
Because love loves to hate in a thought

Love is always sweet at the beginning, always feel that there is one more person to accompany, one more person to help you share, and finally less lonely, no matter what you do, as long as you are together is good.

But slowly you will find out the shortcomings of the other party, so one problem after another will appear, and you will start to be annoyed, tired, and even want to escape. Some people say that love is like picking up stones, always wanting to pick up what suits you, but how do you know when you can pick it up? He's right for you, so are you right for him?

I think love is like a grinding stone, maybe you weren't so satisfied when you first picked it up.

But many things can be changed, as long as you have the heart and courage, instead of going around picking up unknown stones, it is better to polish the stones you already have. Have you started grinding? Many people think that it is because the feelings are weak, people will become lazy, in fact, people are conquered by laziness first, and the feelings slowly fade.

At a gathering of friends, someone lamented that when my wife was my girlfriend ten years ago, the shrimp she ate were all peeled for her, and now I am not even interested in picking vegetables for her.

No wonder today's young people only want to talk about a lifetime of love and don't want to get married!

Marriage is easy to make people lazy, if two people are too lazy to talk, too lazy to listen, too lazy to license surprises and romance, too lazy to be gentle and considerate, then the couple will definitely drift apart and become silent!

A couple went to dinner and shopping after work, but the girl was delayed because of the company meeting, and when she arrived in the rain, she was 30 minutes late, and her boyfriend said: "Now I am in no mood, I will never wait for you again." The girls thought they might never have a future again.

If a boy says to a girl, "You must be busy, right?" And put on his own coat for the girl, how warm and happy the picture is!

In fact, love and hate are often only in one thought, love must not only know how to be relaxed but also timely, many things may only lie in the timely change of your state of mind.

We all want to find someone we love very much, but what kind of love is it? When we suddenly awaken to the true meaning of love, we realize how naïve our thoughts are.

We haven't even started how to know that we will love this person very much, and we can only realize it after experiencing many things together.

When you love someone, it's just right to love to eight points, and if you want to give him more love, it's likely to put a lot of pressure on the other person. Let each other breathe, completely lose the joy of love.

Loving someone is to accept rather than endure; to be considerate and considerate; to be tolerant rather than conniving; to be consoling rather than questioning; to pour out rather than accuse; to apologize and thank; to communicate with each other instead of to explain everything; to admit mistakes and to correct mistakes; to silently pray for each other instead of asking for many requests from the other party.

Don't hold hands easily and don't let go easily!

Because love loves to hate in a thought
Because love loves to hate in a thought
Because love loves to hate in a thought
Because love loves to hate in a thought
Because love loves to hate in a thought
Because love loves to hate in a thought
Because love loves to hate in a thought
Because love loves to hate in a thought
Because love loves to hate in a thought

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