
The new "beginning" of smartphone 2022: 100 watts of fast charging has become a must for gaming mobile phones

[Mobile Phone China] 3 months, placed in the long history of human evolution is just a drop of water, even compared with the development history of smart phones in the past 30 years, it is not worth mentioning. However, the truth of dripping water through stones tells us that the people and things that promote the development of the industry never care whether 3 months are too short. At the beginning of 2022, the smartphone industry ushered in the spring as usual, when a new machine came to us, when the industry quietly changed because of them, did anyone smell the mystery behind it? In order to find the answer, Mobile China launched a special report on "The New 'Beginning' of Smartphone 2022", which focuses on "100 watts fast charging".

The new "beginning" of smartphone 2022: 100 watts of fast charging has become a must for gaming mobile phones

100 watts fast charging into a must for gaming mobile phones

I have always believed that a life without spicy food and games is not complete. Thanks to the rapid development of technology, almost everyone now has a mobile phone, which has promoted the popularity of mobile games. According to Newzoo's preliminary estimates, the global game market will reach $93.2 billion in 2021, an increase of about 7.2% over 2020.

Now, playing a game after work or in their spare time has become one of the ways for contemporary young people to decompress, pass the time and even socialize. With the popularity of mobile games, mobile phone manufacturers are also paying more and more attention to game mobile phones.

Mobile phone manufacturers are paying more and more attention to gaming phones

When we mentioned gaming phones before, we may have words such as "niche", "weird", "thick", "unpopular" and so on in our minds. The reason why game phones will leave such an impression is because the manufacturers that specialize in game phones are similar to "Others" manufacturers such as Red Devils, Nubia, Black Shark, Rescuers, etc., and mainstream mobile phone manufacturers such as Apple, Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO, vivo, etc. do not do specialized game phones.

The new "beginning" of smartphone 2022: 100 watts of fast charging has become a must for gaming mobile phones

Red Devils 7

However, in the past two years, the sudden outbreak of the epidemic has trapped people at home, restricted people's travel, and more and more people choose to play games as a daily pastime. According to the 48th Statistical Report on the Development of China's Internet Network, as of June 2021, the number of online game users in the mainland reached 509 million, accounting for 50.4% of the total netizens.

In the face of such a large game market, mainstream manufacturers are of course aware of it, and many brands with e-sports attributes have emerged, among which iQOO performance is even more debuted. Canalys data shows that although it has only been established for a few years, in the second quarter of 2018 to the first quarter of 2021, iQOO won 23% of the market share, ranking first. The second and third ranks are the Redmi K series and the realme X series, accounting for 20% and 19% respectively.

The new "beginning" of smartphone 2022: 100 watts of fast charging has become a must for gaming mobile phones

Gaming mobile phone market share from the second quarter of 2018 to the first quarter of 2021

In 2022, Redmi and realme will increase again. Redmi launched the main game market e-sports mobile phone - Redmi K50 e-sports edition at the beginning of the year; realme is the official announcement of the true me GT Neo series positioning upgrade: committed to creating a more extreme, more trendy "tide play e-sports flagship", and the first product after the product line upgrade, the real me GT Neo3 was officially unveiled.

100 watts fast charging into the game phone standard

The e-sports mobile phones released by Redmi and realme, which started with cost performance, have rolled the game phone (e-sports mobile phone) to a new height.

Known as the "full line of cold-blooded flagship" Redmi K50 e-sports edition equipped with 4700mAh battery, support 120W fairy seconds charge, 17 minutes can charge the phone to 100%; realme true me GT Neo3 is equipped with the fastest 150W light speed second charge in history, 5 minutes can charge the phone to 50%, 15 minutes can be 4500mAh battery full.

The new "beginning" of smartphone 2022: 100 watts of fast charging has become a must for gaming mobile phones

The True Self GT Neo3 is equipped with a 150W lightspeed second charge

"Old" game mobile phone manufacturers of course will not be bad, this year's first release of iQOO 9 Pro equipped with 120W super fast charge, 50W wireless flash charge and 10W reverse charging, the fastest 19 minutes can be fully charged 4700mAh battery; then unveiled game phone Red Devil 7 equipped with 4500mAh full-pole ear dual cell large-capacity battery, support 120W magic flash fast charge, only 17 minutes to fully charge the phone.

