
The most susceptible love disease in the zodiac signs?

The most susceptible love disease in the zodiac signs?

Symptom 1: Infantile disease

Commonly affected people: Cancer, Libra, Pisces

Symptom Analysis:

Love to be spoiled, like to play rogue, the name of the other party will make outsiders fall on the ground after listening to the goosebumps. The tone of talking to each other likes to imitate children or adults to coax children, often overlapping words, such as "baby, very late, go to bed, obedient, obedient", "honey, I am eating, I am very obedient Oh, when I come back, I must give me kisses as a reward". When Angry, the mouth can be hung on the oil pot, but after a while, it breaks into laughter, and the emotions always come and go without a trace. I am always happy with these childish words and behaviors, and I feel extremely happy and sweet.


Occasional childishness in speech and demeanor can increase the interest between couples. However, in thinking, don't really regard the lover as a father or mother, think of yourself as a child who can be willful and squander his feelings, or a mother loves the father's love and spoils the lover as a daughter or a son. Love that has an unequal status of thought will love very hard!

The most susceptible love disease in the zodiac signs?

Symptom two: unprincipled disease

Commonly affected people: Pisces, Sagittarius, Aquarius

Obviously, I used to swear that I hate people who smoke and drink, but when you know that the other party smokes and drinks, you will tell him that you are willing to accommodate him and adapt to him, because the other party says that you look good in this style of clothing, so every time you will buy the same style of clothing or accessories to wear to him, although you yourself do not like this style at all... Any word or action he makes will affect your choices, driving you to stick to the principle of "as long as he likes it, you will fully accept it", and all other insistences and principles will be abandoned.

Love needs a little accommodation and please, but blindly losing principles, losing your own personality, even the most basic immoral values can be lost, then you also lose the value of being cherished. Be wary of turning yourself into a serious patient with "unprincipled disease"!

The most susceptible love disease in the zodiac signs?

Symptom 3: Flower dementia

Commonly affected people: Libra, Scorpio, Pisces

When dating, once the other party does not kiss you, does not hold your hand, will be very eager for him to hug you, kiss you; when sleeping, if he does not hold you, do not caress you alone, will feel very lost, staring at his sleeping face, there are all kinds of tastes in his heart... Sex hormone levels are high, the brain is full of thoughts of intertwining limbs, kissing, caressing, will strongly care about whether the loved one often has physical contact with himself, if not, he will suspect that the other party's love for you is not deep enough, which is a symptom of "flower dementia".

Fooling around with lovers, hoping that both parties' bodies and minds can be integrated together, which reflects the attachment and desire for love, but with impulse and desire but ashamed to speak, just blindly suppress themselves, then this love emotion will be transformed into disapproval of feelings, making love overshadowed, eager to hug, eager to kiss, eager to caress, directly to each other to express your needs, if you can't say it, why not take the initiative to hug each other?

The most susceptible love disease in the zodiac signs?

Symptom 4: Suffering from gain and loss

Commonly affected people: Virgo, Aquarius, Cancer

Obviously, I like it in my heart, hoping to have results with the other party, but I dare not make a move because I am afraid of rejection; or I am already together, but I am inexplicably afraid that one day I will lose my current happiness. The main manifestation of "suffering from gain and loss of disease" is that no matter what kind of situation the feelings are, they will be dazed and overwhelmed, the more afraid they are, the more inaction they will not do, they will only keep tangling in their hearts, and their emotions will often be inexplicably sad, and They will be self-pitying.

Although sometimes everyone has to face passivity, but can not let the passive wanton development continue, if you do not want this disease to become more and more serious, then you must learn to control the situation, take the initiative. It is better to be rejected than to waste youth in vain; those who are afraid of losing, actively operate, rather than thinking wildly, it is better to look forward to the future beauty.

The most susceptible love disease in the zodiac signs?

Symptom 5: Conjoined infantile disease

Commonly affected people: Taurus, Aries, Scorpio

Whether it is shopping, eating, sleeping, watching TV, either foot to foot, or holding hands, or leaning on the body, or even going to the toilet to follow behind, holding each other from behind... Everything will be inseparable, sticking together like glue all day long, saying words without nutrition will also feel very interesting, like a conjoined baby, some part of the two bodies must be connected together. Even in public, you can treat everyone as nothing, boldly intimate and flirting, regardless of the embarrassment and strange eyes of others.

Strong feelings are naturally good things, but to reflect your love, you can't be so connected in public. Behind closed doors, you can be as intimate as you want, as intense as you want, and why should your happiness give people the opportunity to offer free visits? Love is not a show!

The most susceptible love disease in the zodiac signs?

Symptom 6: Sunburn

Commonly affected people: Gemini, Pisces, Libra

The onset of such diseases is manifested in the fact that they will tell their lovers about their dedication and affection for the previous love, and how the former lovers betray themselves and hurt themselves. People with this disease are more afraid of harm because they have been hurt. Being willing to uncover your scars to the other person means that you really want to love well, but you are also afraid of love.

Its intention is to hope that the other party can feel empathy and can care for you from the bottom of their hearts, and the subtext at this time is "please don't hurt me too." But people with this disease are also prone to become inexplicable, nervous, very sensitive to the words and deeds of lovers, once they feel a little hurt, they will ask each other with self-pity: Why do you also come to hurt me?

The hurt is not caused by him, and even if he loves you, he can't feel it. What reason does he have to bear the mistakes made by others? If you can't forget the hurt you have been, then the hurt will continue into the new relationship and affect the communication of your love. Now that you have started over, let's face the current love with a new, sunny attitude!

The most susceptible love disease in the zodiac signs?

Symptom seven: heart loss

Commonly affected people: Capricorn, Virgo, Leo

The disease usually occurs after a big fight or when a relationship is lost. When he drops the sentence "We all need to calm down and give each other a little time to think" or "Let's break up" and then turns away, it represents the beginning of the illness. Such patients are either unable to face such a situation, or they have not thought that the first person who has the intention of breaking up is the other party, so it is often a sudden illness.

After the onset of the disease, it is as if the whole world has been lost, and it will continue to cry because of a song, it will suddenly go crazy, and it will suddenly be unusually quiet. Often in a trance, disheveled clothes, messy hair, and unaware of things or pain. Either just be grumpy, and whoever provokes who is unlucky. Serious, it is just the same as ordinary people on the surface, but it will suddenly become a workaholic, rushing to work overtime and only focusing on work.

Lost love is like a serious cold, although it is uncomfortable, it is not a terminal illness that cannot be saved. Instead of holding on to the heartache, it is better to think about how to save it, maybe he really just wants to calm down. Even if you can't get it back, you should tell yourself that the better will come later. The snot has flowed, just wipe it clean, and tomorrow the sun will still rise.

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