields. This ski training system, which has dual certifications from the International Snow Federation and the China Snow Association, has attracted public attention and participation as part of the "War Horse Ice and Snow Season". The "Warhorse Ice Season" also includes the "Warhorse Cup National Collegiate Hockey League" for the campus crowd and the "Warhorse Nanshan Open" for top skaters. Combined with Reignwood Group's own snow resources and consumer influence, "War Horse" injected rich content into China's ice and snow industry this winter.

The holding of the Beijing Winter Olympics has led to the rapid growth of ice and snow consumption, promoted the great development of ice and snow sports in China, and also brought huge business opportunities to the global winter sports industry. Since the successful bid for the Olympic Games, enterprises, brands and capital forces around the world have rushed to enter the Chinese market, layout promotion, hoping to share the dividends of China's ice and snow industry upgrading, and also add vitality to the ice and snow fever in 2022.

Hot "snow" boiling Spring in China's ice and snow sports has just arrived

The 3rd National Collegiate Hockey League of the War horse cup

If you want to take advantage of the spring breeze of the "post-Winter Olympic era" to make the land of Shenzhou "hot snow unabated", on the one hand, you need the strong advocacy of the state, on the other hand, you also need the solid support of social forces. It is true that from the perspective of operation, it is a normal reality for enterprises to enter the outlet to achieve economic indicators; but more responsible enterprises will also pay attention to national identity and social identity outside of economic indicators, and constantly tap the hidden value under explicit figures. The long-term development of China's ice and snow sports and industry not only needs the guidance and drive of functional departments, but also needs more national enterprises such as Reignwood Group and its war horse brand to continue to invest in the ice and snow industry in the past ten years and continue to help build ice and snow talent reserves in the future. While operating a benign enterprise, it can also provide a steady stream of energy for the development of China's sports industry, which is a corporate value worthy of encouragement from the whole society.

Today, China's ice and snow industry and ice and snow sports culture are developing and spreading at the fastest speed in the world, and the market size is expected to exceed 800 billion yuan after the Beijing Winter Olympics, and even reach 1 trillion yuan in 2025. It is expected that the ice and snow sports culture will become the "new engine" of China's economy, turn "cold resources" into a "hot economy", carry forward the spirit of the Winter Olympics, and inherit the heritage of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Source: People's Sports

Editor: Chen Chi Review: Peng Qi

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