On the evening of March 30, the Black Shark 5 series was officially released, equipped with a 4650mAh battery, which also supports 120W super flash charge, and the fastest 15 minutes can be charged to 100%. In 2022, 100-watt fast charging seems to have become the "standard" of gaming phones.

The new "beginning" of smartphone 2022: 100 watts of fast charging has become a must for gaming mobile phones

Black Shark 5 Series

It is worth mentioning that the true self GT Neo3 150W flash charge version uses the lowest 8GB + 256GB memory version, priced at 2699 yuan, once again pulling the 100-watt fast charge to the 2K price point (the last time was the Redmi Note11 series). If the mobile phone manufacturer continues to roll down, I believe that it is not difficult to decentralize a large number of 100 watts of fast charging to the price segment below 2K.

Will Fast Charge still improve this year?

Once upon a time, the era of universal charging was still 2.5W power, and then Apple increased the charging power to 5W (and maintained it for a long time). In that era, it took 2 hours or more for mobile phones to be fully charged, and it was common to charge all night.

The new "beginning" of smartphone 2022: 100 watts of fast charging has become a must for gaming mobile phones

Universal charging (source network)

But soon domestic mobile phone manufacturers saw this pain point. Soon after, OPPO launched 18W fast charging technology, and quickly sold out of the circle with the brainwashing slogan of "charging for 5 minutes, talking for 2 hours". Subsequently, mobile phone manufacturers have awakened, and 22.5W charging power has gradually entered everyone's field of vision. After that, the charging power of the mobile phone rose like a rocket, rising from 45W to 65W in a year or two, and then to 120W. Today, realme has launched the fastest 150W lightspeed second charge in history.

The new "beginning" of smartphone 2022: 100 watts of fast charging has become a must for gaming mobile phones

Charge for 5 minutes and talk for 2 hours

But have you found that the Red Devil 7 is also equipped with a 4500mAh battery, supports 120W magic flash fast charging, and can also charge the phone in 17 minutes. From the Red Devils' 120W flash charge to realme's 150W, the charging power has increased by 30W, but the charging time has only been shortened by 2 minutes. So, will fast charging still make progress this year?

From the perspective of consumer demand, at the beginning, people need faster charging power because the pace of life is accelerating, coupled with people's dependence on mobile phones, it is really impossible to wait for 2 hours for mobile phones to be fully charged. 2 hours of time, you can already prepare dishes, cook, eat and then pack up, such a long time can not play mobile phones, put now who can stand? Therefore, increasing the charging time of mobile phones from 2 hours to 45 minutes is just needed, which meets the needs of people who want mobile phones to be fully charged as soon as possible.

But now the mobile phone power can be filled in the fastest 15 minutes, even if it is to play the mobile phone at night to forget to charge, get up in the morning to brush your teeth, wash your face, the mobile phone power can be filled with a large half, completely alleviating people's battery life anxiety, mobile phone use experience greatly improved! Although life is fast-paced, I believe most people can squeeze out these 15 minutes. At this time, even if the charging power of the mobile phone is increased to 200W, the user experience is not intuitive from 5W to 45W and from 45W to 120W.

The new "beginning" of smartphone 2022: 100 watts of fast charging has become a must for gaming mobile phones

Moreover, the higher the charging power, the higher the requirements for the battery. In addition, the normal charging charge will lose a lot, and the greater the power, the more obvious the loss. At the same time, the general Type-C interface can not withstand such a large amount of power, and now mobile phone manufacturers have come up with the treasure of "gallium nitride", so that the charger volume can be controlled. In the future, with the increase of mobile phone charging power, the technical difficulty will be doubled. Spend a lot of energy and financial resources to study and can not improve how much charging experience of fast charging, not no, but not necessarily.


As the old saying goes, "Too much is too late". Although the 120W fast charge is charged quickly, it can no longer bring the out-of-the-loop effect of "charging for 5 minutes and talking for 2 hours" for mobile phone manufacturers. 120W fast charging is still so, 140W, 180W, 200W, 300W fast charging for mobile phone manufacturers is more of a "invested a lot of energy, financial resources, but can only improve the charging experience in a very small way", it is better to change the way of thinking.

At present, all industries around the world are advocating "environmental protection", and some mobile phone manufacturers have even cancelled the charger, but the reputation is mixed. For the industry, perhaps the unification of charging protocols is a better way to improve the experience and be more environmentally friendly than increasing the charging power and canceling the charger.

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